
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

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20 Chs

The High Duke’s Gambit

High Duke's Terrace

The High Duke's villa was a marvel of luxury and architectural brilliance, situated on the outskirts of the imperial city, surrounded by lush gardens and overlooking the serene expanse of the crystal-clear Lake Seraph. The terrace, where Kent was to meet the High Duke, offered a breathtaking view of the sunset, with the sky ablaze in hues of orange and purple. The marble flooring of the terrace was cool underfoot, and ornate columns supported a canopy draped with rich, flowing fabrics. Intricate patterns were etched into the stone railings, and fragrant flowers in gilded pots added splashes of colour to the tranquil setting.

Kent walked onto the terrace, his senses assaulted by the sheer beauty of the place. The High Duke stood at the far end, his silhouette framed by the dying light of the sun. A table with two chairs had been set up, a pot of steaming coffee and delicate porcelain cups arranged neatly on it.

The High Duke's Proposition

"Welcome, Kent," the High Duke said, his voice smooth and inviting. He gestured to the chair opposite him. "Please, sit."

Kent complied, maintaining his composure. "Thank you for inviting me, my lord."

The High Duke poured coffee for both of them, his movements graceful and deliberate. "I must say, you have made quite an impression at the court today. Your boldness is refreshing, if a bit unexpected."

Kent accepted the cup, taking a sip before responding. "I only spoke what I believe to be the truth."

The High Duke smiled a hint of something predatory in his eyes. "Indeed. Truth is a rare commodity in our world, Kent. It is often buried beneath layers of deceit and ambition."

Kent nodded, his expression neutral. "I've found that to be the case."

The High Duke leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Kent's face. "You have great potential, Kent. Potential that could be nurtured and guided. Imagine what you could achieve with the right support."

Kent inclined his head slightly. "And what kind of support would that be, my lord?"

The High Duke's smile widened. "The kind that can propel you to unimaginable heights. Power, influence, wealth—everything you could ever desire. All you need to do is align yourself with the right allies."

The Subtle Manipulation

Kent listened, his mind working swiftly. He could sense the underlying motives in the High Duke's words, the subtle attempt to draw him into a web of allegiance. "Allies are indeed important," he said carefully. "But one must choose them wisely. Not all alliances are beneficial."

"Very true," the High Duke agreed, his eyes gleaming. "But some alliances are indispensable. You have the strength and the wisdom, Kent. With my guidance, you could become one of the most powerful figures in the empire."

Kent took another sip of his coffee, considering his next words. "Power is a dangerous thing. It can corrupt even the best of men. I've seen it happen."

The High Duke's gaze hardened slightly. "You speak wisely, but power is also a necessity. Without it, one cannot protect what they hold dear. Your family, for instance. Wouldn't you want to ensure their safety and prosperity?"

Kent met the High Duke's eyes, unflinching. "I do. But I believe in earning my power, not being handed it. True strength comes from within, not from external sources."

The High Duke's smile faded slightly, replaced by a more calculating look. "You are a stubborn one, Kent. Admirable, but perhaps misguided. There are forces at play that you cannot even begin to comprehend. Aligning with me would provide you with the means to navigate these complexities."

The Firm Rejection

Kent set his cup down, leaning forward slightly. "I appreciate your offer, my lord. But I have my path to follow. I will not be swayed by promises of power and influence. My loyalty lies with my family and my principles."

The High Duke's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "You are making a mistake, Kent. Refusing my offer could have dire consequences. Think carefully about what you are turning down."

Kent stood, his expression resolute. "I have thought carefully, my lord. And my decision stands. I will not fall for your tricks."

With those final words, Kent turned and walked away, leaving the High Duke staring after him, a mix of anger and intrigue in his eyes.

The Aftermath

As Kent made his way out of the villa, he encountered Duke Rid and Count Dwyne, both of whom looked at him with disdain. "Johnson," Duke Rid sneered. "Think you're too good for the rest of us, do you?"

Kent ignored them, his focus unwavering. Count Dwyne stepped forward, his face twisted with anger. "You'll regret this, Johnson. Mark my words."

Kent continued walking, not sparing them a glance. Their threats were empty to him, mere noise in the background of his thoughts.

Reflection and Resolve

Kent was now a 1st Rate Knight, his skills honed to perfection. As he headed back to his estate, his mind turned to the next step in his journey. He thought about the Dead Squad, a group of elite warriors bound by a technique known only to him. It was time to contact them, to gather his forces and prepare for the challenges ahead.

He reached the outskirts of the city, the familiar landscape bringing a sense of calm to his mind. The technique he used to control the Dead Squad was intricate and dangerous, a secret that he created with practice and experience. He needed to focus, to remember every detail perfectly.

The Personal Technique

Kent found a secluded spot, a small clearing surrounded by trees. He sat down, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The technique required immense concentration and a deep connection to his inner self.

Slowly, he felt the connection form, a bond that linked him to the members of the Dead Squad. He could sense their presence, feel their readiness. They were waiting for his command, loyal and unwavering.

Kent opened his eyes, a determined look on his face. TWO was standing just next to it "Congratulations on your reincarnation, My Lord" TWO said politely. With the Dead Squad by his side, Kent would face whatever challenges came his way.