
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

38. Arion's Birth Celebration

Many guests had already arrived at the party room of the Gewitter Palace. Among them were family members from the Flammen Kingdom, the Glatteis Kingdom, and the Schatten Kingdom.

Just as the Gewitter Kingdom was symbolized by the elemental magic of lightning, the other kingdoms also had their own elemental magic symbols.

The Flammen Kingdom is symbolized by Fire Elemental Magic, the Glatteis Kingdom is symbolized by Ice Elemental Magic, and the Schatten Kingdom is symbolized by Shadow Elemental Magic.

At that moment, the three kingdoms were chatting intimately with each other, far away from the nobles who could only stare at them from a distance. None of the nobles had enough courage to approach the royal members.

"Edric! Philip! Long time no see!" Oscar was the first to greet the other two kings with a loud laugh. He couldn't pretend that he had met Edric only a few days ago to avoid suspicion.

Edric smiled, "You look energetic as always, Oscar." He held out his hand for a handshake.

Oscar laughed and accepted Edric's handshake, "Of course I have to be energetic! I'm still young!"

Philip snorted, "There's no way this guy can stand still for a moment. Doesn't matter if he's in his 30s."

Now it was Philip's turn to shake Oscar's hand. He had already shaken hands with Edric before Oscar arrived.

"You flatter me!" Oscar's reply made Edric and Philip look at each other.

Edric whispered to Philip, "I'm pretty sure that's not a compliment, is it?"

Philip grimaced quietly, "It's not."

"Hm?" Oscar blinked in confusion. Why are they suddenly whispering and looking at him so strangely?

"It's nothing." Edric and Philip shook hands at the same time.

Oscar raised his eyebrows in confusion but decided to ignore it, "By the way, how is your kingdom doing?"

Meanwhile, the queens also chatted happily with the children, standing slightly behind the mothers so as not to interrupt their reunion.

Meanwhile, the babies were in the arms of their personal attendants. The queens wanted to release their longing first without disturbing the babies, who were sleeping soundly at the moment.

"Jane! Daisy! How are you?" Martha greeted her other two friends happily. She hugged Jane first, who laughed happily.

"Very well! And if it weren't for royal business, I would have come this morning like you to pass the time. My vacation was cut short." Jane returned her best friend's hug with a small grunt.

Martha chuckled, "You haven't seen Arion yet, have you? He's so cute!" She said in a teasing tone, knowing her friends were curious as well.

Jane sighed in annoyance, "Shut up. Don't make me any more curious."

Martha laughed before turning to Daisy, who had been watching their interaction with a smile from her wheelchair.

Daisy had been in poor health for a long time. Sometimes she was too weak to walk or get out of bed, so she often had to use a wheelchair to get around.

Martha gently hugged her friend, "I see you are feeling very well today, Daisy. I'm so happy for you."

Daisy just laughed softly and patted her best friend on the shoulder, "I'm glad I didn't miss this important event, too. I wanted to see little Arion in person anyway."

Martha giggled and released her hug, "Good spirit!"

Then she turned to her oldest son, "Noam."

Noam saluted his mother and came to stand beside her. He put on his trademark cheerful smile, "Long time no see! Zane! Rose!"

Jane smiled before turning to her son, "Zane, come say hello.''

Zane nodded and stood beside his mother. With a calm smile, he nodded to his friends, "It's good to see you again. You all look well."

Daisy patted her eldest daughter on the head, trying to encourage her, "Come on, you too, Rose."

Rose just bowed slightly, "Me too."

The door to the room suddenly opened wide, drawing everyone's attention. There was Arsen, and next to him was Natalie holding Arion, with the twins standing to the right and left of their parents.

"Make way for..."

"His Majesty the King, Arsen Gewitter!"

"Her Majesty the Queen, Natalie Gewitter!"

"His Highness the Crown Prince, Eric Gewitter!"

"Her Highness the Princess, Hana Gewitter!"

"His Highness the Second Prince, Arion Gewitter!"

As the members of the Gewitter royal family walked through the hall, the nobles bowed respectfully to them. Meanwhile, the allies just smiled when they saw that the main star had arrived.

Arion looked around uncomfortably, 'Ugh, too many people.'

He could feel the people's eyes piercing him. Arion sank deeper into his mother's arms.

When they reached the end of the hall, Arsen opened his voice to say the opening greeting.

"First, I, as King of the Gewitter Kingdom, thank our allies for coming to honor our invitation."

Arsen turned to the other royal members. He nodded to them.

"From the kingdom of Flammen, King Oscar Flammen, Queen Martha Flammen, Crown Prince Noam Flammen, and Second Prince Seth Flammen."

Oscar smiled broadly and gave his rival a thumbs up, while Martha clapped lightly. Noam gave a small wave to Hana, who chuckled softly.

"From the Kingdom of Glatteis, King Edric Glatteis, Queen Jane Glatteis, Crown Prince Zane Glatteis, and Princess Fiona Glatteis."

Edric nodded with a small smile, as did Jane. Zane nodded to Eric with a small smile, who nodded back.

"From the Schatten Kingdom, King Philip Schatten, Queen Daisy Schatten, Crown Princess Rose Schatten, and Second Princess Kalyca Schatten."

Philip just nodded as Daisy smiled at Natalie, who smiled back. Meanwhile, Rose made only a small bow.

Oscar stifled a laugh, "He's very stiff as usual." He whispered to Edric next to him, who just shook his head in resignation.

Martha, hearing her husband's mutterings, immediately elbowed him, "Hold your tongue! Act like a king!"

Arsen cleared his throat before continuing, "Here I will officially introduce my second son, the second prince of the Gewitter Kingdom, Arion Gewitter."

At the same time, all the nobles bowed once more and chanted in unison, as if they had practiced saying it.

"May the second prince always be blessed by the lightning of Gewitter!"

Arion could feel his body shaking, uncomfortable with their combined voices, 'Too loud...'

Arsen nodded in satisfaction, "Please enjoy the party."

With that, soft music began to play, creating a calmer atmosphere after the initial tension.

Arion breathed a sigh of relief and began to relax his grip, 'At least the music isn't loud.'

Arsen and his family approached their allies who were already waiting for their arrival, ignoring the few looks from the nobles. Maybe the nobles wanted to come over but didn't dare.

As usual, Oscar was the first to speak, "Arsen, my friend! You look so boring over there!"

Arsen was silent for a moment before he snorted sarcastically, "I feel sorry for your wife."

"Hey!" Oscar shouted in disapproval. What was his mistake this time? Arsen looked boring earlier! He didn't even say anything to lift people's spirits.

Without him noticing, Martha was already looking at him sharply, "You call the official royal speech boring? Do you want me to organize more official speeches for you so you can understand what boring is?"

Immediately, Oscar felt his whole body shudder in horror. Without feeling embarrassed in front of his friends, he began to whine to his wife, "Come on, honey, I was just kidding. Please don't torture me."

Arion looked at the unique couple, 'The type of husband who is afraid of his wife, huh. Even though he is a king.'

It seems his royal title doesn't work when it comes to dealing with his wife's anger. This was new information to Arion.

Edric chuckled at their behavior before returning his focus to Arsen, "Congratulations on the birth of your second son, Arsen." He extended his hand for a handshake.

Arsen nodded at him, "Thank you, Edric." He replied briefly but kindly. He accepted Edric's handshake.

Philip also shook Arsen's hand, "Good choice for the timing of the celebration.''

Now it was Philip's turn to speak. Usually the celebration of the birth of a royal offspring is always held a few days after the birth.

Arsen snorted, "You know me well, Philip."

Arion looked at him curiously, 'His attitude towards her is very different from that of the red-haired king. Seems more friendly.'

He really didn't care as long as no one disturbed his momentary peace. Arion began to feel tired.

"The nobles must have given you a hard time." Edric said, worried about the hardships Arsen must have experienced.

The nobles were usually very arrogant and demanding, especially the old ones. They pushed hard to show off their royal offspring as soon as possible. The other three kings had often felt this as well as Arsen.

Arsen chuckled, "You three don't need my answer to know that."

They sighed at the same time. Just hearing it made them sick. These old nobles had often given them headaches.

They wanted to get rid of them, but they were still quite useful. Useful for them to use, of course.

Well, it's all worth it, right?