
The strength of the Salvation Army

No words all night.

Early the next morning, Li Yu as usual up morning exercise, downstairs, by the way to see the medical room, Song Min still did not wake up, but the wound has been much better.

In the bed next to accompany the night Song Qi saw Li Yu over, got up to say hello. Li Yu saw his bloodshot eyes, some touched in his heart, although it looks like a tall boy, in fact, is still a minor, Song Min on the bed is his only family in the world.

There was a girl next to the bed, and she stayed with her all night. Li Yu nodded as a greeting. Then he went out.

May morning, not cold not hot, the breeze there is a touch of flowers, fresh taste, so that Li Yu smell, the mood becomes happy.

Began to run, still around the base ran a circle, and then began to climb the mountain, overlooking the entire base in the peak, looking at the original base of empty, step by step construction to more and more night, and in the back constantly from the outside to fill things in, now more and more things in the base, but still appear well organized.

Go down the hill.

On the way, I met my uncle and some people in the base and said hello to each other. I also met the third daughter of the fourth uncle, with a few young radish heads at home, leading cattle and sheep, to the mountains to graze.

Hearing the younger Cousins of each age, one big brother, Li Yu's heart was more happy. Family and everything is prosperous, generation by generation, a steady stream of people, which is one of the signs of family prosperity.

I went back to my room, washed up, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Breakfast is very simple, adults mainly eat corn and white porridge, still developing children have milk and some eggs. Because yesterday Song Qi and optimistic little girl blood, so let them also enjoy the welfare of children, make up a body.

After breakfast, Li Tie is going to go out to carry Song Min their things back, this time Li Yu does not go out, let uncle go out together, plus before Song Min's two little girls, a total of almost 7 people set out.

Li Yu also reminded them before they set out, be careful on the road, do not be impulsive in any sudden situation, before the past, first observe for a while, and on the way back, pay attention to concealment, do not be tracked by others.

Uncle in the base for a period of time, know the importance of the base hidden, plus he was originally a captain of the armed police, he is extremely excellent in all aspects.

With uncle in, Li Yu was relieved.

  Their eldest is a former local real estate boss, do a large scale, but because of the economic situation is not good in the past two years, insolvency, on the verge of bankruptcy.

The end times came!

No debt a light, coupled with a special demolition team under the hands, a personnel gathered, suddenly became the largest force group in the city, the key is the Salvation Army boss, enterprising very strong, has been constantly expanding the sphere of influence, receiving personnel. Meet other forces, or be conquered, and pay protection money according to time. Or be destroyed.

The Salvation Army did not set up its own areas for farming, nor did it collect supplies. For them, his law is, other forces, grain, plant. They... just squeeze the other forces.

Just stay strong enough!

They have a coordinated plan, the internal rules are very strict, the law of the jungle. But the overall strength is still very powerful.

Under each group, there are two to four team leaders. 

The Salvation Army, in other words, has between 500 and 800 personnel. This is a huge power group, the population difference is ten times the personnel in the base!

And are strong men, Li Yu after hearing a sense of oppression.

But fortunately, in the safest country in the world, gun control is very strict. Before the end times, ordinary people hardly saw real guns. And the armory of the government, ordinary people do not know its location.

And now because of the virus, the rain, the zombie madness. The government forces have not yet seen it.

So, the Saviors they didn't have a lot of guns, and they used a lot of them when they were constantly attacking other forces, and now the Saviors use very few guns.

For example, the last time the Salvation Army went to the gas station, the leader was actually armed with a gun, but he was given a small quota of bullets, and he ran out of bullets and had to use cold weapons to resist.

This is good news.

Began to take the initiative to tell Li Yu they know everything, Li Yu did not have a full letter, just give him some food to eat the rest, let him survive first.

This hairy brother, hands and feet are tied very tightly, and there is a special guard.  See if you can get more out of his mouth.

See he is still alive, Li Yu did not say anything, anyway sooner or later to die, interrogation may also be able to reveal some information.

For the enemy, Li Yu has always struck hard, can kill never leave behind trouble, can solve once, absolutely not a second time.

Li Yu's life is only one, and he has many relatives to protect him.

So, he... Cherish your life!

As soon as he came out, he saw Li Yuan running towards him. Seeing Li Yu, Li Yuan shouted as he ran: "Brother, that Song Min woke up and said he wanted to see you!"

Li Yu raised his eyebrows and woke up?

"Yes, I'll go." Li Yu answered with a nod and went straight to the medical room.