
Twists of Fate!

Inside the Grey Manor, a young boy could be seen sitting on a young lady's lap. The young lady had her arms wrapped around the young boy. She was reclining on the sofa with a serene smile on her face.

The young boy seemed to be only three or four years old but his appearance could be said to provoke any man or woman. The boy had silky black hair like the young lady and his appearance also closely resembled her. The young boy had chubby cheeks and soft skin. Any female would want to hug the boy and kiss his chubby provoking cheeks, just waiting to be ravaged.

The young lady also didn't lose out in appearance. Her skin was almost jade like, perfect without any blemishes. She had naturally pink lips and shiny black hair cascading down freely.

Suddenly, loud noise of metal clanking could be heard from outside the room they were sitting. The young boy opened his eyes and revealed his most charming feature, big round beautiful emerald green eyes. The young boy looked at his mother calmly, his eyes showing great intelligence and maturity that a boy of his age should not possess.

"Dear Mother, I wasn't informed Baddy Gu would be visiting us again today" the young boy spoke in a clear speech and voice that wasn't high pitched like other boys of age three or four. If anyone heard the young boy speak, they would be shocked. The young lady looked to be just past her twenties and there wasn't a trace of motherly appearance on her.

The young lady opened her eyes, similarly colored as the young boy's and smiled, "I thought a surprise would be a great present for my baby boy today".

"There was no need for you to go that far and give me a present today Dear Mother, especially if it includes Baddy Gu" the young boy spoke with a helpless expression as he looked towards the door that was just abo-


-ut to be barged open. The intruder who entered was a blonde haired young girl that seemed to be just past her mid-teenage years wearing a red colored armor. She had a slender and long sword sheathed on her waist. The young girl was carrying a solemn expression and exuding a serious aura but when her eyes landed on the young boy, they instantly disappeared.

"My Angel, there you are. I have missed you so much since this morning" the young girl spoke and rushed towards the young boy and clenched his fist as he braced himself. The young girl scoped the young boy from his mother's lap and gave him a strong hug.

"GA!" the young boy felt a great impact and he became suffocated. The young girl twirled around with the young boy in his hug before she sat down and place the young boy on her lap, facing her. She smiled joyfully and grabbed both of the young boy's cheeks and started squishing and stretching them.

"shushzahsu" strange noises were coming out from the boy's mouth as tears started coming out from his eyes. One would finally realize why the boy's cheeks were so chubby.

"Welcome Sister Gu" a voice suddenly came from the doorway to another room. When the young boy heard this voice, he forced his cheeks out of the young girl's vice like finger and ran towards where the voice came from.

"uwa~ Elder Sister save me, Baddy Gu is hurting me again" the young boy screamed and hugged anther young girl similar to him in appearance except she was sitting in a wheel chair. This young girl had black hair and eyes just like the young boy and lady. Her face was youthful with small lips and nose that one couldn't help but pinch. This young girl wrapped her hands around the young boy as well and patted his head.

"It is very bad to call other by such names Lil' Yang, especially your elders" the young girl softly reprimanded the young boy but she too was internally helpless. Whenever the blonde girl came to their house, she would also pinch the young boy's cheeks and no one is able to stop her.

"humph! I don't care, Baddy Gu will always be Baddy Gu" the young boy harrumphed and looked at the young blonde girl hatefully.

"Little Gu, did you have an important reason to visit us?" the young lady that was sitting quietly all along, looking at the antics of the young boy, decided to speak.

"Ah yes Aunt Xu, I did come here for a reason actually" the blonde girl answered "I came to remind you that today is the day of Bone Inspection of the new generation"

Hearing the young girl speak, the black haired lady frowned and the girl on the chair suddenly trembled and tightened the hug she was giving to the young boy. The black haired lady noticed this and her eyes darkened.

The young blonde noticed their change in expressions and her mood would've worsened as well but she smiled brightly.

"Also, General Hu has returned from the borders and he will be attending this ceremony"

The moment the lady and girl heard the blonde girl's worlds, their eyes widened in surprise before they became ecstatic and their faces brightened up.

"Is this true?" the lady asked to confirm. The blonde girl nodded and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great, I will go and make preparations immediately" the lady spoke and hurriedly left. The blonde girl was smiling all the time, internally being happy to see her Aunt's good mood.

The young boy also noticed the black haired girl's elation and asked curiously, "Elder Sister, who is General Hu?"

The black haired girl looked at young boy with a smile, "General Hu is the General of the Green Cloud Army. He is a very respected and revered figure by every citizen of the Kingdom and he has another identity" she said "Before he is the General of the Army, he is our Grandfather"

The young boy's eyes brightened as he suddenly felt a sort of kinship with this Grandfather of his which he had never met.

'Interesting, I am amazed by the twists of fate' the young boy thought 'after being reincarnated with a mother who looks exactly like my mother from previous life and my grandfather is a General of the Army, along with my name being the same as my previous life. So many coincidences, it is as if I am made to be the son of this family'

The young boy is General Yang, or rather was in his previous life. When he was first born, he was shocked to find his mother in this life to be exactly like his previous. He felt a long lost connection suddenly being restored.

These three years were the years that he could say the best he had ever had. He had a mother that didn't feel foreign, a sister that took care of him like his mother and a cousin who he feared because of the torture she inflicts upon his cheeks.

General Yang had noticed, after he had been dropped by the King, that he had a frail body. It was so weak that if he didn't do anything about it, he doubted he could live past a few months. Fortunately, he had something from his previous life the defied all natural orders there exists.

Within half an year, he strengthened his body and now he was healthier than the healthiest baby in the entire Kingdom. He also helped his mother regain her youth and cured her Sisters face which was actually very easy. All he had to do was upgrade their body's natural healing capability and life force. Although he couldn't heal his Sister's crippled leg but he didn't worry because it won't before long his sister would walk again like a normal person.

After an hour, General Yang's mother, sister and cousin could be seen walking out of the Grey Manor's main gates. The Grey Manor was inside the Palace and except the servants and guards, no one could be seen usually but today, there were quite a few people coming in the gates of the Palace with their carriages. All these people had common traits; they were wearing expensive clothing. General Yang could already infer that these were the nobles of Green Cloud Kingdom.

When General Yang and his family passed by, everyone were giving them looks. It was not surprising since each of them were extremely good looking plus, they carried a dignified demeanor worthy of the Royal family.

Each and every visitor had a similar thought, 'Who are these three'. Everyone recognized the girl in red armor as she was famous in the entire Capital but the trio wasn't.

The Lady in armor led the trio through the gates of the Palace and guided them into the King's Hall. There were quite a few people already inside the Hall and more were coming in. General Yang noticed many young boys and girls ranging from age 3 to 5 standing with their parents looking around curiously like naïve little innocent children.

Before long, the eunuch of the Palace, a fat man came through the doors haughtily.

"His Majesty, King Murong Baishi and Her Highness, Queen Chang Lin has arrived" the eunuch exclaimed in a high pitched voice. General Yang cringed at the pitch of the eunuch's voice as the two gigantic gates behind him opened. The King of the Green Cloud Kingdom walked in the front with a big red cape dragging on the ground behind him. He held his chin up and released the aura of a King, although to General Yang, the aura he was releasing barely qualified to be an aura of Royalty.

Behind the King, a beautiful lady was following in his footsteps. She had a slight smile on her face. She wore a purple dress with a purple net around it. She was also wearing quite the amount of jewelry and adorned a crown on her head.

When General Yang's mother, Elder Sister and Cousin noticed the woman as well as the title that the eunuch introduced her with, they frowned but didn't feel it was unexpected. They had been expelled from the Palace for three whole years and the Queen's position was easily grabbed by the previously Entitled Concubine Lin.

The King and new Queen walked up to their Thrones and stood in front of them. Everyone in the hall kneeled in show of respect to them, except three people and it didn't take a genius to figure out who these three were.

The eunuch noticed those three and internally thought who they were. If it was a usual day, he would've screamed at them at their audacity and show of disrespect but from their appearance, they seemed to have come from a not so simple background.

The King and new Queen also noticed them. The new Queen frowned in displeasure as she saw that her first appearance to the high echelon of the Green Cloud Kingdom didn't go without any disturbances. She also became internally jealous seeing the young lady with a perfect skin not wearing any make-up and still stand out. She also noticed the beautiful girl in chair.

"Welcome to my Green Cloud Kingdom, guests. May I inquire about your identity?" The Queen asked in an amiable tone. Everyone noticed her wordings and were puzzled internally but didn't show it on their faces.

The young lady, General Yang's mother smirked as she saw the King and new Queen's bewildered faces. She was going to have a satisfying time looking at their expressions when she introduces herself but she didn't have the opportunity to speak before her niece beat her to it.

"My Liege, she is the former Queen Shang Xu which the King had expelled from the Palace, the young girl on the wheel chair is her daughter Princess Shuan and the little boy is Prince Yang, both of which the King also expelled from the Palace" the girl in red armor spoke every work loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear it. Each and every person in the entire Hall was stunned and they couldn't help but show it on their faces.

The news of the former Queen being expelled was a secret to everyone and when they recalled the new Queen who was the former Concubine, they finally realized that they matter wasn't as simple as it seemed.

The Queen and King were the most shocked of them all. They remembered the former Queen to have white hair and a wrinkled face, not such a young appearance. Even more surprising was Princess Shuan, who dubbed to be the most hideous Princess in all History of mankind. Now she could be dubbed as the most beautiful girl in the entire Kingdom and no one would refute it.

The girl in red armor would never have the guts to use those words when introducing them but after she discovered the news of who had come back from the Borders, she became courageous.

"hoh~ What is this I am hearing about my daughter being expelled?" Suddenly, a deep voice resounded throughout the Hall which made everyone's heart tremble, especially the King and Queen. The fearfully turned and saw a giant man, wearing silver colored armor with a red dragon decorated around it in a domineering manner. This tall man had a head full of snow white hair and a small beard. His eyebrows were thin, almost as thin as a sword's sharp edge. Although his hair was snow, there wasn't a trace of wrinkle on his face but it was rough.

This white haired man had a wide body. His biceps were extremely buffed and seemed as they would break the metal armor around it and burst out. His thighs were in the same shape and situation.

Everyone recognized this man, for he was the one that made everyone else in the Hall lead free and unfettered lives.

"G-General Hu" the eunuch almost shat in his pants for the General was standing a few feet away from him. His whole body was trembling from the mere presence of the General. Where the King had to release his aura to make everyone respect him, the General's mere name not to mention presence made everyone revere him with respect.

"Papa" the young lady, General Yang's mother's face bloomed like a flower and she ran towards the General and hugged him. Princess Shuan also became extremely joyful. The girl in red armor stood up from her kneeling position and pushed the wheelchair of Princess Shuan while beckoning General Yang to come along.

General Hu smiled as he saw his daughter and became internally surprised at how youthful she looked. He recalled her previous appearance aged appearance and now when she appeared youthful, he didn't have a hard time recognizing her. Giving her a bear hug, the General looked up to find his precious Granddaughter Shuan's face being completely normal.

"Y-you're finally healed?" General Hu asked with wide eyes as his eyes moistened. He still recalled that day where his granddaughter suffered the great grievance but looking at her perfectly healed face now, it felt as if a huge boulder was lifted off his shoulders.

"Of course, if our Angel can't heal her, then nothing can" the girl in red armor replied with a haughty smile. General Hu was bewildered at whom the so called 'Angel' was but when he lowered his eyes, he saw a small boy, a tiny boy with a chubby face and eyes just like his mother's.

"This is?" General Hu asked in wonder but he could already imagine who was.

"Papa, this is my son, Yang" Her daughter introduced him and General Hu smiled, widely. He bent down and scooped the little child in his arms who was looking at him curiously. General Hu strangely felt close to the little guy.

"Ha~Ha I finally have a grandson. Let's go and tell me all that happened in the past years" General Hu spoke elatedly and left the Hall with his family, completely ignoring everyone else. The King had a frown on his face while the Queen wore an ugly expression. She snorted and left the Hall as well, and so did everyone else. Nobody dared to continue ceremony anymore since General Hu had left with his grandson.

The Queen knew this and also knew that even she declared the continuation of the ceremony, no one would dare to listen to her words. Everyone had gratitude towards General Hu who protected the Kingdom from its enemies, and it would be extremely disrespectful to him if they continued without his grandson.


Author's Note:

Hey there. I would've released this chapter yesterday but unfortunately i couldn't. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter, any advises you may have on any kind of improvement i could make since i am just a beginner and last but not least, vote power stones to motivate me.

I don't think i mentioned this, maybe i did, but this novel is not going to go according to the usual Xiania/Wuxia trope. Each villain will have a focal point in the progression of the story and i wont make them into side characters that only appear for a few chapter.

Another thing is that i will not describe the features of side characters who wont have any importance in the story.

Lastly, thanks to all those who commented, voted power stones and rated the story. It means a lot