
Rebirth Of The Evil Vampire Princess

[Check out my new novel, "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME"] A love that will never give up even at the point of death. .... Stephanie Woods, a lady who has lived all her life believing that she was a normal human woke up one day only to be told by a mysterious being that she was some evil reincarnated princess has who died two thousand years ago. As if the truth of her identity wasn't enough to mar her already perfect life she was also informed by the mysterious being that she was carrying a two-tier curse. " To redeem yourself you will need to break these two curses," this was what the mysterious being told Stephanie. Vincent Adams, a cold heartless man fell in love at first sight with some mysterious lady when he was just a teenager. After an incident, he lost contact with her. 17 years later he miraculously met her again. After series of events, he finally recognises that she is the one he has been looking for. When he realises that the lady he loves has a hidden past one that is entwined with his from 2,000 years ago, his life is turned upside down. A love between a vampire and a human always end tragically, will theirs have a different ending or will it end up being a forbidden love? .... EXCERPT "I will be the first to recognize you," "The first to love you," "The first to make commitments. I will recognize you from the ashes," These are the promises he made before he breathed his last breath but will he keep these words 2,000 years later after he meets her under different circumstances and a new identity? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Cover not mine, credit goes to the owner. *** Author's other work: 1) Birth of the devilish CEO: So what if I'm a lady? (Completed) 2) Fallen in love: The CEO who tamed me (Completed) 3) Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer 4) Bedding My Vampire Mate (Ongoing) Follow the author on Instagram: @Flabbergasted2155 https://discord.gg/NSA3qrP

Flabbergasted · Kỳ huyễn
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I Will Forget Everything That Happened Last Night

"Going somewhere, Samantha," Stephanie asked smiling.

"You were there earlier so how come you are now here?" Frightened Samantha asked moving backwards with the aid of her butts and hands. "What are you?" The asked as she continued moving back. In this quiet street, she was afraid of what the little demon might do to her.

"Do you want to know my true identity," Stephanie asked as she squat and brought her mouth close to the girl's neck. She could hear the girl's heart beating frantically.

"I... am... A... Vampire," Stephanie pronounced the words one after the other.

She did not wait for the startled girl to speak before she sank her long teeth into the girl's neck.

"Oh goddamn it!" Stephanie sat up from the bed panting heavily. She held her panting chest with her right hand as she looked around her room whose walls were painted in purple and white. She was so relieved when she realised that all that just happened was just a dream.

"That was one horrible dream," Stephanie spoke still gasping for air as she moved closer to her side table. She carried the dry towel she has always kept there and used it to wipe off the sweat from her body.

Once in awhile she often woke up soaked in her sweat, so getting soaked wasn't a surprising thing to her. What terrifies her most was the dream she just dreamt. The dream was entirely different from all her childhood dreams she has always had.

She started recalling what the strange voice told her yesterday.

"You are Michelle Sampson, you reincarnated 2,000 years later into the present you. You are a vampire by nature. No... no... no," Stephanie shook her head violently to brush off the voice echoing in her mind.

"I am Stephanie Woods, not some reincarnated evil princess. I am not a vampire, I am a human. I will never go in there to talk to her. I will never let her brainwash me into thinking that I am somebody else," Stephanie said holding her head with her palms. Stephanie held her head in that manner for five minutes before she slowly reopened her eyes.

"I will live like I have always lived my life. I will forget everything that happened last night," Stephanie said in determination. She slowly got out of bed and entered the bathroom to freshen up.

Few minutes later, she had already dressed up in her green V-neck suit ready to mesmerise everyone in the company. She forced on a smile as she stares at herself in her deessing mirror.

"This is who you are not a vicious bloodsucker that she claimed you are," Stephanie reassured herself for the 100th times since she woke up.

Without wasting time, she carried her white designer handbag from the bed and head out of her apartment. Her long red-brown hair cascade her back as she walks.

When she got to where she packed her car, she elegantly stepped into her car and drove off.

In front of the two storey glass building, Stephanie stare at her gloomy expression on the rear mirror.

"All your employees are waiting to congratulate you so you should be happy instead of looking like a lady whose husband just died. You should be smiling broadly like this," Stephanie said forcing on a broad smile.

With her broad smile on, Stephanie stepped out of the majestically one foot at a time like a celebrity. She smile as natural as she could. She heads into the building with her handbag in her hand.

"Good morning Miss Woods," Lily who was already at the door greeted walking by side with her.

"This is the first time I have seen you without your glasses. You look beautiful," Stephanie complimented taking a second look at the young lady wearing a white long sleeve shirt on a black fitted skirt. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. She looks so exquisite with this newfound look.

"Thank you," Lily said smiling.

"Welcome Boss,"

"Welcome Boss,"

"Congratulations Boss,"

Her employees on the ground floor greeted with broad smiles on their faces. Stephanie wave at them as she head towards the elevator.

"Miss Woods, are you Ok?" Lily who noticed the change in her Boss temperament asked worriedly after the elevator closed.

"I am fine but thanks for asking," Stephanie replied care-freely her gaze fixated on the elevator's door.

"Why boss does look so sad after the successful conclusion of the launch? Did something happened back at home that she hasn't disclosed to me," Lily thought with eyes fillled with concern as she stares at her boss gloomy face.

Immediately the elevator opened Lily heeled Stephanie quietly.

Employees on the 2nd floor who has been eagerly waiting for her arrival all greeted and congratulated her.

"Lily, brief me on all that has happened after the launching," Stephanie said as she climb the stairs leading to her glass office.

"I hope you made sure they didn't publish everything that occurred between Victoria and I?" Stephanie asked as the automatic glass door open on its own.

"You don't have to worry, I made sure that nothing about the commotion in the event was published," Lily said firmly as she followed her into her office. When she got to her desk, she sat down elegantly on her executive black chair. Her office looks so ordinary for her position. The walls of her office were made of glass so she can see everything going on in the second floor.

"Good," Stephanie said, her gaze now focused on Lily.

"Yesterday launch was a huge success. We sold out all the purple magic cosmetics collection we had in stock," Lily reported.

"As of this morning, the event was on the front cover of many popular magazines and newspapers. Different TV station also aired the event this morning up until now. The successful launching of the event and the success story we revealed yesterday is the hottest search on the internet right now," Lily relayed in a composed manner and tone.



Hello, ever beautiful and handsome readers 👋👋. It's me your loving author again. I just want to tell you guys again that my new novel which is the entry for Webnovel Spirirty Award (WSA 2023) is out. The title of my new book is, "VAMPIRE'S UNTAMED DESIRES".

Please kindly add the book to your library. Leave as many comments as you can. Also, vote for the book with your power stones. And most importantly do leave a review for the book.

Please help your dearest author out.

Happy mass release.

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