
Rebirth Of The Evil Vampire Princess

[Check out my new novel, "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME"] A love that will never give up even at the point of death. .... Stephanie Woods, a lady who has lived all her life believing that she was a normal human woke up one day only to be told by a mysterious being that she was some evil reincarnated princess has who died two thousand years ago. As if the truth of her identity wasn't enough to mar her already perfect life she was also informed by the mysterious being that she was carrying a two-tier curse. " To redeem yourself you will need to break these two curses," this was what the mysterious being told Stephanie. Vincent Adams, a cold heartless man fell in love at first sight with some mysterious lady when he was just a teenager. After an incident, he lost contact with her. 17 years later he miraculously met her again. After series of events, he finally recognises that she is the one he has been looking for. When he realises that the lady he loves has a hidden past one that is entwined with his from 2,000 years ago, his life is turned upside down. A love between a vampire and a human always end tragically, will theirs have a different ending or will it end up being a forbidden love? .... EXCERPT "I will be the first to recognize you," "The first to love you," "The first to make commitments. I will recognize you from the ashes," These are the promises he made before he breathed his last breath but will he keep these words 2,000 years later after he meets her under different circumstances and a new identity? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Cover not mine, credit goes to the owner. *** Author's other work: 1) Birth of the devilish CEO: So what if I'm a lady? (Completed) 2) Fallen in love: The CEO who tamed me (Completed) 3) Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer 4) Bedding My Vampire Mate (Ongoing) Follow the author on Instagram: @Flabbergasted2155 https://discord.gg/NSA3qrP

Flabbergasted · Kỳ huyễn
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Are You Going Somewhere?

She gently woke the ladies up and assisted them to a room to have a hot bath. After making sure that they were alright, she sneaked back into Charlie's room when she recalled that she forgot her purse and earrings there.

When she entered the bedroom, she met Charlie still sleeping. After getting what she came for she stood and stared at Charlie.

I dont usually forget what happened whenever I am drunk, I wonder why I can't recall what happened between the two of us last night.

Gabrielle thought before she leaves. Since she hates sleeping alone, she entered Gabriel and Clifford's room and slept on the couch.

Everyone woke up in the afternoon. Vincent was dumbfounded when he felt a hand wrapped around his body when he woke up. He was even more dumbstruck when he realised that it was Stephanie hugging him so tightly.

Why is she here? Nothing happened between us, right?