
Rebirth of the Demon King in an Interstellar Age

Demon king Lucifer, one who is feared by both god and man gets killed by tripping in front of the hero, his soul was trapped in the dark realm his powers were locked. Trapped there for millennials. Times have changed and humans are now living in space. He makes a deal with a dying soul to take control of his body while he recovers his powers and he would get revenge on the original soul's family. He is living a new life, engaged to the second prince of the empire. 'His highness looks like he wants to devour me. Help me!'

Nerdy_apprentice · Kỳ huyễn
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67 Chs

Chapter 7

The ground shakes after Isabella says the spell and a bright light comes from the magic circle.

Isabella loses consciousness after this happens and she is caught by Philip.

Once the light dissipates, a stone appears before them. It was a black obelisk standing around eight feet tall.

Gideon's eyes widened in amazement. He knew what the writings that glowed meant. It was some sort of poem to summon something. The people of the time before the advancement of technology were fascinating and worked in mysterious ways.

He read what he could read, but none of this happened. He controlled himself from smiling joyfully as he walked close to the obelisk.

There were some words carved into the obelisk. And it was written in their language.

"There's something written on here," he said calling the Emperor's attention.

"Send me whatever it says later," Philip said carrying his wife. He wanted to know what would happen if his wife finished reading those words. He found out and she is now exhausted. She was sweating and breathing profusely.

Curiosity got the best of him. It won't happen again.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Gideon said, bowing as he left.

Once Philip was gone, a broad smile appeared on Gideon's face. "Scan the text on the obelisk," he said. "And call for Ivy Davis," he orders, before whispering to himself, "Her team's research from those years ago might not be a waste of resources after all."

Lucifer was bored and needed to find what to do, so he picked up his holopad and began to scroll the internet for any form of information or entertainment.

He stumbles into the concept of social media and was immediately sucked in.

He didn't know when he wasted about three hours reading and watching stuff on the web.

What he mostly found in it was the incident on Earth and several rumors surrounding famous people in the Empire.

There was much hate coming from these platforms, he felt his power increase again. Humans never changed.

He received a video recommendation of a new social media chef getting fame. Once he clicked it, he was surprised to hear a familiar voice. "Rosetta?" he said.

"Today, we are going to be making Magret de Canard, with a red wine sauce and for dessert, a chocolate and strawberry whipped cream crepe both of which are from recipes coming from one of Earth's continents, Europe, this was popular among the locals of the country called France," she said.

Phoenix stood up immediately. Why must he watch this from the holopad when he can watch Rosetta doing this in real life?

He runs to the kitchen and opens the door with a ban. He saw Rosetta prepping her ingredients in front of a camera. "Young Master?" Rosetta said in surprise when she turned around to see Phoenix standing, breathing heavily from running. His appearance had changed slightly again. More streaks of red appeared in his green eyes and the white part of his hair seemed to have spread.

"Can I watch you?" he asked shyly before Rosetta could tell him about the changes in his body.

Rosetta blinks twice. "Alright," she said. Her employer implored her to get close to his fiancé, this might be the best time right now.

"My employer's fiancé just arrived and he wants to help out with making today's dishes," she said.

"What?" he said blankly. He didn't say he wanted to help. He just wanted to watch her do it in real-time.

"Don't be shy, Young Master. It's not as difficult as it sounds," Rosetta said. Lucifer wanted to return to his room, immediately. But he wants to know what she's cooking and watching someone cook is very satisfying.

However, Lucifer didn't immediately walk over to Rosetta to join her. He could see small bright lights flowing from the camera to her, making her aura seem like that of a gentle fairy.

It was almost like a repellant for him.

He walks towards the camera and says a small, 'Hello.'

He saw so many positive emotions rushing toward him and he instinctually was about to dodge them.

"Alright, the ingredient list for this dish isn't a lot," Rosetta said. She tapped a button on the counter top and the cooking station as well as the ingredients appeared on the table, the technology fascinated Lucifer a bit.

The only thing Lucifer could recognize were the duck breasts. "We're going to be preparing duck?" he asked.

"Yes," she replies. "Tonight we are going to be having guests, so this dish would be perfect for tonight."

His eyes widened. "We're what?"

Rosetta wanted to laugh at Phoenix's reaction. He looked like an introverted teenager that didn't want to interact. She then whispered in his ear. "The princess is returning tonight," she said.

Phoenix nods. "Okay," he said. But inside his head, he thought, 'I remember seeing an article on the royal family. The princess looks almost exactly like Augustus.

She has black, curly hair and dark purple eyes, and she still looks quite young as well.

She is quite beautiful if he does say so himself.

Rosetta hands him a sharp-looking knife.

Phoenix gently brushes his fingertip across the knife. It feels sharp. How many times he can use it before it finally becomes dull?

Memories flood his brain and Lucifer finds himself standing in front of a stadium. The sound of the crowd cheering was overwhelming and in the stadium was a gladiator match.

He saw himself chained to the ground as several fighters attacked him.

He returns to reality, but Rosetta is still talking. She was giving instructions on how to score the skin of the duck breast and why it is so important.

"Would you like to score the rest?" she asks Phoenix.

Phoenix looks down to see the two other ducks' breasts on the counter and looks at what Rosetta has done. "Sure," he replies.

It's a cross-hatched pattern and it doesn't seem to cut into the flesh of the duck. He cuts them almost identically to what Rosetta had done.

"Done," he said.

Rosetta was surprised that Phoenix had finished. 'Maybe he knows how to cook,' she thought.

"Alright," she said before turning to the camera. "Next we are going to be seasoning them with course sea salt and black pepper," she said taking the salt and pepper from the countertop and seasoning them. "We have to massage the seasonings breasts so they don't taste so bland."

Dinner was soon ready and Phoenix learned a few things. Number one: Don't go into the kitchen while Rosetta is live on her cooking channel. The number of positive emotions coming to him was too much. He heard Rosetta say to the camera. "He looks cute in real life."

It made him flustered and he immediately wanted to run away. Number two: No one told him it was hard to cook stuff without trying to eat it immediately.

"Go and take a shower and dress up for dinner," Rosetta said. "I'll be setting the table."

Phoenix returns to his room and wipes the sweat off his forehead. There's no way, he's entering that bathroom again to take a shower.

He removes his clothes and creates a magic circle on the ground. This spell cleaned him from the top to the bottom.

As he was cleaned, he felt a shiver down his spine like he'd been watched by someone.

Once he was done cleaning himself, he immediately covered himself up.

He chooses his clothes and begins to dress up.

He was wearing his shirt when he heard a knock. "Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me," he heard Augustus' voice coming from the other end of the door.

"Come in," Phoenix said. There's nothing wrong with letting Augustus in, after all, he's almost done dressing up.

Augustus opens the door and walks in to see Phoenix wearing his trousers. "I'm almost done," he said.

"I can see that," Augustus replies. His legs look very white. There is no pheromone in assuring him that his fiancé is truly a beta.

Once he was done dressing up, he turned to Augustus who stood there waiting for him patiently. "Sorry for making you wait," he said.

"It's fine," Augustus replies. "My sister will soon arrive, let's get going."

Augustus grabs his arm which surprises Lucifer. His aura isn't showing signs of hostility towards him. So why would he grab him like this?

This made him very confused and a bit uncomfortable. This didn't go unnoticed by Augustus. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Phoenix, Lucifer, asked, confusedly.

"Isn't this what couples do?" He asked.

'What is a couple?' There was no such thing as a couple in his former timeline. And in his memory as Phoenix, no one has ever held his hand in a friendly manner either.

"If you don't want me to hold your hand, then I won't," Augustus said, releasing his hand.

However, Phoenix grabs his hand and holds it tightly. "I want to try holding hands," he murmurs.

Phoenix's head was down, so he didn't see the small smile on Augustus' face.