
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
37 Chs

Chapter1:Meeting The bodyguard

Third pov~~~

 The car stops in front of a chinese styled mansion and though the outside looked like those mansions from those ancient dianasties there are modern touches to it and it looked breathtaking.

 Tang you walks towards the front doors of the mansion clad in the most expensive attires.

 Her face cold and nonchalant a hauty look in her eyes beffetting of her status as a celebrity the white dress complimenting her fair snow white skin seemed to be a second skin on her defining her curves all the more.

 She hated coming to the house as all it does was make her see her step mother and step sister.

 They played a very good role in her childhood making sure to rid her of some of the good things her father got her.

 Entering the house Tang siara's heels clicked softly with the tiles of the floor and she is welcomed by the butler of the mansion.

 "Welcome back mistress"the old butler says and Tang siara replies with a thank you.

 "Master Tang is waiting for you in the living room"He tells her and she nods walking towards the living area.

 A sense of nostilgia hits her as she walks in the old Tang mansion,this is the house were most of her childhood was spent.

 Finally in the living area she sees her father standing there hands behind his back while he walked around in slow paces.

 "Father"Siara calls out in a sweet voice that is able to make the hearts of many tremble.

 "Dear,siara"her father calls out to her and she runs towards his open arms embracing him.

Her father Tang joseph stands in an upright position his black hair combed back in perfection the little streaks of grey hair on his head did nothing to hide how handsome he looked even at his age.


 "How are you dear"Her father asks and she knew instantly he is talking about her accident.

 She felt guilty inside because her carelessness led her to that accident,her life was always all about having fun and living freely to get over the burdens of the past.

 "I am fine father and you"she tells him sweetly while holding his hands she turns around and looks at her stepmother and step sister huddled up on the couch like chickens.

 She could feel the sinister glare from them but paid no minds to them afterall they are no match for her.

 Turning she meets the eyes of her Nanna a woman who has been taking care of her since childhood and siara smiles waving at the elderly woman who seemed just about her mother's age,If her mother was there.


 Her father asks her some questions and soon turns serious.

 "I have assigned a personal bodyguard for you"her father Tang joseph tells her and she groans out.

 "I don't want one father"she says slightly stomping her feet and her father almost smiles at her behaviour. 

 "Well too bad he is already here meet sebastian Lee your personal bodyguard" Her father then points to the other side of the living room.

 Turning around only now did she notice the presence of the man standing there clad in suit that hugs his figure and his muscles seemed to beg to be set free.

 She noted he is very tall with his figure standing upright that could put any model to shame.his face seemed to be personally crafted by the gods as his chiselved sharp jaw line stood out ready to cut and his straight long nose which has a mole under,looking at his dark hair that is styled to perfection she moves onto to look at his dark eyes that seemed focuse looking ahead not once flickering to her and a sudden wave of annoyance runs through her.

 Looking at his fair skin which seemed all the more perfect the annoyance seem to burn as she is confused why she suddenly dislikes him.

 "Well father I don't want a tail"she tells her father silently hoping that he is not assigned to her while another smaller part of her thought otherwise.

 Sebastian rolls his eyes at her words,he did not want to be her bodyguard either.'A spoilt brat who gets anything she needed' that was what he thought of her with her wearing clothes that seemed to make her more beautiful annoyed him.

 After arguing with her father for some time and loosing the arguement she huffs and says.

 "Fine you win"And with that she walks out if her fathers house and sebastian follows behind.

 Tang you's spirit stood there watching all the family drama and almost laughing at some point. 

 she disappears and goes around the city just roaming and walking about,she sees a fence of a mansion highly guarded and it seemed as if she was being called by something and it was drawing her towards the place.


 Walking through the walls of the mansion she passes through and apppears in what seemed like the garden of the mansion filled with different flowers.

 'Wow,beautiful' she mutters and continues walking into the place when she sees a pong there walking closer to the small pong in the garden she was about to bend down when she heard.

 "who are you"A deep voice asks and she stays rooted on her spot knowing they can't see her as she is a wondering spirit.

 "What are you doing here"The same deep voice asks and she turns around and her eyes instanyly widen when she sees a man standing there in a white botton up and black slacks.

 Looking into his eyes she noticed they are the most beautiful colour of brown she has ever seen and they were looking directly at her not over or by her side.

 "You can see me"she asks him foolishly and a confused look croses his face.

 "Am I not suppose to see her'" he wondered.

 "Yes I can now wh-"he is cut off by his butler running into the garden.

 "Young master mo"he says running towards mo ting who turns back to look where Tang you was standing but he could not find her.

 "Did anybody enter the house"he asks uncertainity clear in his voice his beautiful well defined eyebrows furowed slightly.

 "No one young master"The butler says and Mo Ting nods knowing no one could invade his mansion but what still puzzled him was how that girl was here in his garden.

 Tang you's pov~~~~

'oh lord I am soo stupid' I mentally say face palming at my stupidity why did I go there and how come that handsome stranger was able to see me.

 But lord he is the most handsome man I have ever seen.