
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

chapter 30 :Jealous



 The lunch between Siara and her friends commerces and Sebastian phone suddenly rings which makes his expression go dark and he stands up from the chair taking power strides outside.

 Siara turns to look at him a look of disapproval on her face but she quickly returns her face to normal and turns towards her friends.

 ''Such a hot guy,I want a bodyguard like that'' Siara's friend says and Siara smiles trying stop herself from feeling those stupid feelings she gets whenever another female compliments sebastian.

 'She's your friend Siara'

 She reminds herself mentally.

 ''Oh my papa got him for me and the annoying man has been her since''She says not really sounding annoyed by sebastian's presence and her male friend looks at her.

 ''Why do you sound like that''He asks Siara who looks at him brows creased in confusion at his words.

 She wondered what she sounds like.

 ''Like what''She ask Fu yuhang who raises his hand to describe her expression and his sister let's out a giggle before siara burst out laughing. 

 ''Don't yoyu dare think anything yuyu''Siara tells her friend who mentally sighs in relief.

 Starring at Sebastian's face he knows the man is not one to compete with as he has a strong aura sorrounding him.

 The man's face made everything worst as his handsomeness is incomparable to none ad the aura sorrounding him made people a little scared of approaching him.

 Sebastian returns unawar that they have been talking about him and his eyes move to Siara who shits uncomfortably on her seat to avoid staring straight at him.

 Siara's male friend suddenly shifts closer to her and places his hand on hers while his sister squeals and Siara looks at the siblings confused.

 Sebastian suddenly becomes alarmed and looks at them to understand what is happening and not act impulsively.

 Fu yuhang turns Siara towards him a nervous expression on his face and he places his lips on hers in a searing kiss.

 With widened eyes Siara freezes and her eyes dart around.

 A sudden growl makes Siara want to pull away and even the squealing Fu angela shrinks back in fear.

 Tearing Fu yuhang away from Siara anger present on his face Sebastian suddenly scoops her up in his arms and she let's out a yelp in fear.

 The siblings remain confused and when Fu yahang tries to say something a glare from Sebastian who continues walking with Siara stops him.

 ''What do you think you are doing''Siara asks Sebastian as she tries to pull away from him and he drops her only to tug her arm and start walking in long strides almost tripping her.

 They get outside and Siara sighs in relief when there are no paparazzi whatsoever outside.

 Driving with speed like never before sebastian remains quiet his eyes narrowed in anger as his knuckles turn white from gripping the starring hardly.

 ''What is wrong with you Sebastian''Siara asks the man glaring at him her hand folded across her chest to show just how annoyed she is.