
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 29 :Jealous bodyguard



 After the phone call with her friends siara drops her phone and yet again turns to glare at sebastian.

 Sebastian looks back at her his eyes intense and she quickly avoids eye contact with him.

 ''Let's go''Siara tells sebastian before standing up from her seat and she starts walking towards him her head raised.

 Amused by her acts Sebastian tries to look cold and unbothered but a ghost of a smile graces his lips. 

 ''Where to ma'am''He asks her and she lets out a scoff at his words.

 All she could think about is how this man is able to act normal everytime while her nerves are skyrocking.

 unknowst to her Sebastian's hands trembled a bit when she comes near him and his heartbeat almost gets out of control when she is close or he hears her voice.

 Sometimes he wonders if he is about to go crazy as he hadn't felt this way for any woman before and this is a surprise and something new to him.

''None of your business''Siara says and starts walking towards the door which makes sebastian roll his eyes.

 They walk towards the elevator and Sebastian presses the button for the floor and they both enter and remain in silence.

 The elevator dings and opens and they both walk out towards the car.

 ''Drive to this restuarant''Siara describes the restaurant for sebastian and he nods his head before starting the car.

 ''Meeting''Sebastian suddenly says and Siara's head snaps towards his direction.

 She is shocked that he is even talking to her, throughout them being together he has never initiated a conversation.

 ''Yes with my friends''Siara answers and smiles at the thoughts of her friends.

 Sebastian nods and smiles back at her and soon they reach the restuarant.

 ''Table under Fu''Siara says and the waitress there who is dressed in a blue elegant waitress uniform smiles and greets them politely before leading the way to the room.

 With a cold face Sebastian walks behind her ignoring the stares from the women and even some of the men.

 They marveled at the man's handsomeness but advert their stare when he glares at them.

 The waitress leading them cannot help herself but turn to look at Sebastian.

 Annoyed Siara glares at the woman who immediately stops looking.

 The moment the waitress opens the door and they step in Siara lets out a yelp as she is suddenly lifted up by strong arms.

 ''Sisi,princess''The manly and familiar voice calls out and she immediately tightens her arms around him breathing in his familiar scent.

 ''Hengheng''Siara calls out playfully and she is released with a scowl plastered on his face which makes her smile and he shakes his head smiling back at her.

 ''It seems you forgot your favourite''A voice says behind her and Siara walks towards the girl who is her age to embrace her.

 ''You two totally went off planet earth''Siara complains and the duo burst out laughing at her words.

 Sebastian stands at the back his fists clenched anger shown in his eyes at the closeness of Siara and her males friend moments ago.

 ''I was left alone with that big agency''Siara complains and hits her friend's arm playfully.

 ''Well you have been taking care of it just fine your highness''He says wrapping his arms around her and she beams at them.

 FU yuheng and Fu Angelina from the Fu family a prestigious and rich family whose main focus is entertainment.

 Fu yuheng and Angelina are the only kids of the Fu couple and being twins they manage the company and Tang siara is signed under them.

 ''Who is this handsome young man''Fu Angelina asks her eyes gleaming in excitent while starring at Sebastian.

 ''Oh my bodyguard''Tang siara says dismissively before sitting on the chair pushed back by yuheng

 They sit down and start talking and Sebastian sits opposite siara and he notices how her male friend is overly close to her with his hands occasionally brushing her hair back or touching her shoulder.

 Irritated his jaw ticks in annoyance and he controls himself from exploding infront of everyone. 

Confused he just sits there folding his hand together.