
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 20:Magazine shoot


 Finally I sigh in relief when we finally reach the place for the shoot.

 I am impressed but I expected nothing less of the Mo family.

 The location of the Shoot is simply stunning and extravagant.

 The building large and spacious with large bright lights everywhere,beautiful flower pots in some corners of the place and a sweet fragance is all over the place.


 Walking out of the car with the annoying Stone of a man's help.

 I remove my hands from his glaring at him which he returns with a scoff.

 'The audacity,I am his boss'


 Walking to the front desk which is also beautifully decorated I meet the manager.


 ''Hello manager Hua''I greet her smiling,I hope Anxin has talked everything out with her because I am not into long conversations.


 ''Hello sisi how are you''The tall woman greets standing proudly and elegantly,ahe is wearing a navy blue dress with a small white chiffon gucci scarf on her neck.Her heels making her look taller than she is stands at 5inches in black colour.


 ''I am fina Manager Hua''I say and lean down to place air kisses on her cheeks my hands lightly placed on her shoulders while she returns the gesture.


 ''Let me brief you of todays Shoot''She says before turning around but she suddenly pauses her mouth open in awe.

 My brows furrow in confusion at what made this aloof professional looking woman shocked.


 ''I-Is that a male model,I've never heard of him'' She stutters and I turn to see that she is starring at Sebastian who has a slight smirk on his stupid face.


 Hissing I glare at him and he simply rolls his eyes before his face returns to its usual cold expression.


 ''Hmm No Manager Hua he is my personal bodyguard''I tell her annoyance present in my voice at how she keeps on gazing at him.


 'What is wrong with me'I think.

 I am not suppose to be annoyed by the fact that women are mesmerized by his face.


 ''Wow,Your bodyguard.He is hot''She whispers and lets out a short giggle.

 Irritation bubbles in my heart at the sound.

 I think I am beginning to dislike this woman.


''Thank you''I answer puzzled on what to say, thankfully she finally removes her eyes from the cocky bastard behind me and I sigh in relief.


 ''Ok your shoot is going to start soon,the makeup team is ready and the Bikini to be worn is also ready,it is going to be shot at the back of the building which contains a small pond and is the best environment for the shoot a-"she continues telling me about the shoot while I just nod my head.


 The Mo family's Clothing business recently released a new set of bikini's for summer and they are about to launch it.


 I am going to be signed as a brand ambassador and also the face for this new clothing release on their magazine.


 Just thinking of the hefty amout of money about to enter my account makes me laugh in delight.


 Money makes me happy.


 I sit in the room for makeup,the makeup items are neatly arranged on the tables the walls colourful.


 My makeup is being done by a famous Makeup artist in the Mo family's cosmetic business.


 These Mo family own different types of business and are bloody rich and secretive, ranging from hotels,resturants, clubs, technological companies, cosmetics, clothing brands, shoes everything.


 I am actually impressed by their wealth and have only seen the patriach of the Mo family once at a party where I attended with Grandfather.


 My grandfather my mom's dad is a very wealthy and feared old man,we will talk about him later.


 When my makeup is done I look in the mirror only to breathe out a 'Wow'.

It looks beautiful and natural because I am going to be drenched later.


 ''Thank you''I tell the makeup artist who smiles.


 ''You are welcome sisi,you are already so beautiful so my makeup just did little''She says and I laugh at her words.


 I wish Tang you was here to see my makeup but she decided to go do something.


 Walking into the dressing room sebastian follows behind me and I spot manager Hua there talking to what I think is her assistant.


 ''Wow sisi you look beautiful''She says and I smile at her words muttering a small thanks.

 'She is in my bad books'.


 ''This is the first set you are going to be putting on''She says and brings out a two pieces bikini in the colour lemon green having designs of leaves on it with a darker green colour.


 It looks absolutely beautiful and a squeal almost escapes my lips when I feel the texture of the materials.


 ''Are you really wearing that''A deep voice says behind me the disbelieve obvious in it.

 Turning I meet Sebastian's gaze whose brws are furrowed while glaring at the bikini.


 ''Yes,why''I ask him in an arrogant voice while holding the pieces in front of him.


 ''That thing will barely cover anything''He tells me still glaring at the beautiful bikini.


 ''You are not the one wearing it''I resort before turning away from him.


 Idiot,trying to tell me what to wear when he ia just a bodyguard.


 Hearing a scoff I turn to see the idiot rolling his eyes his jaw clenched.

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