
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 19 :The magizine cover

Third pov~~~


Tang siara struts into her office still having a giddy feeling over what just happened. Lu hanhan has always despised her and she was not worried about it.


 Tang siara sits on her chair behind her desk and she lets out a sigh of content,Turning to look at Tang you who was close by also sporting a smile on her face.


 Sebastian stood at the corner his posture upright,Siara looks at him and rolls her eyes.

'What a robot'she thinks.


 The door opens and her manager Qiao Anxin enters,she is dressed in an olive coloured dress which stops at her knee.the choice of clothing paired with black heels made her look both professional and stylish with only a minimum amount of makeup on her face.


 ''Sisi,I have great news''Anxin says walking inside and she nods at sebastian in greeting, A small blush appears on her cheek at his sight.


 Hearing a clearing of throat Anxin jumps and her face visibly redden the more, while Siara rolls her eyes at her manager.


 ''What news''Tang siara asks and even if not intentional a small amount of irritation could be detected from her voice.


 Being in the trance Anxin barely hears the irritation in Siara's voice and instead opens her Ipad to read out what is written.

 ''Well dear you are invited to come model for one of the Mo family's companies as they want to put you on the front page of their magazine''Anxin says a squeal escaping her lips at the end of her sentence.

 At the mention of the Mo family Tang you freezes and her eyes widen a fraction.


 Siara smiles and after talking and signing the document her manager informs her of the time for the shoot.


 Siara sits there very happy and she feels excited about this new deal,the Mo family is the best,wealthiest,most powerful and most feared family in china.So being able to work for them makes her happy. 


 She stands up from her chair jumping around in excitement when she feels eyes on her. 


 Sebastian stands there amused and a ghost of a smile makes its way on his lips,he quickly drops the smile his face going back to cold and emotionless.


 Siara turns to look at him and a mischevious look crosses her features.


 'Oh no mini devil is about to do something evil' Sebastian internally says while he waits to hear what she is about to say.


 ''Sebastian''Siara calls out and Sebastian turns to look at her.


 ''Get me a cup of hot chocolate''Siara tells him and its down on her chair.


 ''Why don't you get it yourself''Sebastian grumbles while glaring at her and she returns the glare.


 Picking up the pencil on her desk she throws it at him and he dodges while hissing before walking out of the room in long strides .


 ''Siara''Tang you calls out before laughing.''I see you are eyeing Mr bodyguard''Tang you teases and siara throws her head back laughing.


 ''Eww''She tells Tang you when suddenly the scene of them kissing flashes through her head. 


 Tang you continues teasing siara who just sits down glaring at her. 

 ''I have something to tell you''Tang you tells siara who listens to her,Tang you starrs telling Tang siara about young master Mo. 

 Surprised she sits there listening already thinking of her lucky Tang you is.



 The door opens revealing sebastian who enters an annoyed look on his face.

 He drops the cup with a clang on the table and moves to go stand in his sport.


 Rolling her eyes Siara picks up the chocolate drink only to crease her brows.


 ''It's too hot''She complains and sebastian rolls his eyes at her words.