
Rebirth of the abandoned princess:Falling for the cold bodyguard

Follow through the life of Tang siara who tries all she can not to fall for her hot dashing but cold bodyguard. Secrets start to unravel around them

Empressking · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 13:The shoot

Siara's pov~~~

 I walk into my office and plump down on my office chair turning I notice sebastian's annoying presence but internally tell myself to bare with it.

 ''Sebastian''I call out my voice unnecessarily loud and I eatch how he cringes which greatly satisfies me.

''Miss''he answers his adams apple bobing slightly at his words and I watch his face that is carrying a hint of anger.

 ''Get me Anxin''I order not adding please to piss him off and it works because he nods slightly before storming out of my office and I grin widely.

 ''Stop toturing him sisi'' Youyou says sitting on my desk and I grin.

 ''It's fun youyou''I answer and the door opens and anxin walks towards me embracing me.

 ''How are you''she asks and I answer after sometime I ask her about my shows.

 ''You know you have to attend the runway show for the most famous brand of clothing in china and the fun part there is a price''Anxin tells me and I nod.

 ''When am I going''I ask relaxed on my chair.

 ''Ehm you have two hours''Anxin says and I widen my eyes before standing up.

 Two hours is too short when will I get my hair and makeup done.

 ''Anxin''I call out and she just giggles shooing me.

 Walking outside I am followed by my tail of a bodyguard.

 We reach the first floor and rush outside to the car,Tang you besides me in the car while sebastian drives in front.

 Suddenly I get an idea ansd ask him to play some music,I twist my body and after some struggles sit in the front of the car. 

 Turning I see sebastian's gaze on me and his eyes seems lost.

 ''What''I bark glaring at him and he turns his head and I think I see the skin on his neck redden but I ignore it and turn on the volume of the song.

 He reduces it and I turn it higher he hisses and attempts to reduce it but I hold his hand glaring at him.

 ''Is it your car or mine''I ask him in a daring tone and he finally drops his hand I grin widely while Tang you laughs. 

 I start singing in a loud voice screaming the high notes and I turn to see sebastian muttering under his breath.

 we finally reach the place for the show and I walk towards the organizers Anxin already there.

 She is talking to the organizers and I just stand there bored.After talking I am ushered into changing room and I pass by the first one to see different models getting ready.

 I wave at some familiar ones smiling at them while Lu hanhan glares at me and I glare back.


 ''You look so beautiful''Tang you tells me and I smile at her.

 After persuading her I finally convince her and start doing her makeup when the door is opened and one of the orginizers open the door and stands there mouth open.

 ''What are you doing''He asks and I turn about to tell him I am applying makeup for Tang you when I realise he can't see her.I face palm.

 ''Hmm nothing''I answer an awkward laugh escaping my lips.

''It's almost your turn''He tells me and I nod dusting any invisible dust from my dress before walking out of the dressing room.

 I looked beautiful in a red satin dresss that hugs all my curves in the right places a slit at the left side the top made of puffy material while my hair is made into a plaited bbun some strands falling on my face,my makeup is done to be bold with an even bolder lipstick.

 Walking out I walk on the stage and smile blowing kisses at those who call out to me.

 Soon we are done with the show and stand aside waiting for the top five winners to be called.

 The organizer started from the bottom before reaching the winner.

 ''And the winner is Tang siara''He screams and the crowd cheers while the other winners hug my smiling I stand under the spot light to receive my trophy smiling widely while waving when I look up to see the chandelier on the stage falling my eyes widen while screams full the room I close my eyes waiting for the pain.


Tang you's pov~~~

 I walk out of the room after sisi goes for her runway show I plan to watch her and clap for her.

 Walking pass the first dressing room I notice two girls whispering.

 ''Will he be able to do the job''The tall girl asks the other one who nods.

 ''Yes I told him to cut the rope the moment she is under the light so it falls and ruins her face''The other girl says her face and voice malicious and I shudder.

 'oh no they are planning to disfigure sisi'

 Running through the hallway of the big event center I am suddenly dragged into a room.

 I turn around only to be pushed to the wall looking up I am met by the eyes of Young master mo.

 ''I-I pl-ease let me go''I stutter tears already forming in my eyes,I did not want to go there late especially since Sisi is in danger.

 ''What are you doing here''He asks me placing his hands on my waist.I push at his chest angry at nbeing stopped.

 ''Plea-se I have something urgent to do''I tell him and he looks into my eyes his eyes softening before he removes his hands stepping back.

 ''You promise to come back to see me'he asks and I nod my head too distracted with the thoughts of sisi in pain.

 He lets me out of the room and I run out through the hallways and finally reach the place only to see Siara standing under the falling light her eyes closed while she bends waiting for the pain.

 The lights falls faster than anyone could imagine and I stand there mouth open tears pouring out of my eyes.