
Rebirth Of Immortal Lord

In a world where immortality is both a blessing and a curse, the Immortal Lord Wei Long grapples with the weight of eternal life and the longing for mortal joys. As the leader of the Azure Sun Sect, Wei Long commands respect and power, but beneath his immortal facade lies a deep loneliness born from centuries of existence. Haunted by memories of mortal life and lost loved ones, Wei Long makes a monumental decision—to seek reincarnation and experience mortality once more.

GR40 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

The Weight Of Immortality

The grand hall of the Azure Sun Sect resonated with the hushed whispers of reverence and awe as cultivators from far and wide gathered to pay homage to the Immortal Lord, Wei Long. He stood at the apex of power and knowledge, his presence commanding the respect of all who beheld him. Clad in robes of azure and gold, his silver hair flowing like a river of moonlight, Wei Long was the epitome of immortal grace and wisdom.

Yet, beneath the facade of immortality and prestige, Wei Long carried a heavy burden—a burden of loneliness and longing that weighed upon his immortal soul like a chain of regret. As he addressed the gathered disciples, his voice echoed with a somber undertone, a reflection of the millennia he had walked the path of cultivation.

"My dear disciples," Wei Long's voice carried the weight of centuries, "Strength and power are the hallmarks of our sect, but they alone do not bring fulfillment. In the pursuit of immortality, we must not forget the fleeting beauty of mortal life—the bonds of family, the warmth of companionship."

His words hung in the air, a silent plea veiled beneath the wisdom of ages. Wei Long's gaze wandered to the tapestries adorning the hall, each depicting scenes from his distant past—a time when mortal concerns and mortal joys held sway over his heart.

Long ago, Wei Long had been mortal like any other. He had known the love of a mother's embrace, the laughter of a father's guidance, and the playful banter of a sister's companionship. But as he walked the path of immortality, time became a cruel mistress, stripping away the mortal ties that bound him to his family.

His mother, whose gentle touch had once soothed his childhood fears, had passed away centuries ago, her mortal years unable to keep pace with his eternal existence. His father, whose words of wisdom had shaped his early understanding of the world, had followed her into the realm of ancestors, leaving Wei Long to navigate the millennia alone.

And then there was Mei Lin, his beloved sister whose laughter had been the melody of his youth. She had lingered longer than their parents, her mortal lifespan stretched by the blessings of their sect's techniques. But even she, with all her vitality and spirit, had succumbed to the relentless march of time, leaving Wei Long bereft of the last remnants of his mortal past.

With each passing century, Wei Long had watched as friends grew old and withered, disciples passed into legend, and even enemies faded into obscurity. Immortality had granted him power beyond measure, but it had also robbed him of the fleeting joys of mortal existence.

As the disciples bowed in respect, their faces a mix of admiration and reverence, Wei Long felt the weight of his immortal years pressing down upon him. It was a weight that no amount of cultivation prowess could alleviate, a weight born of eternal yearning for the warmth of mortal bonds long lost.

Alone in his chambers, the Immortal Lord gazed upon the moonlit landscape outside, his thoughts a tapestry woven with memories and regrets. "I have walked the path of immortality and lived countless lifetimes," he whispered to the night, his voice a fragile echo of timeless regret, "but in doing so, I have become a stranger to the joys of mortality, forgetting the love of family and the laughter of youth that once filled my mortal heart."

As Wei Lonng contemplated his decision to seek reincarnation, a deep sense of responsibility weighed on him. The Azure Sun Sect, under his leadership, had flourished into the most renowned and powerful sect in the cultivation world. His disciples looked up to him not just as a leader but as a beacon of guidance and strength.

Realizing the impact his departure would have on the sect, Wei Long knew he couldn't leave without ensuring its future stability. The thought of abandoning his responsibilities unsettled him, for he had dedicated countless years to nurturing the sect and its disciples.

With a heavy heart, Wei Long convened a meeting of the sect's elders and key disciples. The atmosphere in the chamber was tense, each individual aware of the weight of the impending decision. Wei Long spoke with sincerity and resolve, addressing the gathered assembly.

"My dear disciples and esteemed elders," Wei Long's voice carried a mixture of determination and melancholy, "The time has come for me to make a choice that weighs heavily on my heart. I have decided to embark on a journey of reincarnation.

Gasps of surprise and concern rippled through the assembly, and worried murmurs filled the chamber. Disciples exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of loyalty, apprehension, and sadness.

One of Wei Long's most trusted and most powerful disciple in the whole sect, Liang Feng, stepped forward, his voice tinged with concern. "Master, your decision brings us both hope and worry. The Azure Sun Sect has thrived under your guidance, but we fear the challenges it may face in your absence."

Wei Long met Liang Feng's gaze with understanding, acknowledging the valid concerns of his disciples. "I share your worries, Liang Feng," Wei Long replied, his tone gentle yet resolute. "It is clear to me that you are not just a capable candidate but the perfect embodiment of our sect's ideals. Therefore, it is my decision that you, Liang Feng, will be the new sect leader."

In silent agreement, everyone nodded, their expressions conveying both sadness at his departure and unwavering support for his decision.

With a final nod of affirmation, Wei Long turned to the artifact given to him by his master. With a deep breath, Wei Long invoked the ancient incantations inscribed upon the artifact, channeling his immortal essence into the crystalline orb. The chamber hummed with arcane energy, the air charged with anticipation as the ritual of rebirth unfolded.

A kaleidoscope of colors swirled within the orb, a testament to the merging of immortal power and mortal essence. The lines between past and present blurred as Wei Long surrendered to the currents of reincarnation, his form dissolving into shimmering particles of light.

And then, with a final surge of energy, the crystalline orb shattered, releasing a burst of radiant light that engulfed the chamber. When the light subsided, Wei Long was gone, his immortal form reborn into the mortal realm.

It had been two days since Wei Long arrived to this new world.

"Guess I slept through a good two days."

Glancing around, Wei Long realized, "So, the name of this body is Lin Chen, huh?" The name rolled off his tongue as he tested it out. But before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, a sudden sharp pain shot through his head, catching him of guard.

"Argh!" Wei Long winced, his hands instinctively reaching for his temples. The pain grew more intense, making him dizzy and disoriented. With a grunt, he flopped back onto the bed.

[End of Chapter 1]

Dear readers,

This is my first time venturing into the world of web novels, and I must admit, I'm both excited and a bit nervous about this new journey. After immersing myself in web novels, I couldn't shake off the urge to create my own story and share it with you all.

I'm aware that I have a lot to learn about writing web novels, and I'm stepping into this with an open mind and a willingness to improve. Your support and feedback mean the world to me as I navigate through this new experience.

Since I'm just starting out, it takes me a bit longer to craft each chapter, usually more than a week. I ask for your patience and understanding as I strive to deliver quality content that you'll enjoy. If you find the first chapter intriguing and are eagerly awaiting the second, please bear with me as I work diligently to bring it to you.

Your encouragement and love for this novel will inspire me to keep writing and sharing more chapters with you. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you'll stick around for more!

Warm regards,


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