
Awakening as Jon Snow

The last thing Alexander Drake recalled was the crushing pressure in his chest, the scent of antiseptic, and the desperate voices of paramedics around him. Everything went black, then white, and then…

Cold. He awakened to an all-encompassing cold. Snowflakes gently landed on his face, their icy touch startling him awake. The thick woolen cloak and fur-lined tunic felt both foreign and familiar. Struggling to his feet, Alexander realized he was no longer in a sterile hospital bed but sprawled on the frosty grounds of a medieval castle.

The name burst into his mind: Jon Snow. The memories came flooding back. He was no longer Alexander Drake. He was Jon Snow of Winterfell… or rather, he had become Jon Snow, the brooding bastard son of Eddard Stark. But the memories didn't stop there. He recalled the truth—that he was Aegon Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Before he could process this staggering revelation, Alexander felt a strange sensation within his hands, as if he could feel the very structure of the snow beneath his fingers, the individual crystals, their arrangement. Almost instinctually, he willed the snow to move, reshaping the flakes into a small, intricate ice sculpture. 

"What is this?" he whispered, marveling at the delicate ice figure of a dragon in his palm. The power of matter manipulation coursed through him, a gift—or perhaps a curse—in this land of ice and fire.