
The real bully-2

Yusheng having enough of the drama speaks "Umm...shut up.. the noise is irrating this lord"

Hearing that annoyed voice they immediately go down on their knees and bows. The duke didn't want to be another one whose head rolls even without getting to blink. His back was sweaty and body trembling.

With qinwang they knew he would not kill brazenly in public in fear of being seen as a tyrant as the next heir of the throne. But they knew this lady with soft voice can dare to do anything, at any place and time.

Even the emperor had to come from his high branch for her what were they? They feared that she would really have the heads rolling if annoyed further. She was absolutely the epitome of short tempered person.

Feeling pleased with their zipped mouth Yusheng speaks "Li Jing.. your son kicked his way through where this lord was dining.. even had money pouch thrown for compensation.. your daughter made this lord and qinwang as ruffians and murderers..

It was this lord first time dining in a restaurant.. qinwang was polite enough to have this lord invited here... which was thoroughly ruined by these four.

If for other people your son and these 3 would have definetly pressured the person to yield. What if the other person was of great authority from other country or sects?

Because of your stupid son and daughter the entire Nanling could fall into great dilenma. So it's not just about having this lord or qinwang being offended.

It's a matter of etiquette and mannerism that the nobles should have which represent the face of Nanling.

This lord is clear that you know of your children's act yet turning blind eye and deaf ear resulting them to turn so brazen. Don't act infront of this lord now or this lord's hand will itch and you all know how this lord eases ones itch hmmm.

Pei yan and Pei wen cai as a prince and princess not behaving so even encouraging and acting in cahoots how big your face is hmm?

Well, since you like to bully people... today this lord will teach you what true bullying is.. and how the people who gets bullied feels.

Tao go and inform the emperor of this incident and tell him this lord is in mood to bully. Have Pei Zhang come here with state advisor and royal scholar with empty edict stamped by the emperors seal."

All the kneeling people felt as if being submerged into cold lake. While the crowd was in awe from hearing. To dare ask for an empty edict with seal from the emperor for clear purpose of bullying ..just wow. So this is true bully they thought inside. Yet no one thought bad for her as she was sorting out those who had created many victims and enemy's in the capital.

Tao was quick on his way, while Pei Jin ordered for tea to be served. The manager himself served the tea as both of them were right infront of the restaurant. All the guests had ran out to crowd and watch the drama so baozeng was as good as closed for today.

The manager even had brought out delicate snacks for them to munch on. While the people below were shriveled up with fear Yusheng was munching and even complimenting the snacks making the manager over the moon.

Pei Jin looked at his beloved who looked like a squirrel with puffed cheeks and nibbling in the snacks. There were some crumbs near her lip which he so badly wanted to swipe and taste but managed to stop himself at end.

His anger rising when he thought of how he would have done so if they were not disturbed. Though the people had the look of awe and nothing amorous still Pei Jin's vinegar drum was shaking spilling some of it.

The kneeling ones couldn't even raise their heads in fear of angering the demons further. Each one of them cursed their luck. Pei wen cai had been so careful to make her presence light as feather for in fear of angering her father but now had offended someone whom even her father can't offend.

Pei yan had become a statue, he could see the blade hanging above to slice his neck at any time and his mother on the process of becoming a nun. He regretted for not staying home and regretted even more for being foolish.

Li Si was near to urinate on his pants from the fear, he remembered and regretted his earlier actions. He feared that even if left alive his father would definetly kill him after his return.

Similarly Li Yin was as fearful as her brother. She feared from now on her privilege would be gone even reducing below than her shu sister. She was also dearly worried about her future marriage prospects. It was better to die than to humiliated by having to be married to someone below of the ranks.

While on the palace the royal couples were angered for having another set of clowns jumping around disrupting their good time. Emperor immediately complied with Yusheng's request as it was a nice way to deal them without him being a villain.