
Show on the flower house

Yusheng was up early today and very excited as there was going to be a nice show. After the intimidation from qinwang all the people were forced to be obedient.

Because of the information issue Pei jin was very busy unable to give nightly visits on Yusheng boudoir making her feel relief yet also miss him.

She had the feeling that his pervert ways will latch onto her turning into a lusty demoness.

Soon the much awaited hour had came, finishing her lunch and dressing the quickest she had ever done with xiaoqing following her she stepped onto the carriage.

Reaching the private room of a tea house right opposite to the place the show was about to begin, she was sipping on her tea very leisurely.

Inside the brothel named Flower house, Zhou Zuoren and his brother Zhou Yahui were having time of their life with the beauties. Having wives and many concubines and tonfangs still was not enough to date their taste. Hence they often came to this brothel to taste new meats.

Zuoren was panting heavily while he had the beauty on her fours wildly thrusting from behind.

His mouth and tongue running wildly on her body leaving several marks. The flesh slapping very loud and clear just like their moans and pants. Pulling her hair along with her head he slapped his rod into that slick hole again and again making lewd noises.

Just as he was about to spew his seed someone barged into their room. Being disturbed at such crucial made him very angry before he could shout the invader. He had been hoisted up by his neck and thrown aside. Series of punches and kicks had him wailing like a pig.

On next room yahui who was having the beauty above him jumping on his rod was feeling very good. Pinching her buds, making her moan and sometimes gripping on her hips slamming her down he was moaning loudly. The juice all dripping from beauty's hole making his rod more slippery have both of them immense pleasure.

Wanting more he grabbed her butt cheeks and started to thrust with all of his might reaching more deeper. The slapping of flesh getting louder, the mounds of beauty jumping along with his wild thrust. Just like his brother near to his relief he too had person invaded in his room and started giving him good beatings.

At a certain point both brothers were huddled at the same place and a group of people giving them fierce beating. As the situation turned chaotic someone had ran to yamen to call for help.

When the guards turned up they saw a crowd of people watching while two people were beaten by four men outside the flower house. Squeezing through the crowd they stopped those men from fighting further. When looked closely the two men were face down moaning because of pain and naked.

Finally when moved everyone realized that these two men were not just nobody rather well known officials and son of current prime minister. The guards felt it was worst day of their life to be in the situation. One of them ran to inform the magistrate.

Short time later magistrate came huffing and puffing. Upon seeing beaten till the face swollen like pig he felt tremble in his heart. Hurriedly he had someone cover them and put them in stretchers for medical attention and also ordered the four men to send to prison for their crime.

Before the guards could catch them each had knives on their throat as if wanting to commit suicide. Then in loud voice one of the men spoke to the crowd.

Fellow people I am just a normal potter and like me these three are all farmers. I had just went outside the city for mere 3 days when these 2 pigs took opportunity to rape my wife. They raped her for entire 2 days not only that after they had enough they had their man servants also commit the same heinous act.

My poor wife unable to face such animal action upon herself left the mortal realm by commiting suicide. I have been searching for these beasts for a week and finally found them.

Before leaving she had me given these beasts name and here I have signed by her blood is the letter where she has clearly written all the things that happened to her and asks for the justice.

Fellow people the men beside me though don't have the letter but still are victims. Their wives faced the same situation like mine. Raped for many days, threatened, and tortured while their husbands were on field working like an ox to earn.

I say where is justice, where is law, right under the foot of holy one these so called rich, noble and officials are stomping on us, injuring our dignity and lives.

I know I will not survive as these men are vile spawns of prime minister zhou. But I rather commit suicide than to die under the hands of these monsters who killed my wife.

Listening to the poor mans grievances the crowd also became angry and started to shout on the guards and the magistrate for trying to capture the victims, while the convicts were receiving good treatments.

Sensing the situation getting out of hand all the guards and magistrate didn't dare to catch the men in fear of angering the crowd more. Just as they were in their dilenma royal guards who were patrolling came. Learning the situation the royal guards assured the crowd and the victims that justice will be served.

They even vowed to protect them till they reach the yamen to report their complaint. As the royal guards were under qinwang in present situation one of them went to report the matter to qinwang.

The magistrate and the normal guards dare not object even politely told that the Zhou brothers were currently send to seek medical attention in a nearby clinic.