
Chapter 458: An Overnight Stay in the Village

At this time, seeing Yin Shi here was a perfectly normal affair, but observing his slightly uneasy expression, Han Yu could infer from the previous conversation what had transpired when he entered, overhearing parts of it. He understood the situation well enough not to worry that Yin Shi would truly act on it. Yin Shi, after all, was a smart person. He knew well the consequences of such actions and who would be harmed by them, so when suspecting a traitor within, Han Yu never counted Yin Shi among them.

"Xiu Qi, your arrival is timely. With the great battle impending, Cibo came over to ask if there were any areas where he could be of service. I'm not as skilled as you in troop deployment and formation, so I'll leave the arrangements to you," Liu Xiu said as Han Yu entered, clearly stating his stance. He had always trusted Han Yu and had no worries that Han Yu would behave like Yin Shi, acting out of personal interest or disposition. Han Yu was a true gentleman.