

Alex looked at the last line inside the book with shock. He couldn't believe that the mage and warrior he had met during the promotion quest were actually such big shots. He knew they were both heroes; however, he didn't think they were from the same era. Moreover, they had both created a superpower together! Alex checked the time and noticed he had been at the library for over 3 hours. He closed the book, placed it back, and resumed his search for the book he needed. He and Mia continued searching for another 80 hours, taking breaks, until they finally found it. Alex was still searching when Mia messaged him that she had found it. Alex quickly arrived where she was, excited, and looked at the book in her hand with happiness. They had finally found it, and now they could activate the quest. Mia handed him the book, and they looked expectantly as Alex opened it. However, the pages inside the book were blank; they didn't notice this as they were focused on the blast of system messages.

[ You have found the Book of Revelations! ]

[ Error ]

[ You have found a page of the Book of Revelations! ]

[ You've received the quest Heirloom ]

[ Would you like to accept? ]


[ Heirloom

Difficulty: Epic Continental

You've discovered the secrets of purgatory and found an item lost in its lowest point. The item is the sword used by their most trustworthy servant. Retrieve the item and present it to the Royal Family of Wisdom to receive a reward for your efforts.

Rewards: None

Penalty: None

Time Limit: None ]

Alex looked confused but then remembered the item he was holding. He quickly flipped through all its pages and noticed that the page in the middle was filled with writing. Alex looked at the writing in horror as the words seemed to be rapidly changing. While he stared at the page blankly, Mia started to become worried as Alex became unresponsive. After waiting for a day, Alex finally woke up from his unresponsive state and started to scream in agony. Eventually, he was able to calm down a few minutes later; however, that didn't ease Mia's mind.

Alex rubbed his eyes and started to think about what had happened. Once he had seen the words etched onto the paper, the information contained within the page was forcefully stuffed into his mind. Alex looked at the page one last time and noticed the words were faint and barely visible. He looked at Mia and asked,

"Are you able to read this?"

"Hmm? No, I'm unable to even see any words. I could have sworn they were there."

"I see."

Alex noticed that Mia didn't feel what he had when she saw the words. Heck, she couldn't even see them! He just shook his head and looked at the system notifications. However, when he saw them, he was shocked!

[ You have activated the quest Book of Revelations! ]

[ Book of Revelations

Difficulty: Legendary World Quest

You've stumbled upon a page of something mythical. An item that was destroyed by ??? , an item that has limitless power and value. Find the remaining pages and restore the item to its peak!

Pages: 1/ ???

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Soul Annihilation

Time limit: None ]

[ You have found the Page of Purgatory! ]

[ Page of Purgatory

Rank: Divine

This page depicts a detailed map of Purgatory and all information correlated with Purgatory.

Only visible to user: Lucifer

Bound to user: Lucifer




Type: Skill

Element: Time, Space, Spiritual, Soul, Celestial,

Darkness, Demonic, Light, and Holy.

Once used, it gives the user a location for a missing page. A mere fragment of its true ability.

Cooldown: 7 days

Mana Cost: None ]

[ Stone of Patience has detected a similar item through your memories! ]

[ Stone of Patience has detected the Stone of Purity! ]

[ Stone of Patience urges you to retrieve the Stone of Purity! ]

[ Stone of Patience urges you to retrieve the Stone of Purity! ]

[ Stone of Patience urges you to retrieve the Stone of Purity! ]

[ Stone of Patience urges you to retrieve the Stone of Purity! ]



"Stop! You're supposed to be the stone representing patience, and yet you can't wait a single second!"

[ The Stone of Patience is silent. ]

[ The Stone of Patience says the Stone of Purity is losing its ego. ]

[ The Stone of Patience pleads for your assistance on this urgent issue! ]

"What do you mean it's losing its ego? Also, why are you so worried about it?"

[ The Stone of Patience warns the human to avoid sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. ]

[ The Stone of Patience won't explain to someone who wouldn't understand. ]

[ The Stone of Patience goes silent ]

Alex looked at the system messages in confusion. However, his instincts were telling him that a stone losing its ego would be catastrophic. He looked through the information in his mind about purgatory and found the method to enter. There were only two methods to enter: one was to have your soul enter purgatory, usually achieved by someone who dies; the other method was to use a spell within the Soul element called Soul Separation, then use the Soul element spell called Soul Retrieval. These two spells were relatively basic Soul element spells; however, they belonged to the mysterious and advanced Soul element. This made learning the spells extremely hard due to their complexity and rarity in learning materials. Of course, Alex knew he didn't have enough time given the urgency in the Stone of Patience's voice. So he had to go with the other route. The other method had its own set of problems and complications. It involved using an item called a Dimensional Stone. The Dimensional Stone was a stone that allowed a user to travel between dimensions. Due to its broken ability, it was obvious that the Dimensional Stone was a very rare item. There was no easy way to obtain it, but Alex knew of a guild that had it at this point in time. Of course, getting the item was a different story as they had already discovered its immense value. In a past timeline, they were the only guild able to obtain a Dimensional Stone throughout the game's existence. They had received the stone as a reward for completing a request from the God of Space. The item was of Legendary rank and was a one-time use item. Alex had no idea what he would have to sacrifice to get it, but he was determined to obtain the stone! The guild that had it was a superpower based in the Scholar Empire, known as the Library of Secrets!





Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter! Have a good rest of your day or night!

If you like this book so far you should check out my other work, A Last Wish!