
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Movable house

As we approached the stone house, the signs of battle that scarred its exterior became more evident.

The rocks that made up the structure were of different sizes, patched together to form a large, semi-circular shape.

From a distance, the house appeared beautiful, its rugged exterior giving way to a sense of sturdy protection.

But up close, the marks of attack were evident - scratches, dents, and gouges in the stone that told the story of a constant struggle against the creatures that roamed the planet.

Despite its rough appearance, the house exuded a sense of safety, a testament to the ingenuity and determination of its creators.

Saanvi's building skills had transformed a pile of rocks into a formidable shelter, a place where the group could find refuge from the dangers outside.

And Ethan's buffs had reinforced the structure, making it even more secure and safe to dwell in.

As we entered the house, we felt a sense of relief wash over us.

We had made it.

We had found a place to call home, at least for a while.

The interior of the house was more impressive than the exterior as it lacked the visible effects of the battle that raged on around it.

The interior of the whole semi-circular house was divided into twenty sections.

We first found ourselves in one of the two large general areas, which served as an entrance and a loitering space for the group.

This section was the largest of all, with a high ceiling.

The walls were made of the same rough-hewn stone gathered from the infernal planet as the exterior, but the floor was more smooth and even than the walls, worn down by the constant foot traffic.

The semicircular house was illuminated by a variety of light sources, each tailored to the specific needs of each section by the one and only Saanvi.

In the general areas, torches made of sturdy wood and filled with a special oil that burned brightly without smoke or odour, cast a warm glow.

The torches were placed at regular intervals, providing ample light for the group to gather, socialize, and move around comfortably.

To our left, there was a large guarded store, its entrance protected by a sturdy wooden door and a burly man with a stern expression.

The store was stocked with all manner of supplies, from food and water to tools and weapons.

Next to the store was the food preparation area, where a team of cooks worked tirelessly to prepare meals for the group.

Nothing was being prepared at the moment so the place was empty and closed.

The store and food preparation areas were lit by candles made from a special wax that burned steadily and brightly, providing a focused light that helped the group see what they were doing.

Beyond the food preparation area was the meeting room, where the group held their gatherings and discussions.

It was a large space with a long table and benches, where the group could sit and talk in comfort.

The meeting room was illuminated by a large crystal that hung from the ceiling, refracting and reflecting light in a way that seemed almost magical.

At the far end of the semicircular house, we saw the makeshift toilet, a small enclosure made of wooden partitions and a hole in the ground.

It was a primitive arrangement, but it was better than nothing.

It was lit by a small lantern that hung from a hook, casting a narrow beam of light.

The remaining 14 sections were sleeping quarters, each one small but cosy, with a bed and a chest for personal belongings.

The sleeping quarters were arranged in a circular pattern, with the general areas and facilities in the centre.

In the sleeping quarters, soft luminescent orbs that glowed with a gentle blue light, providing a soothing ambience that promoted rest.

These orbs were placed on small pedestals, casting a calming glow over each bed.

Dae-su Han's legs seemed to give out beneath him as he plopped onto the ground, his exhausted body surrendering to the relief of finally finding shelter. "Finally, I can stop walking," he sighed, his eyes closed in bliss.

As I gazed around at our new surroundings, I spotted a man approaching us with a warm smile on his face.

He was lean, with a rugged charm that seemed to fit perfectly with the harsh landscape we'd endured.

His hair was a sandy blond, his eyes a bright blue, and his features were chiselled, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline

"Yo, Luis!" he called out, his voice friendly and welcoming. "You found a new set of people?"

Luis nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, Ethan. We've got a few new faces here."

Ethan's eyes scanned our group, his gaze lingering on each of us before settling on Sophia's limp form in my arms.

His expression turned concerned, and he quickened his pace, striding towards us with a sense of purpose.

"Well, let's get you all settled in," he said, his smile returning. "We've got food, water, and shelter. You're safe now."

As Ethan approached, I felt a sense of gratitude towards this stranger, who seemed to embody the very spirit of hope and resilience that had driven us to keep going in the face of unimaginable hardship.

Ethan's eyes locked onto Sophia's fragile form, and his expression turned grave. "Fiona, go and get the healers, now," he ordered, his voice firm but urgent.

Fiona nodded and took off, her footsteps echoing through the stone house as she hastened to summon the healers.

Ethan turned to us, his face softening as he offered a warm smile. "Hey, you guys did great making it this far. I know it wasn't easy."

He crouched down beside Dae-su Han, who was still sitting on the ground, looking exhausted. "You're safe now, my friend. We'll get you all fixed up."

Ethan's words were like a balm to our weary souls, offering a sense of comfort and reassurance that we desperately needed.

He moved on to Jackson Lee, placing a hand on his shoulder.

As Ethan spoke, his eyes met mine, and I saw a glimmer of understanding there.

He knew what we'd been through, the struggles and the losses.

And yet, his gaze held a spark of hope, a sense that we could rebuild, that we could find a new purpose in this desolate world.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the stone house, growing louder as the healers approached.

Ethan stood up, his eyes never leaving ours. "They're here. We'll get them taken care of, don't worry."

The healers rushed forward, their faces set with determination.

They quickly surrounded Sophia, their hands moving with a precision and grace that matched the urgency of the situation.

Three of them faced the baby, their eyes locked onto her tiny form as they began to work their magic.

They were all surprised to see a child her age alive in this madness.

One healer, a gentle-looking woman with a kind face, placed her hands on Sophia's chest, her fingers splayed wide as she began to channel her energy.

Another healer, a tall, lanky man with a serious expression, took hold of Sophia's small hand, his eyes closed in concentration as he focused his powers.

The third healer, a woman with a calming presence, gently lifted Sophia's head, cradling it in her hands as she began to hum a soft, soothing melody.

As the three healers worked together, a warm, golden light began to emanate from their hands, enveloping Sophia's tiny form.

The light pulsed with a gentle, rhythmic energy, as if it were synchronizing with the baby's heartbeat.

The way they worked together would give anyone the impression that their abilities were part of a greater whole, but that wasn't the case.

Since they all joined the group they had faced situations that made them work together and strengthen their ability to work synergistically, with one or two or more making up for what the others lacked.