
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Jackson Lee and Chimsy's ordeal

With my understanding of the unfolding catastrophe confined to a narrow scope, panic surged within me, my sense of helplessness amplifying with each passing moment.

The gnawing realization that I could do nothing to alleviate their suffering consumed my consciousness, driving me to restlessness as I grappled with the weight of my powerlessness.

But there were still the little ways I could help them; by prolonging their deaths even though it might end up being fruitless.

Struggling against Dae-su Han's resistance, I exerted every ounce of strength to guide him to the floor, intent on preventing him from injuring himself further.

Yet, the seemingly unassuming, pale-skinned figure proved far stronger than anticipated, making the task far more challenging than I had initially imagined.

After a few seconds of struggle with the suffering guy, I succeeded in helping him to a safer position.

With Dae-su Han now safely on the floor, I turned my attention to Jackson Lee, determined to restrain him from harming himself further.

However, it quickly became apparent that my efforts were futile.

Despite my best attempts, Jackson Lee thrashed about uncontrollably, his hospital attire torn to shreds, while the remnants of his wheelchair lay crushed nearby, presenting a scene of chaos and despair.

In the blink of an eye, the scene descended into further chaos, as Jackson Lee's movements grew increasingly frenzied.

His arms flailed wildly, his eyes devoid of focus, betraying a descent into utter disarray and turmoil in mere seconds.

In that harrowing moment, Jackson Lee transformed into the most immediate threat to both Dae-su Han and myself.

He morphed into a metaphorical whirlwind of destruction, a relentless force capable of engulfing anything in its path, leaving chaos and devastation in its wake.


I exclaimed as Jackson Lee thrashed in our direction, his erratic movements a portent of something altogether unexpected.

Miraculously, both he and Dae-su Han had endured the ordeal for several minutes, a small mercy amidst the unfolding chaos.

But he was on a whole new level than his pale-skinned friend.

He transcended the bounds of his previous transformation, his body no longer subject to the cycle of destruction and reconstruction.

Instead, it underwent a profound expansion with every aspect of it stretching beyond its former limits.

In an instant, I felt a sudden shift within myself, as if an unseen force had stirred something dormant within.

It dawned on me that a transformation must have occurred within the great library altering the very essence of my capabilities in tandem with its own evolution.

With urgency gripping my every movement, I pulled Dae-su Han away from the destructive force embodied by Jackson Lee, each bump of his head against the unforgiving floor a grim reminder of the perilous struggle unfolding before us.

"I'm so sorry, my pale-skinned friend,"

I murmured to Dae-su Han as I hastily increased the distance between us and the tumultuous Jackson Lee.

Despite facing his own ordeal, Dae-su Han proved more manageable to pull away from the chaos, allowing us to retreat to safety.

As I sensed the subtle shift within the great library, I couldn't help but acknowledge for the umpteenth time, the perpetual mystery that shrouded its depths, leaving both its workings and my own nature cloaked in an eternal enigma.

In an unexpected twist, the storytelling within the great library underwent a profound transformation.

Suddenly, I found myself attuned to the deepest recesses of the humans' souls, comprehending every aspect of their beings with a newfound clarity that transcended the need for them to know what went on within their bodies before I found out about it.

It was as though a veil had been lifted, granting me unprecedented insight into all the aspects of their being; body, mind, and soul.

As I pondered the ramifications of this evolution, a nagging suspicion began to take root within me.

Was this transformation also influencing the narration of the tales of humans?

Was that why I could suddenly understand what was happening inside the humans in a better and clearer way?

Indeed, the sudden clarity with which I could grasp the intricacies of human experience hinted at a direct correlation with the evolving nature of storytelling within the great library.

It appeared that this transformation had unlocked a deeper level of understanding, allowing me to perceive their deeper inner workings (inside of their bodies and souls) with newfound clarity and insight.

Jackson Lee was expanding.

As Jackson Lee continued to expand, a startling revelation emerged: within his bloodstream, there was no trace of the sickle-shaped cells that once plagued him.

It was as if suddenly they had been utterly eradicated from existence, hinting at a miraculous transformation beyond comprehension.

As his body underwent unprecedented expansion, Jackson Lee's heart swelled several times its normal size, pulsating with a newfound ferocity that defied conventional understanding.

The relentless rhythm of his enlarged heart echoed the magnitude of the transformation unfolding within him.

In a cascade of astonishing metamorphosis, every aspect of Jackson Lee's being underwent a profound transformation.

His kidneys, once double, now each divided and spawned a third and fourth, each one both new and old doubling in size of the original ones.

Similarly, his liver ceased to be singular, instead multiplying into a dual entity, mirroring the unprecedented expansion occurring throughout his body.

Jackson Lee's entire anatomical structure underwent a radical metamorphosis, doubling in size and multiplying in number with each passing moment.

Almost every aspect of his being expanded and multiplied, defying the constraints of conventional biology in a bewildering display of transformation.

With each alteration in his physical form, his soul paralleled the transformation, becoming deeper and expanding its essence.

Although initially inaccessible, I began to discern the souls of humans.

Jackson Lee's soul, in particular, appeared boundless at first glance, yet upon closer examination, its expansiveness was revealed to have limits.

It was glowing with purple light and was filled with pure essence. I didn't need to see the former state of his soul to know that it too had grown.

Gradually, the cacophony of noise subsided, and the tumultuous thrashing of Jackson Lee ceased entirely.

He lay motionless on the floor, devoid of any covering, in a moment of serene stillness.

Jackson Lee's physical stature had undergone an extraordinary change, elongating from five foot five to a towering 8 foot 4 inches.

His consciousness was lost but he wasn't dead.

I knew that because his story hadn't turned grey and lifeless.

What next would happen? I wondered.

For some people they were in a similar state as Jackson Lee; their stories were paused but weren't grey and lifeless.

Out of such people, Chimsy was one of them.

Chimsy was going through the same height of transformation as Jackson Lee but she didn't have the same bodily expansion as he did.

Instead, she remained the same.

It seemed almost unfair that despite undergoing a comparable level of transformation, Chimsy didn't receive the extraordinary physical enhancements that Jackson Lee did.

She found herself without the remarkable athletic body and additional organs that Jackson Lee gained through his transformation.

But something changed for the sad youth. Her soul went through the most profound change out of every human on earth.

Her soul radiated with a mesmerizing ethereal darkness, surpassing any earthly brilliance.

Its expansiveness seemed boundless, stretching beyond comprehension.

While one might liken it to the vastness of the great library, the true magnitude of the expansive library remained uncertain so one couldn't be entirely sure.

Indeed, attempting to encapsulate the vastness of the great library within the confines of the soul of a vessel as mundane as a human would likely result in a catastrophic implosion, unable to contain such an other-worldly existence of such immensity.

But she seemed to be doing well with the change in her soul; the expansive nature of her newly transformed soul wasn't showing any negative effects.

Her body had undergone a metamorphosis (which was not evident to the human eye like that of Jackson Lee and many other humans), perfectly aligning itself with the essence of her newly transformed soul.

This change enabled her body to be able to bear the immense weight of her newly transformed soul.

Deep within her soul, there existed an essence entirely distinct from that of other humans, resonating with a unique quality and depth.

Moments after Chimsy and Jackson Lee slipped into unconsciousness, Dae-su Han's body went still and his story paused.

There was nothing significant about him; his soul, mind, and body were almost the same as they were before the strange occurrence happened, except for the tiny cracks at various points in his soul and mind.