
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Fiona and Luis

As we journeyed with the two scouts, Luis Garcia and the woman with short, spiky hair whose name was Fiona Beck, our spirits lifted.

We had finally found hope in this desolate planet.

Fiona and Luis led us through the rocky terrain, their buffs protecting them from the heat.

We followed closely, our bodies still weakened by the infernal heat, with no way to obtain this buff that shielded the two scouts.

"I can't believe we've finally found other people. " Jackson Lee said, his eyes shining with excitement.

"I know, it feels like a dream. Don't be offended guys but a fresh set of faces could do me some good. " Dae-su Han replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

Dae-su Han turned in Jackson Lee's direction, his eyes fixed on Chimsy's limp form in Jackson Lee's arms. "We owe it all to Chimsy. She got us this far."

Fiona smiled. "You guys are lucky to have made it this far. We've seen many wanderers succumb to the heat."

Fiona Beck was a petite woman with an athletic build.

Her thin lips pressed together in a determined line, a far cry from the soft smile she once wore as a banker in the USA.

Her pale skin, once a sign of her comfortable life, was now a canvas of scars, evidence of her constant exposure to the wild and craziness of the desolate planet.

She wore leather armour which was like a second skin, moulded to her body like a glove.

It was a buff in its own right, but she didn't need to boast about it, because we didn't actually ask.

The way she moved with fluid grace, her eyes scanning the horizon with a hawk's intensity, spoke volumes about her capabilities.

Luis nodded. "Yeah, it's a tough planet. But our group has learned to adapt."

Luis Garcia was a man of stature, despite his modest height of 5 foot 4.

His broad shoulders and chest spoke of strength and confidence that was hard-won from his days as a successful entrepreneur in Mexico.

He had built his company from the ground up, and his sharp mind and quick thinking had earned him millions.

But all of that was before.

Before the scenario, before the desolate planet.

Now, Luis was a shadow of his former self.

His once-immaculate suits and designer shoes had been replaced with practical leather armour that covered him from head to toe.

The armour was a buff, protecting him from the infernal heat.

Despite the armour, Luis's eyes still sparkled with a hint of his former pride.

His dark hair was flecked with grey, a testament to the stress and hardship he had endured.

His sharp jawline was now covered in a scruffy beard, and his eyes seemed to hold a thousand-yard stare as if constantly scanning the horizon for threats.

Luis's hands were large and capable, with a few scars and calluses that spoke of his newfound life as a scout.

His eyes seemed to take in everything around him, missing nothing.

We kept walking, silent and tired, but our spirits remained high, buoyed by the presence of our new companions and the promise of safety they offered.

Luis and Fiona led the way, their eyes still scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.

We followed closely. Dae-su Han and Jackson Lee were also looking out for danger.

It never did pay to be relaxed when danger could be lurking anywhere.

Not like the planet gave us any luxury to be relaxed.

As the hours passed, the silence became more comfortable, and a sense of camaraderie developed between us.

We didn't need to talk; our shared struggles and determination to survive said it all.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Luis raised his hand, signalling us to stop.

We gathered around him, our eyes following his gaze to a structure in the distance.

It was a large, movable stone house, shaped like a semi-circle, with stones collected from the infernal planet.

The sight took our breath away, a symbol of hope and resilience.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Jackson Lee exclaimed.

Even if we could gather the stones we couldn't build a replica of that house because we simply didn't have the abilities to.

The intricate structure, held together by an unseen force, seemed to defy the laws of physics and construction.

It was a marvel, a true masterpiece, and a testament to the incredible abilities of its creator, Saanvi.

Among the group, Saanvi had an extraordinary gift; her ability was literally that of a builder.

She could construct anything her level allowed her to, and her expertise grew with each new project.

Unlike the others, who levelled up through combat and battles, she progressed through her craft, honing her skills with every new thing she created.

Saanvi's talent wasn't limited to building objects; she could also repair and reinforce existing ones.

Her expertise extended to crafting tools, weapons, and even intricate mechanisms. Her creations were always imbued with a hint of magic.

Even if we could gather the necessary materials, we couldn't replicate Saanvi's masterpiece or even the ability of the one who turned the shelter into a cool one.

So, even if we had Saanvi's exceptional building skills, we still needed Ethan Thompson's unique ability to create buffs.

His ability to craft buffs backed up Saanvi's creation skills.

Ethan's level had increased rapidly due to his frequent use of his ability, making him the highest-level ability user in the group.

Dae-su Han fell to the floor, overcome with emotion, while Jackson Lee stood tall, Chimsy still unconscious in his arms.

His expression said it all; gratitude, relief, and joy. We had made it.

We had found a new home, a place to start anew.

Luis and Fiona smiled, their faces creasing with lines of exhaustion and happiness.

They had led us to their group's stronghold, a sanctuary in this desolate landscape.

Meanwhile, little Sophia, still unconscious in my arms, seemed to stir, as if sensing the promise of safety and shelter.

Her small body had long given in to the relentless heat, her once vibrant spirit slowly fading like the pages of her story in the great library which were slowly turning grey.

As I gazed at Sophia's fragile face, my heart swelled with concern.

This tiny being had already faced unimaginable hardships in her short life.

The sudden evolution, the loss of her parents to the sudden evolution, the harsh environment, and the constant threats.

It was a marvel she had held on this long.

But hope was within reach.

The group had healers and they were our best chance at saving Sophia.

Time was of the essence; every moment counted.

The faster we reached the safety of the stone house, the sooner the healers could work their magic and bring Sophia back to consciousness.

I quickened my pace, careful not to jostle Sophia's fragile form.

As we approached the stone house, a sense of relief washed over me. We had made it.

"So, this is it. Welcome to our moving home" Fiona said as she kept walking, without looking behind her.

Relief still washed over her; relief that she always felt whenever she brought back one or two wanderers or a group of them.