
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Baby Sophia

Baby Sophia is indeed a special child, different from others on Earth, especially because she had survived at such a tender age.

Despite the chaos around us, she was very calm.

In fact I would say that the whole situation seemed to be not strange to her.

A normal child in her place would be very scared.

The ash hawk's loud wings, the wind, and the heights would be too much.

They would cry and scream, their tiny bodies shaking with fear.

But this baby was different, not different from the rest of the twenty strong though: each of them exhibited characteristics different than the normal children their ages would exhibit.

As the ash hawks flew through the skies, the baby looked down at the inferno below.

But she was still as composed as she had been since this whole strange sequence of events started happening.

Even when her parents died, the baby's reaction was eerily calm.

She didn't cry or seem sad.

Instead, she looked at them with a blank face, like she didn't understand what had happened.

That was exactly what happened.

She didn't understand what had truly happened.

Why was everyone suddenly plopped on the floor sleeping?

She didn't know and she was just too tender to be bothered about such adult worries.

As the lifeless bodies of her parents lay nearby, the baby simply gazed at them with a blank expression.

It wasn't that she didn't comprehend the significance of the situation.

She had seen them do this a lot of times before but didn't know that this time it was different.

She didn't grasp that the two people who had fed her, bathed her, and soothed her cries weren't just sleeping.

Usually, whenever this happened the little one would scream and throw tantrums at her parents to get their attention.

The whole concept was "how dare you sleep when I'm awake?"

But that wasn't so at that moment.

Instead, her attention was drawn to a sudden, glowing light that appeared on her palms.

With a fascinated gaze, she stared at the radiant glow, her tiny hands flexing and relaxing in an attempt to touch the light.

But the more she attempted to do that, the more the light floated slowly away from her.

So, one could simply deduce from the way she acted before the swift evolution and after the swift evolution, that the baby's psyche had changed too.

She was taking it all in; adapting to this new world, growing and changing fast.

Maybe it was the benefits of being a clean slate with no bias of the world tainting your mind.

Maybe that was why the twenty strong out of everyone in the scenario had adapted so quickly; because they hadn't really been accustomed to the normal world, so for them this might be their normal.

The baby's eyes grew heavy, her eyelids drooping as she fought to stay awake.

Despite her efforts, her exhaustion won out, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Her tiny hands never relaxed, but instead she tightened her grip on my shirt as her head lolled to one side.

The baby's breathing slowed, her body relaxing completely as she surrendered to sleep.

"You think this is a joke?" I said to the little one.

Here, the rest of us was panicking, looking around for flying predators while the little one just slept peacefully while on an ash hawk for that matter.

As the two ash hawks flew ahead of the group, their keen eyes scanned the skies for any signs of danger, so we could prepare for an attack before hand because there was really no hiding due to the exposed nature of the planet.

Even if we were to find a tiny enclosure to hide , there was nothing big for the undead ash hawks to hide in and we couldn't let them go because they were vital for our speedy transport .

You might be thinking that since Chimsy came with the powers to control the undead minions she must have where to keep them.

Absolutely not, she has no such abilities to hide her minions in any other place apart from wherever she is.

So, the two ash hawks had earlier been sent ahead to check for flying predators, to give us a headstart for any confrontation.

After Moments; very long moments of flying through the skies, with the two ash hawks gliding through them at a very high speed.

"There's a threat! Everyone get ready!" Chimsy yelled as she mentally ordered her minions to how they should go.

The ash hawks flew in formation, their wings beating in unison as they paused, basically hovering in the skies.

"No no no no!" I screamed as I watched the creature from Chimsy's point of view "Chimsy retreat! Just listen to what I say now . Let's just run backwards, to anywhere that's far away from that thing."

Chimsy and the rest were confused. It was as if I wasn't speaking English to them . "Just take it as my psychic powers warning you. "

When I saw the creature that the ash hawks saw my human heart started beating faster , skipping some beats.

Fear filled my entire body and I began to tremble slightly.

"What in the world ? " I thought as I beheld the monstrosity.

It wasn't just any type of creature.

It was a different kind.

I had seen five kinds of monsters appear throughout the ten scenarios and I even created a classification system for the monsters that had appeared throughout the ten scenarios.

In this classification system, colors surrounding the names of the creatures are used to represent different tiers of strength or power.

At the bottom of the hierarchy was the faint blue, representing the weakest tier, Tier One.

Above blue was orange, which was Tier Two, which possessed slightly more strength and resilience than its blue counterpart.

While still relatively weak, orange represented a moderate level of power, with some capacity for growth and development.

The next tier, Tier Three, was symbolized by red, indicating a significant increase in strength and abilities.

Red represented a higher level of power, with enhanced capabilities than the tier one and two.

Black, representing Tier Four, was an even more formidable level, with immense strength.

The highest tier, Tier Five, was represented by purple, signifying the most powerful and exceptional level of strength and capability.

But the creature that the ash hawks saw didnt belong to any of the tiers.

It had the word "sky serpent " floating over it , surrounded in white.

I had never seen any creature like that appear throughout the ten scenarios.

Could it be that it was a rank lower than tier one?

Its appearance stated that the reverse would be the case: it's appearance was so formidable that it belied any notion of it being less than any of the tiers I had formed.

The ash hawks beheld a sight that left them trembling.

A majestic creature, unlike any I had ever seen throughout the ten scenarios; Its slender, serpentine body undulated gracefully, its scales glinting with an otherworldly sheen.

Wings, strong and wide, propelled it through the air with eerie silence.

My mind struggled to comprehend the sheer magnitude of this being.

It was as if I was gazing upon a creature from a realm beyond our own; like it was almost on par with the great library itself.

Although, this would likely be untrue. The great library had powers that were unquantifiable.

It was ancient and powerful.

It created being like me for over countless years... so I doubt this sky serpent would be on par with the great library.

But still it didn't remove the fact that this creature was way out of the three's reach.

If they faced it, they would be devoured before they could complete a single respiratory cycle.