
Rebirth: Leading Families to Survive in the Apocalypse

After dying in the apocalypse, Su Jin was given a second chance as she was reborn into her former self just one month before the beginning of the end. Knowing that the world was about to fall apart, she started stockpiling everything she could. Her family started to think that she had gone crazy after her marriage and was ready to gang up to ruin the trashy husband. However, as the world suddenly changed around them, their air tickets and money were rendered useless and they now understood just how much foresight their beloved Su Jin had this whole time. As they continued to fight for survival, Su Jin's husband scoured the city with several better-looking team members. One of them groaned while trudging ahead, This is the 212th time we've lost our way since the team leader began his search for his wife...

MelodiousPrayer · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Splitting Up

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Jin only bought flower seeds to try out a new trick she had not been able to test before she died in the previous life.

In her past life, she had stumbled across a mutated rafflesia flower. After she obtained a seed from it, however, she just happened to stumble across a small tide of zombies. Many of her teammates died to those zombies, and in her desperation she made the rafflesia seed grow. The flower that bloomed from it somehow managed to gobble up three zombies in one bite!

Eventually, she used the rafflesia to get herself out of danger. It was unfortunate that the rafflesia was later outnumbered and destroyed.

After that, she had planned to get her hands on a few more seeds to experiment with. However, she was captured by Chen Xiarong before she could.

If she could make seeds grow and use them as her weapons, that would be an insane ability.

However, the owner of the flower seeds shop said that they did not carry rafflesia seeds, and she suggested that Su Jin try to buy them online. Although Su Jin was disappointed, she still bought a few pitcher plants and Venus flytraps, plus some rose seeds on the side.

Lu Hao had no idea why Su Jin wanted these things, but he helped her carry the plants nonetheless.

On the way back, Su Jin threw some of the seeds, fruit tree saplings, and potted plants into the dimension. Since they had gone out to buy seeds, they had to return with some, right?

Besides, on Lin Cheng and Huang Yunxiang's side, the latter had already surveyed some houses that could work as their warehouses. She was just waiting for Lin Cheng to come back and make the final decision with her. It was no that Huang Yunxiang could not make the decision herself, but she was used to deciding things together with Lin Cheng when it came to family matters. The couple enjoyed their discussions in that vein.

"Where are you now, Lin Cheng? I'm here waiting for you." Huang Yunxiang was getting a little anxious because she wanted to go shopping too. She finally had a reason to spend money without a worry in the world, and she did not want to miss out.

"Hello! Aren't you my brother's sister-in-law, Sis Huang? Why are you standing here? Are you waiting for someone?" 

Huang Yunxiang was flabbergasted. Why was Su Xiangmei here? She secretly rolled her eyes, feeling a strong urge to just ignore her.

"Hey, Sis Huang, I'm talking to you. Why are you here?" Su Xiangmei thought Huang Yunxiang had not heard her, so she asked again patiently. Of everyone in Li Tianhui's family, Huang Yunxiang was the person Su Xiangmei hated the second most. Huang Yunxiang had married here from another province, yet the Lin family gave her such a huge wedding gift. They gave her 99 thousand bucks! That was quite a lot for this area. Su Xiangmei could only wish that she had met someone as nice as Lin Cheng.

"Oh, so it's you. I'm just waiting for my husband." So Su Xiangmei wanted to chat, did she? Huang Yunxiang would oblige her, then. Two could play at that game.

As soon as Su Xiangmei heard that Lin Cheng was on his way, she suddenly did not want to leave. 

"Why are you and Brother Lin coming here? Oh, and have you asked Su Jin about that matter? Do you know who Lu Hao's mistress is yet? Sheesh, if you really manage to catch that adulteress, why, I'd wanna teach her a lesson too! It's so infuriating."

Huang Yunxiang had no idea how Su Xiangmei could say that with a straight face. She had been someone else's mistress once before too.

Just then, Huang Yunxiang saw Lin Cheng and Lin Xiuyuan approaching from a distance. Her impatient expression instantly turned to delight.

"Honey, sonny, I'm here!" Huang Yunxiang interrupted Su Xiangmei and waved at them.

"Sorry, Sis Su, but my husband and my son are back. We have other business to attend to, so I'll see you later." Huang Yunxiang was eager to leave.

"Hey, hey, what's with the rush? I'm not busy right now, so I could just go with you." Su Xiangmei saw the tall Lin Cheng walking toward them and was adamant to stay. She was wearing a new dress today, too.

Huang Yunxiang could not be bothered with her, so she made a beeline to Lin Cheng to talk to him.

Lin Xiuyuan had spotted Su Xiangmei from a mile away. That aunt-in-law of his was such a pain. He was determined to give her a snide comment or three in payment for making him embarrass himself in front of Lu Hao.

"Yo, isn't that Aunt Su? Do you have too much time to kill again today?" Lin Xiuyuan never minced his words.

"What are you saying, boy? What's wrong with me walking past here?" Su Xiangmei did not give in.

Lin Cheng saw how Su Xiangmei was arguing with their son and turned to Huang Yunxiang with a frown. "Why is she here? She's so annoying."

"I don't know either. She just spotted it and came around, then she wouldn't leave." Huang Yunxiang was frustrated too. If she had known this would happen, she would not have stood in such an obvious spot.

"Brother Lin, look at your wife! She should teach your son better. He's so rude to adults." Su Xiangmei knew she could not beat Lin Xiuyuan in an argument, so she turned around and acted pitiful in front of Lin Cheng, even throwing in an insult to Huang Yunxiang while she was at it.

Did she just say his son was rude and uncultured? Was she indirectly insulting him as a father as well?

"How my son behaves has nothing to do with you." Lin Cheng's expression turned stormy.

"Wait, Mom, Dad! I bet you didn't know this, but our school recently punished a few misbehaving students who acted like thugs. One of them was called Luo Hui, and he was even made a public example and nearly expelled. See, his parents didn't teach him well, did they? He was scolded in front of all the teachers and students in school! Isn't that embarrassing? Tsk-tsk."

Luo Hui was none other than Su Xiangmei's son with her ex.

Su Xiangmei was so furious that she gnashed her teeth, but she held her temper in. This Lin Xiuyuan was truly a thorn in her side.

"That's enough, sonny, don't just stand there. We have business to attend to." Huang Yunxiang emphasized the word 'business', hinting at Su Xiangmei that this was important to them and that she should just skive off to do her own thing.

Su Xiangmei still wanted to go with them, but she knew how mean Lin Xiuyuan's words could be now so she could only pretend that she had something else to do. After that, she left.

"Finally, she's gone." Huang Yunxiang sighed.

"Mom, how could you just let her leave like that? I haven't paid her back for what she did to Su Jin yet." Lin Xiuyuan had a ton more insults he wanted to use.

"Enough, enough. We should go check out the houses first. That's more important." Lin Cheng was anxious too. It was almost noon, and he did not want to go back without anything to show for it.

At the same time, Lin Tianzhen and her husband Mao Zhihang were still walking around the grain and oil wholesale market. They had brought their seven-seater along, and every seat aside from the driver and passengers seats were stacked full of rice and flour.

The owner of the store saw that they could not squeeze anything else in, so he said that he could deliver the goods for them free of charge if their place was nearby.

"That's great! In that case, give us another hundred bags of this northeastern rice!" Mao Zhihang said generously.

"Zhihang, what if we buy too much and can't finish it all? Will it spoil?" Lin Tianzhen was slightly worried, so she pulled her husband aside and whispered to him.

Mao Zhihang said confidently, "Nonsense! Don't you remember what Lil Jin said? Food will become the most important commodity of all! If we can't finish this all, we can give it to other people in exchange for other things!"

Oh yeah, why did she not think of that? In that case, the two of them bought things with even more abandon.

After they bought all the rice, they went on to the flour, then the cooking oil. After that, they followed Su Jin's suggestion and bought many boxes of sausages, hams, and canned meats from the wholesaler, finally topping up with a ton of packed biscuits and instant noodles.

Once they were done with their purchases, they received a call from Lin Cheng saying that he and Huang Yunxiang had decided on their warehouses. They could bring their goods over at any time now. Hence, Mao Zhihang told the many shop owners to send the goods to the warehouse address.

Finally, there were Su Jin's parents. Lin Tianhui had always liked hoarding things, especially when there were discounts online. She ended up collecting so many daily necessities that Su Xiangzhe had to clear out Su Jin's previous room and 'forbid' his wife from buying any more.

Lin Tianhui knew that they had run out of space too, so she had no choice but to stop.

Now, however, she could hoard as much as she liked!

Su Xiangzhe looked at Lin Tianhui as she flew around the supermarket like a busy little bee, taking things from this shelf and then running over to clear that shelf.

Sigh, he might as well let her run wild. At least this time he did not have to worry that she would buy too much.

Su Jin and the others did not go home either, heading straight to the warehouse address Lin Cheng gave them instead. Thanks to the new address, Lu Hao embarrassingly got lost again. After all, he only knew the main roads in the city and sometimes he would even get those wrong. The address Lin Cheng sent them was a little street he had never heard of before.

"Let me take the wheel then, hottie," Su Jin said, teasing him. She found the way he got lost utterly adorable, especially when he frowned in frustration like a Golden Retriever chasing its tail…

"Don't worry, Lil Hao. It's not the end of the world if you can't tell the way. I used to get lost a lot too when I was young and the city was constantly changing," Lin Xiuying consoled him. Well, she honestly thought it was fine for him to be terrible at directions. All a man needed to know was the way home.

Lu Hao's frustrations melted away when he heard Grandma's gentle comforting words. Yes, he still had Su Jin, Grandma, and the rest of his family behind him.

"That's right, honey. You're not a GPS, so you can leave the directions to us. There are plenty of heads between us, after all," Su Jin said as she drove. She even rubbed Lu Hao's head with her right hand. Heh, he really was like a Goldie…

Lu Hao, "..."