
Rebirth In Unknown Lands.

[WPC 280 - Gold prize.] Eric was not the luckiest of guys around... He lived most of his life strapped to machines; in constant peril. A shining ray of hope graced him and his family in the form of an operation... Even that didn't work. On his deathbed, Eric closed his weary eyes, holding on to his most two important persons: his parents. Alas, it seems fate had other plans for ol' Eric. He opened his eyes to a new body— to a new world. A world of swords and magic. A world where magic beasts ran rampant. But is that it? Or is there more to this world than what meets the eye? --------- -If you want to chat with me or share your ideas with other readers, you can hit up this discord server: https://discord.gg/NgbvfZp9Hk -Cover is not mine. If you are the artist, or want me to take it down. You can contact me and I'll do it.

MunirSM · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs



In the familiar dirt open space, the Armsworth training yard. The sound of two wooden swords crossing each other dominated the backyard.

It was Epine and Eldric training yet again. However, to the observer, it looked almost as if it were a beating under the guise of training.

Epine's wooden sword would surely hit little Eldric's side, as per the usual.

This time, at the last millisecond, Eldric barely managed to raise his sword to the right side in an act depicting pure muscle memory to defend from her strike.


— He had actually blocked her strike. His hands were shaking holding on to the chipped wooden sword's handle.

The usually impassive expression of the maid turned into a surprised one for a moment. What Eldric did was not that surprising— it was quite basic, in fact.

The reason for her surprise stemmed from the fact that it was herself that executed the strike. Epine was not just anybody... Just as mages had their ranking, so did non-mages.

Epine had never attended those so-called 'Schools'. Despite that, the ranks they had were approved around the world.







Naturally, such ranks were not only exclusive to sword users. It was the same case for the axe, spear, and mace users...

Epine was sure she would rank among Expert rank. Uncharacteristically, she thought very humbly of herself.

One cannot even begin to imagine how many Experts met the wrong end of her blade— even some Masters were included in the equation. Sadly, seldom would she be able to finish her job when the target is a Master.

Fortunately, however, it seems to turn such a Master into a cripple is considered a job well done by her clients.

As such, to say that a seven-year-child; one that just picked up his sword a week ago blocked a strike from an Expert would surely reward you with a comedian of the year award.

It was simply that ridiculous.

Be not fooled, Epine was indeed immensely holding back strength-wise. Little Eldric was still but a child at the end. However, that was not the case for her technique. Her strikes could not just be blocked willy-nilly by some brilliant stroke of luck, that was not how things worked.

Epine was not certain if he could block her strike again, but she surely hadn't regretted the decision to seriously train him.

Her young master had talent. A real talent that needed to be roughed up to show its true worth. Epine would serve as the grindstone to sharpen it— gladly.

Albeit, there was no way Epine would even dream of telling him about this. She wouldn't want him to grow a big head from it and turn complacent.

Not only that, from what she observed of her young master, neither would he.

"Hahaha! Is that all you got, Epine?"

— or maybe not.

Eldric brought his tightly clasped hand high up in the air and smiled foolishly, fully cranking his head to gaze at the white clouds in the blue sky.

' Hehe. FINALLY!' he grinned, cocking his eyebrows. A few giggles involuntarily escaped his mouth.

He was finally able to block this madwoman's strike. The training she had put him through was akin to hell.

'The young master is as confusing as always...'

Most of the time, she would even forget that he is a child. It was only natural, his temperament was much too similar to an adult— even better. There was also that...

He could hide it all he wants, but the ambition hidden deep behind his eyes could not be veiled.

Contrary to his usual seriousness, there would occasionally be some instances when he would act like the child he truly is… It was quite perplexing.

"Congratulations, young master. You can now finally perform the most basic swordsmanship defensive move— the block."


"Truly impressive." grandly declared Epine.

Eldric's mouth twitched at that comment. It did not sound nearly as amazing to block an attack of hers anymore when she said it like that.

She definitely did it on purpose, too.

He couldn't come up with a witty response in return—


Epine's flat part of the sword hit him square in the head.

He clutched his head, looking hatefully at her." Can't you give me a break??!! I was celebrating..."

The moment he screamed that, he realised how stupid that must have sounded.

He had an inkling of the response that was heading his way. He squinted his eyes at her, all the while still clutching his head.

His expression screamed, 'Don't you dare say it...'

Whether Epine realised what Eldric was going for or not is unknown, but Eldric's anticipated reply came right that.

"There are no breaks in a real fight, young master," she said with steel in her voice.

That was also something Eldric noticed...

It went without saying that he was aware his excitement had a rather large part in how much Epine would push him. As a teacher, you naturally get more enthusiastic to do your job if the student is just as motivated as you are. Eldric is a lot of things— a slacker he is not.

That was not the problem though, he was all in for good teaching.

The issue that plagued him was that she would be teaching him like he would be fighting in a war right after.

He looked down at his dirt-covered light armour, and there were deep slash marks engraved into the worn-out leather. Heck, even his boots somehow had some gnashes on them.

He couldn't have known, but he was sure that his previously white-silver hair turned ashy from all the rolling he had to do.

That was the main reason why he was so happy with this day's block... He had to hang on for dear life the other days, rolling around and still magically getting hit either in the back of his head or his side.

After countless tries, he somehow could produce a small bright light in his hands. He thought it would surprise her, and it did.

Well, maybe for different reasons than he thought. Because the training turned even harsher after that 'ambush'… She even prohibited him from using it when training with her.

He obviously didn't agree to that. He hugged the 'everything goes' rule she liked so much. And let's say that didn't go as good as he had hoped it would.

Whenever he would use it, her sword would unknowingly make contact with the back of his neck and rattle him for a few seconds.

Eldric was admittedly pretty mad after the first few times, but he didn't show it. He stopped using it altogether; there was no sense in using it, really. He could do nothing if Epine really didn't want him to use it.

In the background, however. He was cooking up some nasty magic surprise for Epine to eat. He would use every piece of knowledge available to him.

One day… One day he'll have his revenge— in full.