
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Du hí
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191 Chs

Chapter 52: A Round of Shock

Within the sprawling recruitment hall, Yun Che and Retsu trailed behind Xia Yuanba as he led them to a nearby testing zone. Due to the sheer volume of candidates, the palace had erected a dozen test counters to expedite the process. Seated within the arena, they awaited their turn, engaging in conversation with Xia Yuanba to glean insights about the palace, making the most of their stay until the upcoming banquet.

"Brother-in-law, is Miss Retsu truly your fiancée?" Xia Yuanba's incredulous tone filled the air. Learning this tidbit only a year after his own marriage to Yun Che's sister was a surprise.

"Hmm, we were engaged long before my marriage to your sister or more like shoved into a marriage with her." Yun Che responded candidly, a sentiment that Retsu seemed unfazed by, her demeanor indicating her comfort with his marital status.

"Well, I can't blame you. Sister has always been reserved. I spent years trying to break through her shell, but it never seemed to work," Xia Yuanba sighed, memories of his past efforts surfacing. Back then, Yun Che had been his sole friend.

"Don't worry about it, Xia Yuanba. She's still your sister and my wife. She carries a lot on her back. Someday, she'll open up to you," Yun Che reassured, patting his brother-in-law's back.

"In that case, can I call you 'sister-in-law,' Miss Retsu?" Xia Yuanba's smile returned after Yun Che's consoling words. Retsu, however, found herself blushing intensely, her radiant beauty amplifying. Clinging to Yun Che's arm, she hid her face behind it. Unmarried yet already deemed a sister-in-law in Xia Yuanba's eyes.

"She won't mind. Just don't go overboard, or she might feel overwhelmed," Yun Che advised Xia Yuanba, eliciting a slight nod from Retsu, who was visibly touched. Yun Che gently squeezed her hand and affectionately patted her head, a gesture that resonated deeply with her.

"Wow, what beauty. This young master's eyes have beheld such magnificence for the first time." A voice interjected, and Yun Che rolled his eyes. It seemed that trouble was magnetically drawn to him and Retsu.

All three turned their attention to one of the disciples approaching, accompanied by his followers. The newcomer oozed the air of an arrogant young master, walking confidently with flamboyant attire and flanked by sycophantic lackeys. His disdainful expression and haughty demeanor broadcast his sense of entitlement, as if the world existed to cater to him.

"Hey, beauty, why not leave these peasants and join me instead? As my follower in this palace, you'll be granted a coveted position," the 'young master' propositioned, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Retsu's composure returned swiftly, the smiling demon 'Unohana Retsu' reclaiming her persona. One thing she despised more than anything was her 'Yuuki' moments interrupted by some filth. Summoning her inner calm, she quelled her turmoil. An intriguing facet of Retsu was her mastery over words, capable of weaving sweetness or venom, much like her battles.

"Ara, it seems cockroaches are quite common," Retsu responded calmly from behind her veil. She held onto Yun Che's arm more firmly, signaling their unity and silently conveying the message for the intruder to leave.

"You... Do you have any idea who I am?" His outburst turned heads, attracting attention. Her words had clearly provoked him.

"Well, actually, cockroaches aren't that well-known," Retsu quipped, her tone laced with venom. Yun Che chuckled in response. She never used such language against them, but this ruthlessness was a surprise. No doubt, she shared a kinship with Yachiru in this regard.

"Ooh, that's spicy," Yun Che murmured audibly. It appeared he wouldn't have to step in after all. Xia Yuanba found himself astonished by his new sister-in-law's sharp verbal wit.

"You..." The 'young master' was about to assert himself when a hand abruptly halted him.

Turning, he encountered the stern gaze of an elder. "Elder Han?"

Elder Han, a respected figure within the palace, radiated wisdom and authority. His countenance bore the marks of a life lived thoughtfully and his traditional attire marked his significance. His experienced eyes and measured words hinted at a role encompassing guidance and historical knowledge. "What did I tell you about harming the recruits? Do you wish to be severely reprimanded by the hall?"

"This isn't over. Bitch," the 'young master' spat before walking away with his lackeys, heading toward the exit. Retsu sighed, deeming the cockroach unworthy of her time. Promising Yun Che that she wouldn't unleash her killing intent during their stay, she wondered if the forest could use some fertilizer if he tries anything.

Elder Han intercepted Yun Che's gaze, cupping his hands in respect. "I apologize for his behavior. He's the grandson of an elder and frequently causes trouble. I am Sikong Han, the elder of the New Moon Profound Palace."

Yun Che rolled his eyes, sensing the potential regret awaiting the haughty youth. "That boy has no clue whom he's provoked. Don't worry; he'll face the consequences sooner or later." He cast his gaze upon the retreating figure of the arrogant young master.

"It's best if you don't intervene further. The elder backing him wields significant power. That's why he's been able to create havoc without restraint," Elder Sikong Han cautioned, unaware of Yun Che's true capabilities.

"Nice to meet you, Elder Han. Without your intervention, who knows what might have happened to him." Yun Che expressed gratitude, his gaze fixed on the fading figure of the young troublemaker.

"I consider it my duty to maintain order. Best of luck with the upcoming test," the elder acknowledged, cupping his hands before departing through the exit.

"Brother-in-law, that's Elder Sikong Han, one of the supreme elders of the New Moon Profound Palace. It's surprising that he came to our aid," Xia Yuanba remarked, a mixture of awe and shock evident as Elder Han intervened to protect them.

"And who might that conceited fellow be?" Retsu inquired.

"That's young master Wu Ya. He's the grandson of Supreme Elder Wu Nie. He's notorious for stirring up trouble within the New Moon Profound Palace. Any mistakes he makes are often overlooked due to the protection of Elder Wu Nie, who holds sway over disciplinary matters," Xia Yuanba explained, painting a clear picture of the palace's dynamics.

"Hmm, what's Wu Nie's cultivation level?" Yun Che probed.

"He's merely at the Second Level of the Earth Profound Realm, while Elder Sikong Han is at the First Level. That's why he can't directly challenge Elder Wu Nie," Xia Yuanba offered a comprehensive view of the situation within the New Moon Profound Palace.

Yun Che couldn't help but rub his temple. Was that all they were concerned about? He and Retsu could easily overpower that elder without resorting to their Zanpakutos. The realization struck him that Retsu had returned to her customary self. A master of handling situations and retaliation, she was more than capable of dealing with provocations. He needn't worry about her seeking retribution. However, if she encountered that young master in battle, it wouldn't bode well for him.


Guided by Xia Yuanba, Yun Che and Retsu arrived at the designated testing area. As they prepared to take the test, Xia Yuanba remained outside, waiting patiently. The examination was straightforward—placing their hands on an age-measuring orb. The orb promptly assessed Yun Che's age as 18 and identified Retsu as 19. Fortunately, Retsu's previous rebirth left her at the age of 18, sparing her from being labeled a millennium-old individual. This was particularly fortunate, considering the potential complications that might arise if Yachiru were to take over her body.

The second test was a bit more challenging for Yun Che and Retsu, not in terms of difficulty, but due to the sheer theatrics that surrounded it. An orb awaited their punches, designed to measure strength and translate it into points. The scale ranged from 100 points, representing the novice level of Nascent, to 1000 points, marking the Peak of Nascent. As each candidate took their turn, the hall echoed with the proud exclamations of young masters, some of whom flaunted their achievements of reaching the fourth or fifth level of the Nascent Profound Realm. They strutted around, deeming themselves prodigies. Watching these theatrical displays multiple times, Yun Che and Retsu shared a mutual, exasperated sigh, impatiently waiting for their opportunity to take the test.

Now it was time to utilize the one of the Disguise Feature from the system called the Aura Shroud.


[Aura Shroud]

[Description: Aura Shroud emerges as a specialized extension of the System's Disguise Feature. This unique facet empowers the host and users to mask their inherent aura, rendering it beneath their true cultivation level. A tactical advantage, it grants the ability to conceal their prowess, yet it possesses a limitation—it can't be employed to use as higher cultivation levels.]


Using the Fake Aura Shroud from the system, they projected a deceptive aura akin to the Nascent Profound Realm's peak. This tactic was strategic since their reaitsu and Spirit Force had the potential to confuse the Profound Orb, potentially even classifying them as non-cultivators. To blend in smoothly, they maintained the façade of peak Nascent cultivation while discreetly concealing their true power. Unveiling their actual strength could easily stir chaos. However, fate often takes its own course.

"Retsu, give the orb a light punch. Even though our aura suggests we're at Nascent's peak, our real strength remains intact. Just tap it gently," Yun Che whispered to his partner.

"Of course, young master. You too," Retsu agreed, offering a nod. Together, they delivered playful punches, yet the results exceeded their expectations.



The audience and examiners fell into a hushed stillness, a collective astonishment gripping them. The points displayed were perplexingly high, bordering on the absurd. Yun Che had garnered a staggering 1700 points, while Retsu trailed closely with around 1400. These figures soared beyond rationality, easily placing them in the ranks of True Profound Realm cultivators. What bewildered them more was that these remarkable results had been achieved with mere playful punches. If they had unleashed their full power, it was conceivable that they could have either broken the scale or, at the very least, sent shockwaves that might prove lethal.

"As I said, just a light punch," Yun Che sighed, clearly caught off guard by his own arm's strength. The lingering effects of the Great Way of the Buddha likely played a role. However, even in their attempts to conceal their prowess, they had inadvertently revealed more than they intended.

"But, young master, it's a challenge to temper my strength," Retsu chimed in. Her struggle was even more pronounced. Despite refraining from activating any enhancements, her punch had possessed an inherent might that surpassed expectations, possibly due to her distinctive Reaitsu and innate physical prowess.

The examiners were left stunned and gaping, as if grappling with the impossible. "This can't be right. Is the orb malfunctioning? Throughout history, no one's score has ever exceeded 1000 points. Are you certain these readings are accurate?"

"I can't say for sure. Fetch the backup orb. It's possible this one has grown defective over time," one of the examiners suggested, their perplexity apparent.

"Yes, that might be prudent," the other examiner concurred before disappearing to retrieve another Profound Testing Orb.

"Could those two actually be at the Nascent Profound Realm?" murmured a perplexed member of the audience.

"Are they simply here to taunt the rest of us?"

"Surely, this is absurd. No Nascent Profound Realm cultivator could possess such overwhelming strength."

After a brief interval, a fresh punching orb was presented. This time, Yun Che and Retsu conscientiously reigned in their might. The onlookers observed with bated breath, even the previously boastful disciples silenced by the unfolding spectacle. To maintain caution, both Yun Che and Retsu augmented their aura to replicate the visage of peak Nascent Profound Realm.

Yun Che approached the orb deliberately, delivering a restrained punch. The resulting score flashed on the display: "991."

Retsu followed suit, executing a subdued variation of the one-inch punch. The display promptly showed "997."

An air of stunned silence gripped the arena, both among the spectators and the examiners. The subdued efforts of Yun Che and Retsu had somehow shattered records. Their combined scores, though not surpassing 1000, were still unprecedentedly high. For the history of the New Moon Profound Palace, no one had ever crossed the 990-point threshold. The implications were monumental.

"Grand Perfection of Nascent Profound Realm? In their youth!" One examiner blurted out, his incredulity driving him to lose his seat. The spectators mirrored the sentiment, equally shocked by the revelation.

A glance exchanged between Yun Che and Retsu spoke volumes, their thoughts aligning in a chorus of "Did we create too much of a stir?"

This anomaly was uniquely significant. In the context of the palace, most disciples, even those heralded as prodigies, hovered around the sixth or seventh cultivation levels. However, their auras projected a disguise of the Nascent Profound Realm's peak. This disparity elevated them to the rarest echelon of geniuses within the New Moon Profound Palace. Their scores shattered previous records, dealt a resounding blow to the arrogance of the haughty young masters. Intriguingly, they had deliberately set their benchmark low, using the aura shroud. Even their weakest exhibition exceeded standards.

Xia Yuanba was notably unfazed. Having witnessed Yun Che's feats a year prior, he was aware of his brother-in-law's hidden potential. He knew Yun Che transcended the boundaries of the Nascent Cultivation Realm, likely possessing a higher standing.

Young Master Wu Ya's demeanor was far from jovial. He had been blindsided by the realization that these two surpassed him by a significant margin. Unaccustomed to reliance on others, he swallowed his pride and allowed a sinister grin to curl at the corners of his lips.

"Hehe... It seems my senior brother will have an exhilarating rival," Young Master Wu Ya quipped before making his exit from the examination hall.

Amid the audience's astonishment, Retsu and Yun Che advanced toward Xia Yuanba. The scores they achieved in the previous tests had left jaws dropping and whispers circulating. Now, the final challenge awaited them: enduring three short incense sticks' worth of combat against the Palace's instructor. Those who succeeded would move on to the arena, where the instructor awaited.

As they entered the arena, the crowd's hushed chatter gave way to awed silence. Their eyes turned to the imposing figure on the stage. The man held massive dumbbells in both hands, flexing his bulging muscles for all to see. A mixture of admiration and unease swept through the recruits; the sheer size of those muscles prompted some to fight nausea. Clad in a red shorts and a cloth-covered head, the instructor projected an aura of raw power.

Suddenly, the man dropped the dumbbells with a resounding thud, the ground quaking with the impact. Yun Che raised an impressed eyebrow, acknowledging the weight those dumbbells carried.

"These recruits are in for quite a ride," he mused to himself.

"Hmph, never expected the recruits this year to be so feeble. No matter, I am Instructor Ya Tan. I will be overseeing this test," declared Ya Tan with a hint of arrogance. "The challenge is straightforward: if you can endure under my assault for the duration of three short incense sticks, I'll deem you worthy of passing."

"Instructor Ya Tan is a Peak True Profound Realm expert. Rest assured, he will gauge your strength accordingly. You're allowed to use weapons, employing whatever tactics you deem fit, as long as you withstand his assault for three short incense sticks," clarified the leading instructor.

The ensuing trial unfolded brutally. Instructor Ya Tan ruthlessly tossed, suppressed, and battered most of the recruits, rendering them incapable of lasting even a minute in the arena. A few, possessing exceptional talent, managed to employ evasive movement techniques or concealing skills to avoid his onslaught. Yet, out of the hundreds who had cleared the second test, only a mere handful emerged victorious from this grueling trial.

"The next contestant is Yun Che," resonated the examiners' announcement. Retsu offered a sweet smile, her eyes carrying encouragement, and Xia Yuanba wished him luck as he stepped onto the stage.

Now, all eyes were fixed upon the star of the second test. Instructors and examiners alike gathered to witness the individuals who had triumphed in the prior challenge. Upon the stage, Yun Che advanced slowly toward Instructor Ya Tan, who loomed over him like a mountain, his muscles bulging with power.

"Hoo, so you're the prodigious cultivator who reached the Peak of Nascent at the age of 18," Ya Tan remarked, exuding an air of arrogance. "No matter, perhaps we'll have an interesting bout. Survive for three short incense sticks' worth of time, and I'll grant you a passing mark."

A grin of anticipation spread across Yun Che's face as he mysteriously summoned a wrapped Zangetsu, leaving the audience bewildered. The cloth bindings were augmented for use as a club rather than a sword.

"Here's a thought—what if I manage to defeat you?" Yun Che inquired politely, his eyes alight with curiosity.

Boom...and that's a wrap... Sorry about cliff-kun here...

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts