
Rebirth: I Was Born To Rule All Goddesses?

What happens when a child is born to rule the gods? Well, nothing good happens. Turai was the prophesied child of the heavens. The child promised to the gods to deliver them from a curse. A curse that made them all female. The curse left behind by one they pushed to the edge who finally pushed back. Born with extraordinary magic abilities, Turai must navigate dark waters to grow into someone capable of rescuing the gods from their fate. However, when the time finally arrives for his saving, something else is revealed. Turai isn't just a child promised to save the gods. "My mother wasn't as I pictured her?" "Father's origin is unknown?" "I'm the master of all goddesses?" "Hehehe... Let's turn the heavens upside down!" ~~~~~~~ This book possesses just the right amount of steamy scenes necessary to spice things up. Lemons (check) Heavy duty (check) Cherries (check) Detroit Smashes (check) Bedroom Arts (Godlevel) ******* **Disclaimer!!** The cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want it taken down, drop a comment.

Innocent_Xero · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

The First Location

The Wanderers Order branch in town bustled with activity as Hubert and Marin stepped through its doors. The interior was a masterful blend of wood and steel, creating an atmosphere both rustic and modern. Tables and chairs were arranged strategically, occupied by various individuals engaged in quiet conversation or poring over maps and documents.

Despite its modest size, the branch efficiently served its purpose. A large board dominated one wall, covered in papers - each representing a job offered by a contractor. The process was simple yet effective: Wanderers would select a job, have it approved by the receptionist, complete the task, and return for their reward.

Hubert approached the counter, Marin close behind. The receptionist's face lit up with recognition as she rose to greet them. Hubert produced a small pouch containing the corpses and origin cores of twelve Vanishing Felicans - the fruits of their recent expedition with Turai to the Forest of Disappearance.

As a well-known and respected Wanderer, Hubert easily arranged for the reward to be held until his return, citing urgent business. However, as he conversed with the receptionist, snippets of conversation from around the room caught his attention. Murmurs about the destruction of the orphanage and the disappearance of children filled the air, along with mentions of a blood-stained child roaming the town in search of the missing orphans.

Hubert's demeanor shifted instantly. He strode towards a group of three men discussing the situation, his presence commanding their attention. "Where was this child last seen?" he demanded, his voice grave.

One of the men, a weathered Wanderer with a scar across his cheek, answered, "Near the town's entrance, heading inward. Looked like he was on a mission, that one."

Hubert's mind raced, piecing together the implications. Without hesitation, he turned to address the room at large. "I have a job," he announced, his voice carrying authority. "For those who join me, there will be a handsome reward. I promise no one will be endangered during this mission."

His reputation and the gravity of his tone had an immediate effect. Within moments, half a dozen people - two-thirds of those present - had stepped forward, some driven by the promise of reward, others simply out of respect for Hubert and the desire to help.

As the group prepared to depart, the door swung open once more. Four imposing figures entered, their presence causing a ripple of recognition through the room. These were the other members of Hubert's elite team of Wanderers, each as influential and respected as Hubert himself.

The first, a tall woman with fiery red hair and piercing green eyes, was Lyra - a master of elemental magic. Beside her stood Gareth, a mountain of a man whose strength was legendary even among Wanderers. The third was Finn, a lithe, quick-witted rogue whose skills in stealth and information gathering were unparalleled. Lastly came Elara, a serene-looking woman whose healing abilities had saved countless lives.

Hubert nodded to his teammates, a silent understanding passing between them. With their arrival, the group now numbered a dozen - six elite Wanderers and six volunteers. Without further delay, they set out, determination etched on every face.

As Hubert's team moved through the town, Turai was embarking on his own mission. The young boy, his clothes and skin still stained with drying blood, made his way towards the town gate. His eyes scanned the buildings lining the streets, searching for the sign he'd been told about - a sparrow that would mark the entrance to the hideout.

The captive's words echoed in his mind as he walked. A signboard with a sparrow drawing... there! At the end of a narrow street, Turai spotted the sign. A cold smile crept across his face as he slowly approached the building.

The structure itself was unremarkable, blending in with the surrounding architecture. But Turai knew better than to judge by appearances. He could feel the hum of magical energy emanating from within - a clear sign that this was no ordinary establishment.

As he reached for the door, Turai paused for a moment. He knew that what lay beyond could be the most dangerous confrontation he'd faced yet. The warning about the magic-using boss rang in his ears. But the thought of the missing children steeled his resolve. With a deep breath, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The interior was dimly lit, a stark contrast to the bright morning outside. As Turai's eyes adjusted, he became aware of several figures scattered throughout the room. They turned to look at the newcomer, their expressions shifting from curiosity to shock as they took in his blood-stained appearance.

Before anyone could react, Turai spoke, his voice carrying clearly through the silent room. "I'm looking for your boss," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "And the children you took from the orphanage."

For a moment, no one moved. Then, as if on cue, chaos erupted. Some of the men lunged for weapons, while others made a break for what Turai assumed were exits to other parts of the building. A few, perhaps recognizing the danger the boy presented, simply raised their hands in surrender.

Turai didn't hesitate. He moved with inhuman speed, disarming and incapacitating those who chose to fight. His movements were a blur, a deadly dance that left groaning bodies in its wake. Those who had surrendered, he left untouched, his focus solely on neutralizing immediate threats and preventing anyone from alerting their leader.

As the last opponent fell, Turai stood in the center of the room, barely breathing hard. He turned his attention to one of the men who had surrendered, fixing him with a steely gaze. "Take me to your boss," he commanded.

The man, trembling visibly, nodded and gestured towards a door at the back of the room. As Turai moved to follow, he sensed a surge of magical energy from beyond. The boss was aware of his presence and was preparing for a confrontation.

Turai allowed himself a grim smile. This was it - the moment he had been working towards. Beyond that door lay the answers he sought and, hopefully, the path to rescuing the missing children. As he reached for the handle, he silently vowed to see this through, no matter the cost.

This was the confrontation that would shake the very foundations of the criminal underworld and change the course of Turai's life forever.