
Rebirth: I am The Daughter Of The Female Lead From A Tragedy Novel!

At the age of fourteen, Evelyn met with a tragic ending only to learn that she was the daughter of the female lead. Her mother, Amelia Wilson, suffered through various entanglements with her father, Daniel Wright before running away pregnant. In the end, her mother died, and her father killed himself after revenge. Waking up at the age of five, she learned that she was given a second change, and knowing her mother's murder was premeditated, she was in a search to find her father to protect the woman she held dear.

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The Custody

Caught off guard, Jane stared at her incredulously. Evelyn could read the disbelief on her face.

"Amelia didn't talk about me? How could that be? You are just a kid. You must have not paid attention or forgotten it," Jane said, trying to convince herself.

Evelyn didn't intend to offend the older woman, but she responded, "I remember mom says and pay attention to it as well."

Jane forced out a smile.

"I am Amelia's closest friend, the one she loves the most. How can she not talk about me? Do you know how close she used to stick to me? Unable to stay away from me, she used to always call and message me," Jane bragged boastfully.

"But that was before. Mom changed a lot, and she loves me the most now," Evelyn pointed out.

Jane smirked.

"What would you kid even know? How long have you even known Amelia? I have been around her for longer. There is nothing about Amelia that I don't know," Jane expressed.

Was this woman competing with her?