
Meet Again

Several days passed. It is now the second week of September.

In the last few days, a lot had happened to Rose and Evan, whether it was office matters or bombing issues.

But of all the things that happened to them, Rose was most relieved; the second bomb in one of the hotels on Ice Island did not explode. 

The authorities managed to defuse the bomb. They also success arrest the terrorists. All of these incidents did not appear in the news reports. The government, including the police and military, had strictly kept the secrecy of terrorist attacks to maintain the country's stability. And also a sign that terrorist acts failed because their purpose in carrying out these actions is to get attention and create chaos.

But unfortunately, the authorities have not been able to find NONE leaders. And all the captured terrorists kept their mouths shut. As if they had lost the ability to speak—ready to die guarding their organization's secrets.