
Rebirth As The Mafia Queen

She wanted nothing but peace to live within. Evelyn Amber Hills, who is a 27 year old was born into a mafia family that she never wanted to live with. She used to hate everything they did. Suddenly, her entire marriage turned to become a betrayal ceremony where her entire family including her was shot dead. This is the story of Eve seeking revenge from her biggest enemy, her ex-fiance but with a different body and a soul with a different man in her heart. Her life saviour, Elijah Shariq Join in to read how the mafia queen, seeks her vengeance.

Mystxrious_Writxr · Thành thị
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9 Chs

First Step To Revenge

As soon as Evelyn saw and figured out, that it was her ex-best friend Amelia, thousands of questions arose in her mind. What might be the reason? Why is she there? What does she want? Was brutally killing her not enough that she had come into her life again?

But on second thought, this was an opportunity; an opportunity for her revenge. She couldn't waste any more time. Without thinking more, now that she caught who the culprit is… She decided to go home.

Plus, she knew who the enemy was, she could save her new family.

'This is dangerous, she thought to herself and started walking to go to the exit. On her way, she saw the bartender, and remembered his name… Elijah Shariq.

Her heartbeat was loud and clear in her ears. Even from a small distance afar, without knowing he was able to give her chills.

Gulping down the saliva collected in her mouth, she walked towards the exit of the bar. Trying to not look at him again, 'That guy would be the end of me', she kept thinking about how addicted she could be and reached back home.

It had not even been 30 mins yet she was already missing him, his face, his smile, his muscular body. She was longing for him. ''I have to make him mine,' she was going crazy for him. Was this the side effect of being able to love only one person?

She was sneaking if they found her jumping from the tall wall, as this whole family would go crazy. She jumped from the long wall, hoping no one would be on the other side. Luck was on her side right now. She happily opened the main door without thinking about how much of an idiotic move it can be.

Everyone was in the living room.

"You're here! Where were you, Evy?" Grandma asked and came towards her. She smiled. Her wrinkles reached her eyes, she looked so much delighted after seeing her granddaughter doing fine. She got really worried after hearing Evy pointing guns at everyone as if she was hallucinating.

"Just went out for a walk in the garden. Needed some fresh air." She smiled. "everyone seemed so tense, what happened?" the garden was huge, her lie wouldn't be found out.

She asked and took a seat on the blue comfy couch that rested in the huge palace looking living area. Everyone seemed to be tense. Eve's father was walking briskly left to right in the room. Her brother was tapping the floor, keeping his elbows on his knees, and seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Hey… what is going on?" She asked a bit louder.

"Evyyyyyy!" Her little sister came running towards her and jumped on her lap.

"Hello, Angel. What are you up to today?" She never had a little sister, but always wanted one. She was glad to have such a cute sister as her.

Her little sister was adorable. Dark brown short curly hair with a round face and a button nose added more cuteness to her small lips. She was small but averagely heavy for Eve's lap. Yet, the love and care she showed almost tears, Evelyn, up.

She hugged Evelyn as if her life depended on it. She didn't want to let her go.

"Why is daddy walking so fast?" she asked in her small voice, almost making it a sound low as a whisper.

Seeing this, grandma wasn't happy to show or tell the girls what it was about. She wanted to keep Evelyn and Angel safe from stuff about the mafia, but she knew that Evelyn already got exposed and there was no turning back.

"Come here. Let's get you to your room and let's draw." she took Angel from Evy's hands and took her to the room.

Angel didn't want to go, but the atmosphere was heavy. She couldn't object.

"Guys… What is happening?" She asked a bit louder.

"John will attack us at any moment," her brother spilt the beans.

"Huh? Why would you think that?"

"Look, Evy. I know the man like the back of my hand. That shithead is dumb. And he can never come over that guard in the gate."

"Why are you people so tense, then?"

"It's you." Her dad said for the first time after staying silent for so long.


"You seriously went out without informing any of us. What if something happened to you? We wouldn't even know! If he kidnapped you!!"

He started shouting. Evelyn's gaze was locked on the floor the entire time until he stopped and sighed loudly. 'So luck wasn't on my side after all.'

"I'll train," she said. This was the moment she was waiting for. An opportunity finally arrived where she could professionally be trained to take her revenge and not be useless like in a previous life.

"Huh?" "What?" Brother and father both were shocked.

"Our mafia is one of the best, I want to train as well. I want to learn how to defend myself so no one can worry about me," she said and stood up.

Dad knew one day this would come, he wanted to say no but had no choice. He knew Evy can't be protected forever by him. "Okay," her dad answered in a mere second.

"No! Dad, you can't allow that, how can you-"

"How can you tell no?! What if she gets herself in danger, she's not a kid anymore to keep protecting her. I love her more than how much you do! Let her train! Let her be one of the best female warriors out there! Our mafia and she herself needs this!" Her father let out his agony with words.

He had been thinking for quite a while. As long as he remembers, they kept Evelyn out of the dark side. Not entirely, he gifted her a gun in case something happened, and made her comfortable around weapons. From time to time they used to fight and teach her small self-defence lessons. But right now, he understands that she needs serious training.

"Training is very hard, dad. She will kill herself in between, and half of the trainees don't even survive. How can you even say okay? You do know she asks anything and everything! Oh God, I can't believe this!"

"Get ready, tomorrow morning."

Her father said and walked to his study.

"Evy, please. Let's talk," her brother chirped in as soon as her father left the room.

Evelyn sighed knowing convincing him won't be easy. He was way too overprotective of her. It was because ever since they were little, Evelyn was grown up with so much love and protection from them all. Even if their father can understand the situation, Claude would never let his sister get into hardcore mafia training.

"Just let me do this, Claude. Please, I can assure you I'm very strong, I will survive," she pleaded with her sweetest voice. The voice that she used when she wanted to do something. It was a thing she learned from her memories.

"I see girls dying, fainting, getting injured and whatnot in front of me. I can't allow you, I can never, Evy, Evy please… why don't you listen to me… I- We can protect you!"

"Let her do it, Claude," the voice made both of them turn in surprise. It was grandma. "Claude… Son, sometimes you have to let people do things in their own way, what if she finds herself where there's no brother or dad to fight for her? No men and women in the mafia to help her? She would be miserable. Totally. Your father never made haste decisions unless it was necessary. Promise her that you'll give the best training possible so she can protect herself and everyone."

Claude stood without a word and walked out of the room. Evelyn had no choice but to follow him. It was because she wanted to know more about what he was going to do.

They went to the office room Mr Hills and Claude started talking. Evelyn silently stood behind without uttering a word." We have to talk about John. I'll make arrangements to track where they are and send two of our men to follow their every step," he said strictly."Hmm…. Okay," Hills said yet stayed silent.

"Let me train Evelyn," he asked. Their father knew it was why Claude came there in the first place. Tracking, following, and gathering information was one of his many responsibilities and he never asked permission.

Letting out a chuckle, father nodded, "Give her the best possible. Now go, I've work to do,"