
Chapter 242

Chapter 242 All Beings

As the host, Song Yang stood at the C position, with Yang Zhiyuan and Mark Anderson on the left and right sides, and the rest of Mark Anderson, Jotus, Martin Solo, Todd from Microsoft, Leon Sis from AOL, and AltaVista founder Fernando. Laherty, Lycos founder Bob Weiss and a large number of influential figures in the first generation of the Internet all stood together.

  Compared to the lineup of the group photo when Netscape went public last year, the scale of this year's double-click company photo is much larger.

   Looking at the Internet industry around the world, to a certain extent, Silicon Valley is the center of the Internet. After all, whether it is Asia or Europe, the Internet is just in its infancy.

   Today, in the hall of Nasdaq, at the scene where the double-click company went public, most of the top Internet companies gathered. To a certain extent, this history of the Internet was created by these people in front of them!

The media at the scene frantically pressed the shutter. Even if they hadn't thought of the significance of Song Yang, Yang Zhiyuan, and Anderson standing together this time, everyone understood that as a banner figure and company in the Internet industry, when Netscape , Yahoo, and Double-click are all listed, and if you want to have the scene where most of the Internet industry gathers together today, I'm afraid you will never see it again!

On the TV station that was broadcasting, when seeing Song Yang and dozens of people standing together, the host in the director's room couldn't help saying to the audience in front of the TV, "Maybe we are witnessing a piece of history. The company is the company with the highest valuation in the entire Internet industry, and they represent the Internet industry!"

  The major TV stations that broadcast this scene have different interpretations of this scene. Some interpret Song Yang has now reached the same level as Anderson and Yang Zhiyuan. His status in the Internet industry has already been echoed by everyone.

   And some guests invited by the TV station directly threatened, "The Internet companies in the Nasdaq hall today are the current structure of the Internet industry, and they will determine the fate of the global Internet industry!"

Netscape and Microsoft dominate the browser industry, AOL is the foundation of the Internet, and dominate the dial-up industry. Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, Excite and other companies form search and portal websites. Double-click, L90, and VCLK occupy 98% of the Internet advertising industry. % of the market, ICQ dominates instant messaging, Fortinet is the No. All present.

  Anyway, today's group photo is basically full of big boxes. If there is no accident, it will also become a famous scene like the photos taken when Netscape and Yahoo went public!

  The media and reporters present, as well as the TV station broadcasting it, also felt that they had gained a lot. Not to mention the stock price of the Double-click company, anyway, these people present today are full of topics, enough for the media to break the news for a while.

   Some TV stations have even started to revitalize it. The most controversial thing is who is the person who has the most influence on the Internet in America, and who is the first generation godfather of the Internet? !

  This question seems to be too early to ask. After all, the Internet has only been around for two or three years, but the media is always active. There are disputes and quarrels. The more fierce the scolding, the higher the ratings.

   And when the show was on, the host and the guests began to argue about who had the greater influence on the Internet, Song Yang, Yang Zhiyuan, Anderson, etc., and debates inevitably arose, and the ratings also began to climb!

  When he saw this scene, Bill Gates, who was in Seattle, couldn't help touching his chin, and said regretfully to the people around him, "Maybe, I should go to New York in person!"

  Seeing the media, they are all starting to discuss who Song Yang, Anderson, Yang Zhiyuan, and Jim Clark are the first generation of Internet godfathers. Bill Gates would be lying if he said he wasn't envious.

  Though he debuted for so many years, he has always been disliked by the media, but when he scolded him, he became more and more ruthless!

  Looking at the group photo of people on the TV, Bill Gates sighed. If he is present today, he must have a place among the big names of the first generation of Internet, and he can wear the title of godfather of the Internet.

  The same mind as Bill Gates is also the president of AOL, Keith, who is a little bit regretful now. After being cheated by American Telecom for more than one billion dollars, he was invited by Double-Click, and Keith was really not interested in participating!

But looking at so many Internet technology companies present, Keith regretted it a little. Like Bill Gates, if he were present today, he would definitely become a big name in the audience. It is impossible to say that AOL's stock price can also follow the big up a wave.

Today is a good time to get in touch with the Internet industry. Just create a rumor, such as AOL has reached a cooperation with Yahoo, Excite, etc., and won a new order. It is estimated that AOL's stock price will skyrocket. Case slightly regretted it. This wave is careless and true!

After the group photo was completed, the two co-presidents, Whitman and Kavi Lehmann, accepted interviews from the media, which had been arranged long ago, including the "Wall Street Journal", "New York Times", etc. The group of reporters asked Song Yang about it.

After the interview, Song Yang, Whitman, Lehman, Irene, Gleick, and Gallo ran up. If it wasn't for a certain cow and horse with a mental illness, he ran away from the double-click company and went to court with Song Yang If so, then there is still a place for him today, but now things are different!

Song Yang took a deep breath, exchanged glances with Whitman, Irene, Gleick, and Gallo, and under the gaze of countless cameras, they pressed the listing button together and completed the bell-ringing ceremony. When the company's stock code appeared on the big screen, there was a big round of applause at the scene!

The media recorded this scene with the camera. Regardless of whether the double-click company is popular or not, it has also set countless records. The first Internet advertising company listed, the first profitable Internet company, the founder of an Internet company listed, It is the youngest one, the first Internet company with a female president as the leader, the listed company with the most lawsuits when it goes public, and the company with the most fines when it goes public...

  Black and red are also red, right? Double-click may not be the kind of Netscape and Yahoo that are famous for their stock prices soaring after they go public, but it is definitely the most topical company.

  When the double-clicking stock code appeared in the Nasdaq trading system, Song Yang, dressed in the iconic clothes worn by Internet companies when they went public, with a plaid shirt, jeans and a baseball cap, also waved to countless people at the scene and in front of the TV.

In the screen broadcasted by the TV station, when the well-dressed Jenny threw herself into Song Yang's arms after the bell was ringing, countless people suddenly had the feeling of being a young man in fresh clothes and an angry horse, a sweet car, a BMW, and a beautiful woman. But this scene, now It really appeared in front of them, and stimulated by this scene, many young people are about to plunge into the Internet again, wanting to become the second Song Yang...

  Countless men want to be Song Yang, many women want to be Jenny in Song Yang's arms, but some people are furious when they see this scene.

   "Bitch, bitch!"

In an ordinary local school in Houston, Ibera, who is the "celebrity" and "Queen of Communication" of this school, saw the pictures on the TV station. Falling into Song Yang's arms, the "senior tea art girl" Ibera who had been appraised by Song Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed at Jenny with resentment on her face, all this should belong to her in the first place. Bella thought to herself.

   The two girls who were in the same dormitory with Ibera were a little surprised when they saw Ibera who was extremely angry. They didn't know how Ibera would react like this.

  One of the girls asked Ibera gossipingly, "Ibera, you know Bruno Song and this Jenny, I remember you are the same as them, graduated from Devers School?!"

  Another girl also became interested, "Is this Bruno Song really as reported by the media, comparable to Hollywood stars, or a genius in baseball and the Internet?!"

Asked by the two girls in the same dormitory, Ibera wanted to squeeze out a smile, but she couldn't squeeze it out. She felt her heart was bleeding, and she hated Jenny so much that she felt that Jenny snatched it away. Everything about her, prestigious schools, fame, wealth, and status, if Ibera feels that if she is standing beside Song Yang today, she will also be able to enjoy the glory.

"I am a little uncomfortable!"

After finishing speaking, Ibera rushed out of the dormitory. When she came outside, Ibera took out her mobile phone and finally pressed the number that she had memorized in her heart. Last year, Ibera was confident that this The number will call her and come back to find her again, but it has been almost two years now, but there is no movement at all. Today Ibera can't bear it anymore.

However, after the call passed, no one answered it. Ibera did not give up, and after calling more than a dozen times in a row, the call was finally connected. The person who answered the call was with a middle-aged woman's accent. Not good, "Who?!"

  Ibera adjusted her voice, using the voice she thought was the best, and said into the phone, "Aunt Dana, I am Ibera, I have visited your..."

  Who would have known that when the person on the other side heard this, he was obviously a little dazed, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "Are you looking for the original family?"

   "They're long gone!"

  Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Ibera felt as if struck by lightning. The latest Motorola given to her by a suitor fell to the ground. Ibera didn't realize it, and finally collapsed on the ground.

In a small restaurant in Utah, a thin, bearded man with a hat that doesn't tell his real age, who looks a bit like a homeless man, was devouring his food when he heard the sound on the TV , raised his head in a daze.

When Song Yang and Whitman rang the bell and double-clicked to log in to NASDAQ, the man showed a strange expression, with anger, remorse, and regret mixed together. If Gallo was here , Maybe you will find that this homeless man is very similar to Bledsoe Jayden.

  (end of this chapter)