
The Black Rain

"What in the-"

Grace just stared at the small magical window that Davian just opened in thin air, right in front of her very eyes as if it was a random everyday occurrence. She could see a part of her kitchen through that magical window.

Her gaze shifted from the portal to the man and then back to the portal. She struggled to pull herself together, and as she did, she quickly asked, "You still have your powers?"

In response, Davian nodded his head. "For some reason, I still have access to my powers even after returning to the past. I can still open portals, can manipulate time and memories, can create illusions, and can still control element of water."

All Grace could do was sit there and stare at the man as she took in the big reveal. She might have continued sitting there in a trance if not for the sudden notification that she heard in her head.
