
Shadow Rain's Secrets (II)


Grace and Dr. Kian could only stare at 2025 in stunned silence while their brains struggled to accept the revelation they had been seeking. 

"Who got that 6.7%?" Grace found herself asking, and a part of her already seemed to know the answer. Also, the look she received from 2025 in return was already a clear enough answer even before it actually replied.

"It's you." 

She inhaled deeply, trying to calmly accept that she just unknowingly survived a disaster that could have ended her life in the worst way possible. 

"It's already in the past." She heard Dr. Kian consoling her and when she looked up at him, she found him reaching over to give her hand a small pat of comfort. The gesture felt awkward, but also cute, and it made a smile curved the corners of her lips.