
Robbing Supermarket

[Time left before the end of the world: 8 Days and 4 Hours]

It was exactly 8:45 PM when Grace stepped out of her apartment, dressed in all black. As she made her way to twentieth floor, she found Davian, Kevin, Dr. Kian, Rune, Valeska, and Andy already waiting for her in the hallway.

"Am I late?" She asked when she noticed that the others were already there. Thinking about how quickly she got dressed and headed downstairs, she couldn't believe that she was actually late, but it seemed like the case.

"You are not. We just got here as well." Davian answered as he gave her a soft smile.

Ever since the two of them gave into their desire for each other days ago, something had changed between them. They hadn't changed their behavior toward each other, nor had they talked about that night yet, but Grace could feel the shift.