
The Realm of Fire Part 3

Rena watched on as the streams of pure flame poured into Joshua's body. His yell echoed throughout the air.

"Joshua?!" She called out.

"It is no use child." Ember said. "The mortal has decided to die. There is nothing that can save him now. Come here and I will see that you are returned to your natural state after he explodes and releases your piece of fire."

Rena continued to stand next to Joshua and did not budge at her mother's words. She only held on to the gem embedded in her chest. "No, he will make it."

"There isn't a way." Ember said. "He is an ant trying to defeat a waterfall. There is nothing an ant can do against such a force no matter how hard it tries. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that an ant can do."

The bright red spirals of flames twisted and turned as they entered Joshua.

"I am honestly surprised he is still alive." Ember said. "I thought he would have exploded by now. Resilient little ant isn't he daughter?"