
Rebellion of His Creations (SI)

Trash novel, don't read if you are easily triggered by my shitty writing. Anyway, the title is self explanatory and literally what this fic gonna be. World? -Youjo Senki -Fate Zero -Genshin -Honkai -Warhammer [Current] -Rwby Power? -OC and nerfed [The Gamer] system. Edited [21-04-21]: Mc become op but also didn't when compare to the last boss. Harem? -Dunno, my readers mostly dislike harem so no plan for now. Edited [02-02-23]: I never said there will be no harem. So... -We have Tanya Degurechaff and an OC character named Charlotte. Edited [21-04-23]: Artoria Lancer Alter and Venti(F) join the harem. OP MC? -I hope no and trying to avoid it. Smart MC? -I'm literally equipped with 1 brain cell and negative IQ. So an SI with idiot MC probably. What else I missed... Oh yeah, most important one infact. How about my other fics? -Honestly I wanna delete them all. But the effort I spend on them stopped me from doing it. Even myself find them to be a failure. Like for real, do ppl seriously even enjoy the shits I post anymore?

Daoist_KittyKat · Tranh châm biếm
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119 Chs

Chapter 13: The End of Being X Tyranny

"Unhand me woman! I have enough of this." I escaped when Charlotte found her purpose to become my literal mom now, feeding me, taking care of my wellbeing and forcing me to take a bath even when my magecraft can keep me clean with a simple cast of spell. Not that I am complaining but now isn't the time.

I slip out her grip and immediately jump off the window and do a double flip while at it to escape. She shouted for me to come back and take a bath but it fell off my ears as I continued to flee. Even the mages doing training outside of the building stopped their activities and looked at us with amusement.

"As if. Catch me if you can!" I said before I broke into a sprint and escaped.

The amused soldiers laughed at our antics. A semblance of normality in this crazy war torn time.

"He does look like a normal kid outside of battle at least." Neumann, the big bulky guy said to his fellow mages that are taking a break from the training under the tree's shed.

"Yeah, in the mock battle and assault in Dacia, he looked emotionless when in battle. As if he shut off all his feelings and just carried out orders like a machine. It looks disturbing and sad at the same time." Weiss added as he did pay a lot of attention to his deputy commander.

"Different people have different ways to cope with the insanity on the battlefield I guess. For him, he put on the mask of an emotionless machine that only carried out orders. For the commander however, she put on the mask of a perfect soldier." Weiss added.

"Hee… I didn't notice that at all until you mentioned it now. Commander do act somewhat childish when alone in private. I saw her hiding a stash of chocolate under her bed and a few other places." Neumann said with a proud look but instead get an intense stare from everyone else.

"Neumann my comrade, do you know that the way you say makes you sound like a stalker?" Someone said and caused the stare to intensify and be filled with scrutiny.

"No, wait. It's not like that. It's unintentional. I would never have intended to do such a thing. I am a law abiding citizen of the Empire and I will not stoop that low into such a criminal act." Neumann tried to defend himself but sounded more suspicious instead.

"Visha will skin you alive if she knows about this, Neumann."

"Know what?" Visha suddenly appeared behind the group and asked.

"Eh… uh, nothing. Guys, let's resume our training."

"Yes! Let's go, I can run 100 more laps."

Everyone quickly dismissed and left Visha standing there confused.


Fully escaped Charlotte and competing against time, I quickly locate Tanya in her office on the other side of the building. I hope by putting the Pawn Piece in her, I can use it to forcefully control her body and finally expel Being X influence on her. If this doesn't work. I have no other choice but to use a more radical option to completely rewrite her memories after I forcefully remove Being X influence.

All the preparation is already in place. I kept a copy of her memory from four days ago archived in my mind. Before you ask how I am able to fit a person's memories in my mind, I also don't know if my best bet is either the sub skill of Enhanced Mind, Enhanced Brain Capacity or Enhance Memory or even both.

As for why I didn't use this method instead is because the process is similar to transplanting organs. There is a chance her soul, where the memories are stored, will reject the memories. If that's the case then I have no idea what to do next. Soul is a complex and complicated subject after all.


"Hey, Tanya. It's me Ray." I knocked at the door before announcing my arrival.

"No need to knock on the door, you know. You can just enter." A reply from her before I took her invitation and entered.

"So, what do you need me for?" Tanya asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice as she continued to write a report about the recent operation in Dacia. "I thought you had forgotten about me as you locked yourself in your room for a few days." She added before putting down her pen.

"Nothing… just. I need your help." I walked in and shut the door behind me but didn't move away from it. I swiftly lay down several layers of Bounded Fields.

"That's rare of you to seek your sister's help." She hummed as she gazed at me weirdly but simply gave a relentless sigh. "I might think you don't need me anymore with how you avoid me like a plague lately."

"Anyway, out with it. What do you need? Also, if it's borrowing my money to fund your research then forget it. You should forward that to Brigadier General Zettour instead." Tanya supported her head with her arm on her armrest while looking at me with a snarky smile.

Yes, I did borrow her money a little bit. But that's not important for now.

"No, I just finished what I am trying to create and I need your help to test it out for me." I said while approaching her with the Pawn Piece in my hand, taking advantage of her thinking of me as her sibling to accept this Piece willingly.

"This is?" She asked with a raised brow while inspecting the Piece but couldn't find anything special about it other than the hint of mana residues.

"Something I created that should increase a recipient's overall strength and magic power. Please Onee-chan?" I mustered all my will to not cringe and put on puppy eyes with my Self-hypnosis. Otherwise, I will never be able to do it.

Seeing me begging her this 'desperately', Tanya instantly melted by my adorable and yet fake expression that she stuttered a little.

"H-hmm… Seeing you are this sincere. I-I supposed I c-c-can spare some time helping you to test it out." She soon noticed her blunder and her cheek grow redder at her disgraceful display. But who can blame her? I definitely am not a narcissist, but this appearance of mine definitely looks very cute and lovable. As much as I wanted to deny it and not using the tools available in my disposal is a waste.

"*Cough* So… what do you need me to do?" Tanya asked after faking a cough. I quickly went to explain why I need her consent and told her she needs to only announce if she accepts or not.

"So, will you accept this Piece?" I asked which she quickly replied with a 'Yes' and triggered the integration process.

Tanya can feel her strength increase. Her body feels lighter and her grip becomes stronger. She quickly stands from the chair to test her new found strength before she suddenly loses all control of her body halfway through. Her body limped and fell back to the chair as she stared with horror that she couldn't feel her body anymore.

Tanya looks at Ray who is approaching her. His expression is unreadable and blank with his eyes covered by the shadow from the light outside the window casting over his bang. When he came close enough, she saw his face clearly. A look of concern and slight anger.

"Don't worry Tanya. After you wake up, you will definitely be freed from Being X control." Tanya heard Ray say and she was shocked inwardly. How does he know about Being X? She never shared this knowledge to another soul since her reincarnation. Also, what does he mean he will free her from Being X control? Not that she would complain if he does.

Since her birth, she already has awareness. Not something that should happen as a literal newborn infant. But she has memories of a person that lived in another and the encounter with Being X. That person lacked faith as a believer of science and scientifically proven evidence. Just because of not believing in god and lacking faith to attain the so called 'salvation', Being X cursed the person into living in a world that will soon be consumed by the flame of war just to ignite faith in the person and make the person cling to the gods or Being X himself.

There is undoubtedly a torture, putting someone through suffering to make that person desperate and cling to Being X for his salvation.

This isn't a god, a god is omnipotent and omnipresent as preached in many religions. If Being X is really a god as he claimed, can't he just bend everything according to his will? Why go through all this farce to awaken his piety and seek for salvation? Why need all this elaborate torture to break a person and make that person to worship him?

With all this, the person concludes Being X isn't a god but something else that pretends to be a god and trying to increase his believers.

Tanya didn't remember who that person was. Or rather, she doesn't remember the person's identity anymore due to her deteriorating memories from using this accursed tools Being X forced upon her. But, she does remember that person was her previous self.

She is aware that this isn't her first life and she is a reincarnator. This is a well guarded secret of her own. But, how does her younger twin know? She couldn't answer that question as her mind felt drowsy as she fell asleep.


"Tch, thank goodness I put the Bounded Field in advance." Ray said angrily as at the moment the Piece entered Tanya, he could feel Being X trying to force himself into these Bounded Fields I specifically made to keep him out.

I have no to time to waste here as I quickly get to work. The influence of Being X is present all over her body which was created and blessed by him. My first task is to remove just that using Alteration to change the imprint Being X put on Tanya and replace it with mine to finally allow the Piece to integrate into her body without resistance from Being X.

An hour of intense magical operation later, I manage to wipe out the Being X imprint on her body and replace it with mine so the Piece will encounter less resistance during the integration that proceeded smoothly but not without a hitch.

Being X does have failsafe for this kind of situation it seems because the moment the Piece successfully integrated, Elenium Type-95 suddenly materialized on her neck and glowed golden along with her eyes and the aura around her body and repelled the Piece.

"As if I'll let you." I quickly used Tracing and Traced a number of chains to chain her down to the table. Then I use Reinforcement to strengthen the chain so she cannot break free.

The possessed Tanya keeps resisting and straining her body against the chain in an attempt to break free.

"How dare you, reincarnator!" The male voice of Being X rolled out of Tanya's mouth as she was being possessed.

"I forgive you and think you will repent. To think you still dare oppose me, god! Stop immediately while I still have my patience!" Being X offered Ray a chance for forgiveness but forgiveness? Really? That's all he can do to convince me?

"Stop? Your threat holds no weight on me, Being X. I even start to question your intellect. You clearly cannot affect the world physically and you yourself know nothing can really deter me in this world. Yet, you think I fear you?" Ray said while his hand still didn't stop as he continued to work hard and repel Being X from Tanya's body.

"Hah, I don't even know if you are joking or being genuine." Ray laughed at Being X due to his silence that confirmed Ray's statement.

"In my hand right now. Your only foothold on this world and your only remaining fang that will work against me. Once I pluck off your last fang, what can you do to me? Nothing. Nothing I should say." I said as I yanked away the Elenium Type-95 after severing its connection on Tanya's soul. If I remove the Orb without doing so, I will definitely injure her soul in the process.

Probably out of sheer disbelief that he was bested by a mortal or just in denial if a god could anyway. Being X cannot open his mouth and say another word. Hiding in his realm, he is shaking in anger as the building itself quakes along his anger and sends many mechanical angels into panic to seek out the cause of this occurrence.


"Yeah, yeah the usual stuff a defeated dog will do. All barks but no bites. Still, you talk a lot for someone in a stabbing distance." I said halfway through his mad raving and for the first time used Ghost King Blade on an opponent.

I materialize the arm blade coated by the baleful aura of the wraith and stab the device on the center. Suddenly an ear piercing wail is heard and the owner of the voice is of course Being X.

The Ghost King Blade is a physical weapon indeed. But it also can affect metaphysical objects such as soul and etc. That's how Ray was able to refine the soul he captured anyway. He used the blade to mince the soul which Soul Manipulation is incapable of. As the blade's own namesake, Ghost King Blade is a blade that is supposedly wielded by a Ghost King and injuring the soul should be something it is capable of.

After stabbing it, Ray continued to slash at the clump of soul belonging to Being X to injure him as much as possible until it escaped. Injury to the soul is well known to be nasty and very hard to be healed. Ray hopes this is sufficient to distract Being X if he does have a way to pose danger to him.

Now, back to Tanya. The Piece finally integrated into her body. Though he does fear she might resist Ray once she realizes what he did is far worse than Being X. Depending on what angle she is looking at. She resisted Being X because he forced her to live a life of torment to make her his pious believer. Meanwhile I want her to become a slave or property of mine for all eternity if I do say it bluntly.

"Let's adjust her memories a little after fixing it." I declare my intention before nodding to myself to reaffirm my action.

While I don't mind literally killing thousands just to become stronger through leveling. I do have reservations on someone that have yet to aggravate me unless it's a necessity. Tanya's case is a precious ally solely because of her identity as a reincarnator that gained immense power. There is no stronger ally than her in this world. So, having her on my side is much needed for now especially I don't know what Being X will do in retaliation. He might not be able to do it directly, but he can do it indirectly by using humans just like how he did on Mary Sue. Granted, Mary Sue is still defeated by Tanya although barely surviving the encounter.


Three whole hour later, Tanya woke up on the infirmary bed feeling oddly refreshing and light while her head that feel heavy and slightly aching.

"This felt like when I get wasted and had a hungover…" Tanya mumbled while her eyes darting around looking for anyone. Her eyes do eventually land on white haired girl wearing military uniform as she does.

"Oh, you finally woke up. Wait for a bit. I will immediately bring Master here." The silvery white haired beauty immediately went running, leaving her alone in the room.

"Ugh… Isn't Communication Spell exist for this kind of need? Why does she need to went running to call by brother… Wait. I remember now." Tanya suddenly remembered the last moment before she fell unconscious.

"Does that mean he is a reincarnator just like me too?! That made his power make much more sense now." She concluded after piecing together the false puzzle made by both Ray's mind tempering and Being X corruption.

"Does that also mean he manage to overcome Being X influence on his own and save me too…" Coming to her realized, she finally conclude that Ray saved her from the clutch of that abhorrent Being X.

She had been trying to resist Being X since her birth and remain helpless to freed herself. Yet someone else manage to did it.

Tanya is unsure if Ray is similar like her being reincarnated as a baby or as a child because they only meet for a little over a year when she tried to arrest him for breaking the law for using magic in the capital without permission. But regardless, he managed to achieve what she couldn't and overall a superior mage than her too. Though her musing came to an end when Ray and his adjutant entered the infirmary.

They look very chummy, although one sidedly from Charlotte. It made her feel annoyed for some reason. As if she felt like she is losing a competition that she didn't take part in.

She knew both of them is more than just officer and adjutant. After all, Ray did take Charlotte as an apprentice and taught her his magic or what he introduced as magecraft. Definitely something he obtained from his reincarnation instead of the lies about it being the magic taught and passed down by the fictional nobility family he claimed.

Still, Charlotte overstepping her boundary as mere apprentice and adjutant. Even if their status as twin wasn't real and staged by Being X, it didn't mean I'm against it. I never said anything about it. Besides, having a strong m- *cough* I mean brother to lean over didn't sound bad at all. If possible, he can spoil me instead and I can simply retire as an soldiers while leeching off him.

Ray is definitely rich(not really) due to the deal he strike with Zettour and even rumoured to have a small estate in the remote region of capital, away from the flame of war. Also, he recently obtained a hereditary nobility title as a knight, appointed personally by the Emperor while she only have the non-hereditary 'Honorary Knight' title. To put it into an understandable picture, Ray is like Commissar of this popular franchise named Warhammer 40k she remembered. But instead of given power to maintain loyalty and morale of the Imperial Army, Ray is given power to 'defend the Fatherland' at whatever the cost of method.

(Knight rank nobility isn't granted fief to rule over unlike Baron and those above it. But typically they are granted a estate by a monarch or lords that they serve. As for their political power is dependent on the lord they serve. Knight is usually the representative of the lord they serve and their power reflect to that. For Ray's case, he is serving under the Emperor and not just normal knight, but one responsible to 'defend the Fatherland'. It's open to interpretation but in some specific situation, he can even outrank someone like Zettour to openly defy his order without reprucussion if it's to 'defend the Fatherland'.)

(Ray PoV)

"You finally woke up, Tanya." I said after a long silence. I thought she going to start the conversation instead of me but she just keep staring at me while alternating to glare at Charlotte whatever reason.

"Huh! Oh, yeah…. T-thank you Ray for helping me." Tanya said but stopped as she look at Charlotte again, trying to tell me something which I quickly grasp is she telling me she cannot talk with Charlotte here.

"Actually, Tanya. It's alright to talk about it. Charlotte actually already know that I am a reincarnator and not from this world."

"Eh?" Tanya sound surprised but quickly that surprise vanished and replaced with another glare at Charlotte which the latter decided to play along and lay her claim on my arm.

"Master not only tell me his secret first, I also the first to accept his grace." Charlotte added with triumphant gloating as she rub the spot on her chest where the Piece was absorbed and stayed currently.

As if isn't enough to just gloat and taunt Tanya with words, she arms slither over my waist and capture me in her embrace to declare herself as my… Wait, was it sister or mommy? Either way, something similar to that which somehow leave Tanya grinding her teeth in silence.

"Char, I remember we talked about this before. Release me this instance." I commanded and Charlotte's body jolted and immediately release me.

Charlotte immediately pouted and instead of being offended as other normally do when their body forcibly controlled. This is also a headache because this also mean that I having control over her body didn't deter her at all I sighed and facepalm.

"Hmph, using the Piece to control my body is unfair." Charlotte harrumphed while showing she is sulking at me.

Meanwhile Tanya was flabbergasted to hear Ray can control someone with speech?! How do that work? That's worse than slavery because slave can resist order but this… the body isn't even her own anymore and nothing more than a puppet that dance in his words. Yet Charlotte didn't seem phased or cared at all by the look of it and enjoying it instead. This level of trust isn't something easy to attain. To entrust your body to someone else other than yourself.

"You would stop treating me like a child. You force me to this." Ray defended his reason, seemingly trying to defend himself when he didn't need to.

"I see. Then, good luck cooking your own meal, cleaning your office, washing your clothes, fixing your uniform, doing your…" Charlotte continue to list down the chores she been doing for Ray all this time before threaten to leave if he going to ban her from getting her daily dose of Ray-nium.

As someone that cooped up in his office and research almost majority of the time, no way he can take care of those. Even magus normally have servant or familiar to take care of menial tasks for them.

"Wait, I get it. Just… not 'that'. My only motivation to live." Ray wilted and succumbed instantly

"So, what is your decision, master. Succumb or resist futilely?" Charlotte asked with victorious smirk on her face, confident that Ray cannot resist her.

"Fine, you win this time. But don't think this is over you sick woman!" Ray resigned to his fate as the gleeful Charlotte claim her prize with dark chuckle and extremely pleased smug look on her face.

The reason why Charlotte became like this was after the talk she had with Ray regarding his real identity and found out Ray is actually older, nearly twice her age. At 28 and her age is 15. Naturally, Ray assert his seniority and demanded to be treated as such instead of a child that his physical appearance shown. However, instead of respecting his wish. Charlotte teased him even more and it spiralling out of control from perhaps interested into obsession. There is a reason why Ray wouldn't dare sleep, piss or shit without at least five layer of Bounded Fields minimum protecting him. The literally meme of can't have shit in Detroit.

"*Cough* Anyway, we got sidetracked." Ray fake a cough with a blushing face, trying his best to compose himself before addressing Tanya.

"No, no, don't mind me. You two can continue and I'll stay here and watch." Tanya was sitting on her bed, half tucked by the thin blanket with a cup of warm tea instead of coffee for elegance on her hands prepared by Visha that somehow enter undetected by me. Tanya's voice sound irritated somehow.
