
Rebel Heart - A Bad Boy Romance

Michelle Patterson didn't think she was going to run into any trouble when she planned a quiet drive around Nevada for summer vacation. But when trouble crashed right into her, a mysterious young man hotter than the desert sun turned up to rescue her. Suddenly she finds herself among a gang of illegal racers calling themselves the 'Night Blazers' and she starts to run with a crew full of misfits whom she learns is a broken family. Now facing a dangerous threat in the desert, will she ever be able to go back to the way things were? Or is her fate more closely tied to the crew than she thought? And how will she deal with her growing desire for a rebel-hearted boy after her own heart? Based on the Choices Pixelberry story, Ride or Die.

MJKristo11 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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39 Chs

Chapter 23 Vegas Tour... or Date

Michelle stirred and opened her eyes. She was lying in Brook's arms again – and he was awake. He looked down into her open eyes.

"Morning," he said with a small smile. Michelle noticed his expression wasn't as relaxed as usual. His eyes were masking emotion and she could feel the tension in his body.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, placing her hand over his heart.

"Why wouldn't it be? We got away from the Inferno Ghosts, we got the car, avoided the cops, no one got hurt..." He trailed off, looking tense.

"Then why doesn't it look like a win for you?" Michelle asked with concern. "I know something's off, Brook. You've been quiet ever since we got back last night."

"I thought you were asleep." He said.

"I wasn't entirely. Please, tell me what's wrong." He studied her eyes and she could see him considering what to say.

"Last night, if you hadn't been with me... I would've gone after the Ghosts myself." Michelle was taken aback. She hadn't been expecting that.

"Why?" she asked, her voice wavering.

"Because it was Jackson chasing us – Jackson who'd tracked us down to Vegas. He's after me – and he's after you. I would've finished him off right then if I was alone. He wants me so bad? He'll get me." Michelle felt a shiver of fear pass through her.

"You would've gone head-on with the Ghosts because of Jackson?"

"Michelle, you don't understand. He's the son of the man who cost my dad his life. You think I wouldn't want revenge?" Brook's tone was hard. Michelle swallowed.

"He's been threatening us for years. He's the whole reason this crew exists. Because no one is safe unless he's out of the way. That goes for you too." Brook's eyes softened a little as he touched her cheek.

"You're not safe as long as he's alive. He's tried to get you more than once; he'll try again. And I can't sit back and do nothing about it. I won't lose you too." He spoke the last words with fervor. Michelle exhaled. Now she understood his dilemma.

"Brook, listen to me. We're gonna defeat him someday okay? But please promise me you'll never go after him alone. You said you don't want to lose me; I don't want to lose you either. And I'm afraid that will happen if you decide to go after him." he remained quiet at her words.

"Brook, please. I love you and I can't lose you while you pursue revenge." Michelle pleaded, her eyes filling up. He pulled her close.

"Shh. Don't cry. I'm not gonna leave you. As long as you want me... I'll be there for you."

"Promise." Michelle pleaded. Brook hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I promise." Feeling slightly relieved, she leaned her head on his chest. She could feel that the tension hadn't melted away from him yet.

Most of the crew was up at the dining table when Michelle went down later. Soriano and Payton were discussing something in low voices by the window. She caught snatches of the conversation as she passed by and heard Payton say something about 'returning to the base' and 'patrolling the desert'. Reece was on the couch watching a news channel. Michelle saw with a jolt that the headline was the destruction of the Black Boulder showroom and theft of an 'expensive car'.

There was also a report of a missing patrol officer from the vicinity and Michelle swallowed wondering if the Inferno Ghosts got him. She shriveled at the thought.

"Do you think he's okay?" Michelle asked Reece.

"Huh? Who?" Reece asked.

"The cop." She said, pointing to the TV. Reece hesitated for a second.

"It's hard to say when the Ghosts are involved. But nobody's reported dead yet."

"Oh." She turned to go to the kitchen. She felt sick inside. Those Ghosts were vicious monsters if they did anything to that cop. She hoped he was alright.

Jett was dozing over a bowl of cereal at the dining table but perked up when he saw Michelle.

"Hey, Michelle! I had a great idea last night. Since we kicked some Inferno Ghost butt last night, I propose we should go out and celebrate! I'm thinking the hottest club in Vegas. Music, dance, drinks, the whole package! It'll be rad!" he said.

"He thinks if you say yes we'll all agree," Reece said over his coffee.

"Oh, um... Should we really be celebrating at a time like this? I mean we know the ghosts are in Vegas." Michelle said.

"We're not gonna let a bunch of Ghosts keep us from having fun. And anyway, they'll never find us in the city." Reece said.

"Yeah, and we should take advantage of being in Vegas. Some of the best clubs in the country are here! Come on Michelle." Jett said.

"Back up Jett. You forgot Michelle is still underage." Payton said following Michelle into the kitchen. Brook and Paige also came in, Paige yawning.

"It's not like sneaking her in will be a problem," Paige said with a sly smile.

"Actually..." Michelle drew everyone's attention.

"I'm turning twenty-one next week." Brook raised his eyebrows.

"You are? When's your birthday?" he asked.

"Next Saturday."

"That's great! That's only four days away! Guys, this definitely calls for a party!" Jett said with enthusiasm. Paige smiled.

"So, you're gonna be legal to drink. Can't wait to see that."

"Great. More reason to celebrate. As long as there are drinks I'm in. So where are we going?" Reece asked.

"Choosing a club in Vegas is crazy!" Jett said, clutching his head. "There are so many! I gotta make a list and narrow down our options to like the top five hottest clubs in –" Paige took a corn crisp from Jett's bowl and threw it at his face.

"Stop talking before you suck the fun out of it," she said. Leslie and Soriano came in and took their place at the table. Jett filled them in on Michelle's birthday.

"I bet you didn't think you'd be spending your birthday with a bunch of fugitive outlaws, did you?" Payton asked Michelle. She smiled.

"No, to be honest, I didn't."

"You must miss your friends," Leslie said.

"Yeah but... I originally didn't intend to be back at college before the summer ended." Michelle said. "So I thought I'd be on the road for my birthday."

"Instead you're here. Hanging out with us." Payton said.

"Yeah. This hasn't been the summer I expected, but I wouldn't give it up for anything. Because I got to meet you all." She turned to Brook with a warm smile.

"Aww. Cute. But enough mush. We have a party to plan. We're gonna celebrate your 'twenty-one' in style." Paige said with a wink.

"I agree. I'll get started on club hunting." Jett said getting up and fetching his laptop.

"Brook, I need you to take a look at the white Pontiac after breakfast. Meet me in the garage." Soriano said before going out. Michelle turned to Brook.

"So... are you cool with the whole party thing?" she asked him.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? It's your birthday. You deserve to enjoy yourself." Michelle hugged him.

"I know but – if you're not in the mood, we don't have to go." She said. Brook slid his hand down the small of her back.

"I'm game for anything with you," he said huskily in her ear, making her blush.

After breakfast, Michelle was at a loose end with little to do since Brook was busy with the chief and everyone else was either out or doing their own things. Payton called her when he saw her lounging in the living room.

"Michelle, you free for a bit?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Come with me. And bring a jacket." Michelle followed him into the garage.

"What's this about?" she asked. Payton opened the door of the Dodge Viper.

"Get in. we're going places."

"Where?" Payton shook his head.

"Always with the questions... Don't you trust me by now?"

"Well, you got me across the state..." Michelle teased and got in the passenger seat.

"You got sunglasses? You'll need them," he said. Michelle pulled out a pair from her pocket and put them on.

"Let's go." He said starting the car. He drove out of the garage and into the summer sunlight.

"So where are we going? A secret mission?" She asked.

"You really should know us by now. Do you think we go on heists in broad daylight?" Payton asked rhetorically.

"Point taken. So this is a joy ride."

"Call it a day out." Michelle blinked.

"Wait, you're taking me out?"

"What, I can't do that as a friend?"

"Um, sure, yeah you can."

"Thanks for your permission." He said grinning.

"But um, is it safe to go out alone like this after last night? I mean, the Ghosts are still in Vegas." Michelle said. She saw a flicker of something pass Payton's face.

"We're in the middle of a metropolitan city at eleven in the morning. You really think those Ghosts are gonna pop up in front of us out of nowhere?"

"Well, when you put it that way – no."

"And anyway, they don't know where we are. We're still pros at remaining undetected in plain sight."

"Uh-huh. And this car screams 'subtle'." Michelle said with a sideways glance.

"A lot of folks have cool cars in Vegas. We're just blending in." Payton said. Michelle gave a little laugh.

"You and I have very different ideas of what blending in means." Payton turned on the radio to a pop station.

"Pop? Really?" Michelle asked. "I didn't take you to be a pop kind of guy."

"I'm not. I prefer hip-hop. I thought college girls were into this bubbly stuff."

"That's so stereotypical. I'm not that predictable, you know."

"I do know... now. So what interests you?"

"Electronic, club."

"Aren't those the same?"

"Not always. I'm really not into summer love pop. I prefer the repeated beats I can dance to."

"Refreshing," Payton said. He changed the station to some club hits for the rest of the trip.

Payton slowed the car down in front of what appeared to be a gift shop.

"A gift shop?" Michelle asked.

"Just come on." Payton invited. They got out of the car and went in.

"Am I supposed to play the tourist now?" Michelle asked Payton as he looked around.

"Unless you've been to Vegas before – yeah." He picked up a bunch of postcards and pressed them into Michelle's hands.

"Here. Write to friends, but leave the part where you're hanging out with-" he leaned close and whispered, "fugitive outlaws."

"Wha – but, why?" she asked, holding up the postcards.

"You've been on the run for almost a month without any means of contact. Your friends must be worried sick about you. I figured you could write to them, let them know you're alive and all." Michelle blinked before saying 'thanks' a second too late; Payton had already gone to the counter to pay. She took the postcards to the counter but stopped when she saw rows of 'fabulous Las Vegas' sign key chains. She took two and placed them on the counter. Payton eyed them distastefully.

"I don't think they allow those in the mail." He said.

"Oh, I'm not sending these. I'll give them to my friends when –" she stopped thinking about what she was about to say.

"When you go back to college." Payton finished for her. She looked up at him and saw a flicker of raw emotion in his eyes – it was the same look Brook had given her when he told her he loved her. Payton turned away to pay for the items.

"You're gonna have to go back eventually, you know. It's your life. When all this hell with the Inferno Ghosts is over, you'll go back. You'll be safe." He lowered his voice.

"And you'll forget about us..." Michelle heard that though she knew he hoped he wouldn't.

"Payton..." She placed her hand on his shoulder but he straightened up.

"So is this all? I'll be paying now." He said looking over the items.

"You don't have to," Michelle said.

"I want to." He replied softly. He paid for the items and gave her the bag.

"It's still pretty early for lunch. Feel like killing time with me?" he asked as they got in the car.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Er... I'm not one for planning tours so... how about just cruising? Or is that too boring for you?"

"I was on a road trip before this. Cruising is exactly my style."

"Great. I'll show you Las Vegas like you've never seen before." Michelle laughed.

"I haven't seen it before."

"All the better."

They drove through the Strip, Paris hotel, and stratosphere tower. Payton asked Michelle if she wanted to get out and visit it but she declined.

"I'm okay with just cruising." She said. "I'll visit it when I come back next time."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, after we've taken down the Inferno Ghosts and no longer have to be on the run... we could all visit the stratosphere tower, the whole crew." Payton sighed.

"Michelle, you know that's not gonna happen."

"What? Why not?"

"Don't play dumb. You know you're gonna leave eventually. You won't be a part of all this forever. Do you think you're gonna keep ties with a bunch of outlaws?" Michelle frowned. He reopened their conversation from the store earlier.

"I'm not giving up on my friends. I won't just cut myself from the crew. I won't forget you all no matter what."

"You should! We don't mix with your world – you come from a carefree college life with dreams for a future and we..." He slammed his hand on the wheel.

"You can't make me forget Payton. It's my choice. You don't get to decide what's best for me. None of you do. I chose to stay; I also chose not to leave. You guys are like family to me. I won't abandon my family." She said fervently. Payton gripped the wheel tightly for a moment in silence.

"You'll only be hurting yourself by holding on," Payton said.

"No, you're the one who's hurting me by asking me to let go," Michelle said, folding her arms defensively.

"How does Brook deal with you?" Payton asked half to himself.

"No better than you, I can tell you that," Michelle said. Payton laughed humorlessly.

"You must be a real handful..." he said under his breath. "Fine. Have your own way. You want to break your heart, suit yourself." Michelle rolled her eyes.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Wrong sweetheart, you don't know what you're talking about. Whatever fantasy you're imagining, it won't happen. But I'll let you find that out for yourself." He parked the car in front of a tiny takeaway restaurant.

"Wait here," he said. He got out to buy the food and came back ten minutes later. He handed Michelle the bag.

"Mac and cheese? Stuffed in a waffle. Now that I haven't seen before." Michelle said, opening the paper container.

"It's pretty famous around here. Try it." Michelle tasted it and widened her eyes.

"Hmm... for kids' food, it's pretty delicious."

"Figured you'd like it." They ate in silence in the car for a few minutes.

"So, why exactly did you take me out today?" Michelle asked later as they drove back home.

"Thought you'd like to get out, see the sights, take in local cuisine..."

"And get me postcards." She said, narrowing her eyes.

"And get you postcards," Payton said without looking at her.

"Payton, I know something's up. What's this really about? This isn't like you."

"You don't know me."

"I know you enough to know this isn't a regular thing for you. you don't go around giving people tours or buying them souvenirs. So why?" Payton hesitated, his face betraying a change of emotion for a split-second.

"I don't think you should go out at night anymore." He said.

"Why, because the Ghosts are after me? Payton, we've been over this."

"Yes, because the ghosts are after you! And they came too damn close to getting you last night!" Payton shouted.

"But they didn't, okay? Brook saw to that!"

"Brook can't always be around to protect you. From now on, you're not coming on any more missions. It's too dangerous."

"You can't make me stay behind! You can't do this to me, Payton!" She protested. Payton slammed the brake, throwing them forward.

"I can't watch you get hurt! If I can stop it I will!" he said vehemently. He restarted the engine and drove on. Michelle folded her arms defiantly.

"Take me back right now." She said in an icy voice. She ignored him for the rest of the drive.

When they reached back, Michelle got out of the car and slammed the door without a backward glance. She stormed off to the apartment. Leslie and Jett were sitting in the living room and looked up as she came in.

"Hey, Michelle! Where've you been?" Jett asked. She ignored him, feeling too mad to answer, and went to Brook's room. Brook was not there. She flopped on the bed and squeezed a pillow in frustration. What is wrong with Payton? She wondered. He was being overprotective and annoying. Ever since the heist...

She took out her postcards and began writing on them. She needed something to distract her – Payton had really made her mad. She took deep breaths and focused on what to write Brynn and Leah, pushing Payton out of her mind. She felt a pang of guilt that she hadn't written to her friends sooner. She couldn't give many details and made it look like she arrived in Vegas as per her road trip. The writing calmed her down. Payton's words from earlier came back to her mind. Payton cared about her safety, she knew. He wasn't much different from Brook. Everyone in the crew cared for her safety, she saw that. That's why she cared for them too. But Payton was being impossible. He still didn't trust that she could take care of herself, believing she needed extra protection. She sighed. Between Brook's revenge dilemma and Payton's overprotective issues, Michelle had a lot occupying her mind.

She put the postcards away intending to drop them off in a mailbox later and went downstairs. She looked at Leslie and Jett and waved.

"Hey, kiddo. Everything okay? You look kinda riled up," Leslie said.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry about earlier I just – had something on my mind." She came and sat on the couch. Jett offered her a packet of potato chips from which he was eating.

"So I found the best possible club for us to go to on Saturday – there's this place called 'Highlight' and it's pretty sick. It's got the best indoor light shows, the hottest hits, and spacious dance floors. It's not too crowded either because it's pretty exclusive. Not anyone can get in. But thanks to yours truly, we can get in no problem." Jett said, putting his laptop down.

"Er, great. That's great Jett. I can't wait." Michelle said, trying to feel excited. Leslie noticed her tone.

"You sure nothing's bothering you kiddo?" she asked gently. Payton's words rang in her head - I don't think you should go out at night anymore... She lifted her head with determination. She wasn't gonna let Payton get her down. She would go to the club – and have a darn good time.

"I'm fine." She replied. "In fact, I'm excited for Saturday night. It'll be my first time at a club."