
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Kỳ huyễn
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170 Chs

Chapter 70: The Unexpected Intruders 

The news spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the land. The demise of the Dealer and the two nobles sent shockwaves across society, both in the upper echelons and the criminal underworld.

The Dealer was a notorious figure, known for his cunning and influence. His 'Deals' were always in high demand, forging wide connections with influential individuals who protected and supported him. His sudden death left many in disbelief, wondering who could muster the audacity to bring him down.

Rumors and conspiracy theories swirled like a brewing storm. Some believed it to be an inside job, orchestrated by rival criminal factions aiming to seize the Dealer's territory and business. Others suspected a vengeful noble, some even went as far as to consider the possibility of a slave rebellion against him or someone who was against slavery.


The room erupted in fury as a man flipped his desk. His subordinate had just finished a report on the Dealer's death.

"Vincent, you imbecile! I warned you that this would happen if we increased our deals," he shouted, his anger unmistakable.


The chair shattered as he kicked it with all his might.

"Your death hasn't only cost me a fortune; it's jeopardized my future plans,"

"AHHH! FUCK!" he raged.

His subordinate was extremely nervous, flinching each time his master shouted or broke something.

"Sir, I-I assure you, we'll do everything to find out who did this," the subordinate stammered, trying to calm his master.

The man's glare burned through his subordinate. "Find out who's responsible, and make them pay. No one interferes with my plans and escapes unscathed."

The criminal underworld was in turmoil, especially those involved in similar businesses. They could see that this is a critical moment for them and their organizations. The Dealer's absence created a power vacuum, and they recognized the need to seize it.

Simultaneously, in the upper echelons of society, the nobles were also grappling with the shocking news.

The sudden deaths of two nobles, especially under such mysterious circumstances, sent shockwaves through the upper class of society. These aristocratic houses were known for their rivalries, alliances, and intricate power plays, and the loss of two of their own had everyone on edge.

Whispers and rumors began to spread among the noble circle, particularly among the Avaloria Nobles due to Adara Windcrest.

Some speculated that a rival family was attempting to weaken their competition and gain more influence in the city. Others suspected that it might be the actions of a disgruntled member of their own ranks seeking revenge or asserting their own ambition.

Surprisingly, Lord William's death went largely unnoticed; no one really cared about him personally. In their eyes, he was just a low noble, and his death was classified as an accident.

As for the Dealer, some nobles thought that this was the work of rivals, while others went as far as to say that the dealer was killed by his slaves who rebelled against him.

Meanwhile, the individual responsible for this chaos slumbered peacefully in his master's room.

After a little bit of cleaning, the girls retired to their chosen rooms, though the mansion had more than enough rooms for all of them, some chose to share rooms with each other.

Midnight descended, and Aron lay on his bed. As usual, he found it hard to fall asleep, and he didn't want to sit on the hard floor for now.

He turned to the side; inside the room was a small exotic tree of some kind that Raum claimed for himself. Now he was sleeping peacefully on one of the tree's blue branches.

Aron shifted his gaze to the ceiling, wondering about his next step. Honestly, he was lost, and the only thing on his mind was looking for the memory witch. But that was just following rumors, and he didn't want to risk it yet.

He also recognized the need to grow stronger now that he had some coins in his pocket. He no longer needed to sell the cores to the guild and could use them for himself.

"Sigh… I need to rest… Ever since I woke up in that cave, things have been moving fast for me," Aron murmured to himself.

He had a sense that everyone he had encountered and fought so far was weaker than him, except for Father Valarian and the masked man in the guild. Aron felt both of them could easily defeat him. Both of them exuded an aura of formidable strength.

But Aron's Dragon Pride wouldn't allow him to back down or act cowardly. He was ready to fight even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Step. Crack

"!!!" An almost silent step, followed by the sound of a small object breaking, caught Aron's ears. 

Aron's senses snapped into high alert. He focused intently on catching the sound again, but nothing followed.

"Strange?... Did I just imagine it?"

[Negative, Master. You didn't imagine it. I heard it too, and I also sensed a small burst of mana right after hearing that sound.]

Aron didn't hesitate. He dashed to the balcony; his room on the third floor offered a clear view of the right side and the mansion's entrance.

Aron scanned the area with his eyes; he learned that focusing his mana on his eyes allowed him to see past Kasumi's magic—Previously he was doing it unconsciously—Using the same technique, he could see further and with great detail.

His gaze fell on two figures approaching slowly from the mountainside. "Intruders… Huh? What's that?"

Aron noticed a transparent barrier enveloping the two figures. Narrowing his eyes, he watched one of them brush his hand against a bush, and surprisingly Aron heard nothing. "The barrier is preventing sound?"

From his vantage point on the third-floor balcony, Aron observed the figures in silence. Their cautious advance made it clear that they weren't here with friendly intentions. Without hesitation, Aron leaped off the balcony and landed gracefully on top of a nearby bush in the garden. 

He then quickly sprinted in the opposite direction, moving swiftly and silently through the mansion's expansive garden. His heart raced as he focused on keeping his footsteps light and his presence concealed. He needed to find out who these intruders were and what their intentions were.

With his heightened senses, Aron located them with ease. To capture them, he first needed to neutralize the barrier; he didn't know the full extent of that barrier or if its sole function was to suppress sound.

After a few more silent steps, Aron was able to circle behind the two intruders. He summoned Python with a thought. 

"Entering my land uninvited is a big mistake."

With a malevolent grin, Aron hurled Python at them with all his might.


A whooshing sound sliced through the air, catching the intruders off guard.

"Number 8, something is approaching from your six," one intruder whispered to his companion.

"Affirmative, Number 3. Leave it to me," replied the other, named Number 8, as he turned and touched the barrier. A blue square shape appeared on the transparent shield.

"Elemental shield deployed, intercepting the incoming object."


"Hmmm?" The individual named Number 3 squinted his eyes in an attempt to identify the incoming object. Soon, he made out the silhouette of a black greatsword hurtling towards them at breakneck speed.

"Not good! Number 8, set up another shield quickly!" Number 3 urgently called out.


Number 8 was caught off guard by Number 3's sudden outburst. Before he could fully grasp the situation, Aron's greatsword collided with the barrier, and a tremendous shockwave erupted. The clash of forces created a cacophony of sound, causing the air to vibrate around them.

Crack. Crack

"W-What!!" Number 8 stammered in shock as he observed ominous fractures spiderwebbing across his elemental shield. With a resounding boom, the barrier shattered, and its remnants scattered in all directions.

The two intruders were thrown to the ground from the energy burst caused by the shattering of the barrier

Aron seized this opportunity and lunged forward with an incredible burst of speed. Before the intruders could fully recover, Aron closed the distance between them.

'I only need one of them.' With that thought, Aron gathered his mana around his fist.


Number 8 shook his head, his vision a little blurry. He turned around when he heard the sound of footsteps. The moment he did, Aron's fist shot out like a red lightning bolt, unerring in its trajectory. The blow connected with Number 8's midsection, causing him to gasp for air and leaving him incapacitated.

"Tsk weak, sigh… A weak one will spill information easily,"

Aron mused as he shifted his focus to the other intruder. Number 3 struggled to regain his footing, still reeling from the earlier shock.

'This one needs to die first.' Aron instantly dashed to Number 3 with the intent of delivering a similar punch.

"!!!" Number 3 sensed the shift in the air around him, his back was exposed to Aron's incoming fist. However…

"Eh?" Aron was confused as his fist sailed through the air, missing its target.

Number 3 dodged the fist by crouching, and he didn't stop there. He immediately dropped onto his back, using his hands as support; he delivered a powerful sidekick to Aron's elbow with a resounding crack.

"Ughhh!" Aron grimaced as he felt his bones break, and his arm twisted slightly backward.

Biting his lip due to the searing pain, he attempted to use his feet to strike Number 3's head, but the intruder agilely evaded the attack.

"Top priority: mission objective – eliminate the obstacle and proceed with the original objective," 

Number 3 recited coldly, his voice empty of emotion. With a predatory glint in his eyes, he closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye, launching a rapid barrage of strikes aimed at Aron's vulnerable spots.

Despite the agony and his compromised arm, Aron managed to deflect and dodge some of Number 3's blows, although his movements were slower and less precise. He tried to counter with his good arm, throwing a punch at Number 3's face.

But Number 3 was nimble and skilled, elegantly sidestepping Aron's attack. He continued his assault with calculated precision.

'Finally a good fight.' A grin crept onto Aron's lips. To him, this fight was a thrilling challenge. The seemingly weak intruder before him was a skilled fighter underneath all of that.

Number 3 once again managed to evade another one of Aron's blows, but this time he seized Aron's good arm immediately after that he placed his palm on Aron's chest.

Aron felt an icy sensation spreading through his veins; his strength was depleting rapidly.

"What's happening?" Unable to move both of his arms, Aron was stunned; Number 3 did something to him.

"Eliminating the obstacle," Number 3 stated coldly, his voice devoid of any emotion. Feeling weak, Aron gritted his teeth, realizing that this intruder was able to defeat him easily. Aron had indeed underestimated him, and now he was paying for it.

Number 3 stood unwavering, a blue orb of light gathering in his hand. Aron, on the other hand, struggled to summon Python or the Greataxe but found himself unable to do so.

Number 3's cold expression remained unchanged as he continued to drain Aron's strength with the blue orb of light. Aron's struggles grew weaker, his body feeling heavy and unresponsive. He could feel his consciousness slipping, his vision blurring around the edges.

"Your resistance is futile," Number 3 stated, his voice carrying an air of superiority. However, when he tried to touch Aron's head, Aron summoned all his remaining strength and, using his tall figure, toppled both of them to the ground. He seized the opportunity to sink his teeth into Number 3's neck.

"ARGHHHH!" Number 3's pained scream echoed through the night as Aron's teeth sank into his neck. The unexpected attack caught Number 3 off guard, but that didn't last long since Aron was weak at the moment. Number 3 was able to escape his grip.

"You will pay for this." Number 3's cold expression was twisted with anger, showing emotions for the first time, his hand clutching his wounded neck.

"HAHAHA" Aron burst out in laughter. If this is the end, he will welcome it with a laugh. Taking out a dagger, Number 3 was about to strike Aron. However…


An arrow came flying through the air, sailing with deadly precision, finding its mark in Number 3's outstretched arm. The sharp projectile embedded itself deeply into his flesh, causing him to cry out in pain as his arm jerked back instinctively.

"Aron!" a familiar voice echoed in the area.

Aron smiled and turned to see a beautiful woman, Fiery red hair with shades of gold carrying a bow in her hand.

yO dear readers are you enjoying the story so far, what's your thoughts on the events, tell me in the comments, I'll be happy to hear them

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