
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Kỳ huyễn
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287 Chs

Bonds stronger than blood

Mortis entered the box smiling, but the atmosphere inside was dead silent and icy. With a friendly smile, Mortis asked what was going on while grabbing an apple from the table and biting into it. His wives looked at him in sync, wondering why he seemed so amused. Without hesitation, Mortis climbed over the seats and took a seat next to Shiva and Edna. This surprised Shiva the most, as she had assumed he was mad at her. Therefore, she looked at him sadly and in wonder.

Mortis frowned and asked Edna as he turned to her, "Do I have something on my face?" Edna shook her head. Then he turned to Shiva. "What's the matter? Why are you looking like that? And what's the mood here? Zara is about to clean up properly. A little optimism would be in order."

Shiva shook her head and whispered softly, "I'm sorry."

Mortis looked at her questioningly. Realizing why she felt guilty, he laughed out loud. "Sorry? For what? For having your opinion? That you have to get used to me and the others and my way of doing things? No, you don't need to apologize. If anything, I should apologize. I should have reacted better instead of letting my anger guide me. So, don't be sad. Today will be the day when human children show the other races what they can do. So cheer and watch our children outdo the others."

With a lump in her throat, Shiva nodded as Mortis pulled her close, gave her a kiss, and looked to the arena with a smile as he gently caressed her.

It took a while, but the more Shiva calmed down, the more the other women loosened up and began to gossip and tease each other. Shiva was unsure if the women were testing her or teaching her a lesson, but one thing she realized was that this family stood steadfastly by each other. Especially to Mortis. Just as Shiva found the courage to turn to the women, Lumina suddenly jumped up. "Look, honey! Now it's my little girl's turn!" she cheered. "Zara, finish off this Valkyrie! Show her that magic is more than mere arcana and elements!" In the arena, Zara heard her foster mother's call. A little embarrassed, yet proud, she waved back with an arrogant gesture, much in the style of Lumina. This made her mother beam with pride. The other women, as well as the human audience, enthusiastically cheered Zara on. Everyone was hoping for another miracle, similar to the one in the previous tournament. With this moment, the tournament finally picked up speed.

The young Valkyrie was visibly impressed by the support she received from the humans and her Valkyrie companions. Confidently, she entered the arena and saw in Zara not just an ordinary human, but an opponent worth fighting. Seeing the determination in Zara's eyes, her anticipation for the fight grew. In an attempt to demonstrate her superiority, she conjured a massive green fireball. But before she could hit Zara with it, she suddenly felt something cold clutch her leg. A huge demon, its mouth lined with a thousand sharp teeth, emerged from the ground and tried to devour the Valkyrie. In her panic, she forgot everything around her and screamed for help. But in the next moment, it was all over. Amanda, the goddess, stood next to her and declared Zara the winner. Still as white as a sheet, the Valkyrie asked what had happened. Amanda replied, "It seems you were cursed and hallucinated. I'm sorry, my child, but you have been eliminated." 

Zara was aware of the illusion she had played on the young Valkyrie and was unsure how to react. But she approached the girl and reached out her hand to help her up. The Valkyrie, still covered in the sweat of fear, gratefully accepted. Although she surpassed Zara in height, she thanked her and expressed hope for another encounter. It seemed Zara had found a rival - or perhaps even a friend - who would never forget what happened that day.

A great cheer broke out in Mortis' box. Most of the women jumped for joy and clapped. Lumina could hardly hide her enthusiasm and seemed like the proudest mother in the world. Valeria, on the other hand, tried to keep her emotions in check, although it was difficult for her. Lumina pulled Mortis to the window so that Zara could see that not only she, but also her father was proud of her. When Zara looked up, she saw all the women standing at the window cheering.

Images from Zara's childhood, when she lived on the streets almost starving, flashed through her mind. She wondered if she really deserved this new family and their affection. Lumina and Mortis' love seemed as genuine to her as that of birth parents. She looked up once more, swallowed hard, and shouted, "I won! Father, mother, thank you!"

Lumina could no longer hold back. Tears streamed down her face. Mortis pulled her close and shielded her from the gaze of the others. He listened to her voice whispered with emotion, "I never thought words could be so touching."

Mortis settled into his seat and held Lumina close. The other women gently stroked Lumina's shoulder and back to show their joy and support. Shiva, still feeling unsure of herself in the round, didn't know exactly how to respond. But before she could make a decision, Leonie grabbed her hand and placed it on Lumina's shoulder. At that moment, Lumina broke away from Mortis, turned to Shiva and thanked her. She looked as if she might burst into tears again, but she controlled herself. Instead, she turned her attention back to Mortis and began to cuddle with him. Shiva whispered a little mockingly, "They are all vixens, aren't they?"

Suddenly the box shook and the entire hall was filled with laughter. "Welcome to the family," said a voice behind Shiva, and before she knew it Marina was patting her on the shoulder in a friendly manner. She made no secret of what she had been up to with Mortis that morning

The tournament continued, and Zara won another round. She made it to the semifinals and was now the only one of the human race still competing against the highest races. Almost everywhere her success was celebrated, with one exception: on the other side of the world, where the Emperor of the Sands suffered another defeat. In his rage, he would have loved to destroy everything, but such behavior would not be tolerated here. As he turned his gaze to the Lodge of Mortis, he was suddenly met by an outstretched hand extending its middle finger to him. This almost drove him out of his mind with anger.