
"The adventurers conquer the battlefield".

Mortis stood up in front of his soldiers and spoke to them: "This battle is over, but the battle is still going on. It is time we showed the lazy noble pack how to fight a battle as adventurers. Follow me, you brave men, you knights of light!" Mortis mounted his spirit bear and rode with Merlin to the nobles' battlefield. Merlin said, "But you are actually a noble too. If the others hear that, they might think wrong of you." To this Mortis replied, "Oh, come on, you're overthinking this. The adventurers are still in a frenzy. They hear what they want to hear, and they don't even realize that I'm a noble myself."

"You really are a fox," Merlin said with a laugh. In no time at all, they both reached the nobles' battlefield with almost all the adventurers. The nobles couldn't believe their eyes, because only when they won the battle could they join. It was still early in the morning when Count Mortis came riding up on a ghost bear, followed by the wild-looking adventurers. "Get out of the way!" yelled Mortis to some knights, who moved into the center to make way for Mortis and the adventurers. Mortis and his troops attacked the right flank of the demons. A loud laugh was heard from the other side of the battlefield. It was Baron von Bernstein, who was about to charge forward with two great swords. But when he saw the adventurers and how Mortis was leading them, he got angry and roared to the knights and soldiers: "So now we already let adventurers show us how to fight such a battle? But not with me! Men, forward! We are the first to blow out the demon general's lights!" In the midst of the battle stood Countess Martina of Eisenach and Count Werner of Erfurt. The two knew that a lot can happen in a battle, but to end it in two hours and charge into the next like berserkers was new to them. But they didn't mind, and so a fire of combativeness was awakened in them and the other barons as well.

Mortis yelled to Merlin, "Hey Merlin, go to the other counts and tell them that with Trick 17 we'll put the fear of God into those bastards for once, too." Merlin rejoiced and broke away from his troop to go to the Count of Erfurt. At first he was stopped by knights, but when he mentioned that Mortis sent him, he was let through. Merlin explained Mortis' plan to the two counts and that he would take care of the barrier, but the two counts were to rain a powerful spell on the opponents that would make the demons' knees shake right away.

Merlin would have liked to throw another mighty fireball at the enemies, but explaining to the counts and all the mages now how the barrier works would take too long. So he takes over the support and leaves the fun to the two nobles. The count gave 50% of his mages the order to supply Merlin with mana. The other 50% supplied him and the Shadow Priestess. Everything else that could cast spells was divided between the Countess and the Count.

Merlin created a barrier that went all along the front and was about 7 meters high, stopping all the demons. And again, other demons pushed from behind to charge at the humans, only realizing they were caught in a trap when small meteors of shadow and fire rained down on them, obliterating everything within 20 meters of such a meteorite. The Count and Countess laughed like little children when they saw what their spell did and how many demons were crammed into a tiny spot just because they were blocked.

When the fire died down a bit and they could get back to the demons, Mortis jumped right in. He was looking forward to fighting many opponents, because he was a true destruction machine in battle. His skills were focused on hitting many enemies at once and weakening them. And if there were ever a few opponents who could take a little more, Mortis could still use his vanishing mist to disappear from the sight of his opponents, as well as his ghost companion, who speared the demons with her fingernails from behind.But still he did not forget to keep track of his troops, who really gave everything to follow their general. However, it was noticeable that especially the tanks were slowly getting out of breath. Therefore, he dropped back a bit to get to his squad and requested tanks from the center to take over the front now so that his soldiers could recover a bit.

No one dared to contradict Mortis, not only because he is a count, but also because he has already made history in the Frankish Empire today. From further ahead Mortis heard a deep laugh and a mocking voice saying: "Well, where is the little count? It seems he can't touch Baron von Bernstein, who is so strong, after all."

Mortis roared across the field, "Who is challenging me? Isn't this the dreamer who only gets brave when the adventurers save his butt?"

"Who needs saving?" roared William back.

Suddenly, large shadow balls hit the front of the opponents, and a woman's voice was heard saying, "Guys, this is not the time to play. And if it is, I'm winning anyway." She giggled.

William bellowed, "Okay, I'll take that bet. Whoever gets the general's head first!"

Mortis roared, "Come on, we're not going to let those pipes tell us anything. Come on men, let's get that monster's head!"

The knights and barons didn't know what was happening, but it seemed like a battle was being turned into a contest. The adventurers were the hottest for it and channeled everything to get ahead and defeat the general of the opposing army.

"All thinking beings can be gripped by madness, but the demons were becoming increasingly desperate. They didn't know what had stung these humans, that they were wilder and hotter-blooded than the demons and just came at them with brute force - which was normally their style. But this horde intimidated them, and not just the demon soldiers. The demon general and his staff didn't know how to deal with this situation either. They had never seen or heard of such a thing. Humans were more level-headed and tactical, but they regarded this kind of people like insects that they wanted to eradicate from this world with all their might.

The general himself was like a minotaur with powerful arms and two strong, thick horns. One might think that he was the most dangerous of all when he saw red. But now he saw red - in the eyes of his opponents - and that rather intimidated him. The humans were getting closer to their camp by the minute, and they were struggling just to hold it and maybe find a way to fight back. But the air began to thin, and the following troops also fell into shock when they saw that the humans were already close to the portal, ready to destroy it and decide the battle for themselves."

Finding no way to strategically repel the humans, the Minotaur summoned his followers and all the demons. With roaring fury, they charged toward the enemy army. The Minotaur himself ran on all fours like a wild bull towards his opponents, determined to drag at least a few more humans to their deaths in this hopeless battle.

But suddenly, out of the silvery mist, a gigantic demon in shining armor materialized. It was Marshal, the valiant companion of Mortis. With his five meters height and a huge shield in his hand, he faced the Minotaur and raised his sword, ready for battle.The Minotaur, puzzled by the sudden appearance of the enemy, straightened up and wondered who this intrepid demon might be. But before he could find the answer, Marshal struck the Minotaur with a mighty blow from above, wounding him severely in the shoulder.

Wild with pain and rage, the Minotaur tried to impale Marshal with its deadly horns. But the brave demon was faster and blocked the attack with his massive shield. At that moment, William of Amber leapt over and slashed at the Minotaur's back with his two swords. The general whirled around and slashed at William, but the brave warrior skillfully parried the blow and kept the upper hand.

The Minotaur, covered in black fur like most demons, suddenly began to glow glistening red, its skin glowing and emitting heated flames. With this ability, he wanted to inflict more damage on the enemies. But the humans were ready and repelled the attack by hurling shadow balls at the hulking opponent.

The Minotaur was getting faster and stronger, but he was in his right mind and acted prudently. It was obvious that this fight was not easy to win, so he used all his strength to bring the humans to their knees. But the defenders did not give up and fought with all their might against the merciless onslaught of the demons. It would be a bloody battle, but neither side gave in.

"Mortis also interfered in the fight against the Minotaur and tried to hurt this strong opponent. However, the Minotaur had thick skin and strong muscles, so it hardly received any damage from weapons, neither from Mortis' scythe nor from other sharp weapons. After the Minotaur activated its fiery skin, it was also impossible to stand near it for long. Suddenly, however, Count Werner of Erfurt appeared and used a spell that showed an image of the solar system of their world. After a few moments, his eyes turned brilliant blue and he said, "As it seems, the stars are not in your favor. I summon the powers of Neptune!" The spell, which previously showed all the planets of the solar system, zoomed to the 7th planet and a large water planet was seen growing larger and larger, spreading across the battlefield. Then from this image of the planet came a huge tidal wave that shot toward the demons and especially toward the demon general to extinguish his burning skin and end his ability. The wave was huge and a true natural disaster that took everything with it, especially the ordinary soldiers. The general, though huge and able to stay on his feet, still had difficulty holding his own against the masses of water. When the water subsided and disappeared again, Mortis was seen leaping over his opponents and running towards the demon general. He yelled "Ice Prison!" and the water around the general suddenly froze. The ice slowly spread wider and wider as water was everywhere. Panicked, the general tried to free himself, but he had no chance. The ice surrounded him faster and faster, so that only his head stuck out of the ice. But for Mortis, that wasn't the end. He jumped on Marshall's hand and he hurled him upwards, so that Mortis flew about 7 meters above the ground. He activated his finisher move "Falling Comet." His scythe began to glow silver as he did so, emitting a tail that looked like a starry sky. With a few flips to gain more momentum, he raced toward the general, who was trapped in a pillar of ice. Mortis' ability was a devastating end for the general when it hit him, creating a crater with a radius of about 40 meters, like a falling comet that is only beautiful until it hits and causes damage."