
Reaper of God

A man, who pretty much has it all, is contemplating his life. He finally gets the one thing he desires most, the affection of a woman. But God had other plans for him and transmigrates him to an alternate universe where the Earth has long ventured out into the vastness of space and is nothing more than a relic of the past. Wars ravage planets across the universe with only some not being affected by them. He is tasked with cleansing this universe and is appointed as The Reaper of God. But God didn't send him off with no help, he is blessed with a genius mind, the likes of which had never been seen before in that universe or will ever be seen again, a system and with.......NANOMACHINES?!?!? Well they may or may not be useless. With almost no one to trust and a thirst for revenge in his new body's bones, watch as our MC fights throughout the cosmos and makes a name for himself (along with some cool shit) with the hope of finding a way back home to the girl he had finally gotten at the end of it all. Kind of a slow start, but it'll pick up speed. I will upload ONE new chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. f chapters are uploaded outside of that schedule, then that just means I was feeling bored and decided to write one. Every chapter is being written as it is being released. For example, if we're on chapter 20, then chapter 21 is being written the day it's supposed to be uploaded. That means that I'm encouraging you all to comment and say if you all believe something should change and there is a chance that I may implement such changes to the following chapters.

Crimson_Reapr · Khác
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10 Chs


*Third Person POV*

A translucent figure floats on by in a vast void devoid of sound and light. It's completely bare, with its eyes closed, obviously unconscious or dead.

Slowly, the fingers of the body twitch, and its lips move, yet no sound comes out. There isn't a breath of air in the body, but there is a pulse, faint and distant, like the echo of a life left behind. It opens its eyes to see only blackness, a starless expanse that stretches in all directions.

At first, it's not aware of where or when it is, but it just has a floating sensation. A feeling of being suspended in something that is neither warm nor cold. There's no ground, no sky, no up or down. Just… a void.

*First Person POV*

'Where am I?' I think, though it feels strange as if it should be impossible to think at all in this place. I feel… weightless, but not the feeling of floating, it's more like I'm being held in place, suspended like a display piece by something vast and unseen.

Then I feel something, no, maybe someone, a presence. It's not a light presence, exactly, but something that feels like a light, something all-encompassing, kind of warm, but impossibly vast and unable to be held. It's everywhere and nowhere at once, pressing gently against my awareness like a whisper. With it comes a sense of *knowing*—not of a person, not of a figure, but of an endless mind, a being too immense to even begin to comprehend.

"You're here, my child."

The words aren't spoken aloud, but they resonate in my core — deep and serene, without beginning or end. The words are both comforting and overwhelming, like standing on the shore of an infinite ocean. It's not a response to a question, not a statement. Just… the truth.

'What... what is this? Where am I?' My thoughts begin to take form, but they feel so small, almost fragile as if it shouldn't matter here, in this vastness.

"You're in the in-between, my son." The presence responds, but the answer doesn't come in words or sounds or a thought. It's as though the very fabric of existence all around me is communicating with me, without voice or language. 

An image forms—not with eyes, but with some deeper perception. A vast stretch of stars, galaxies spiraling in silent, graceful arcs, creation unfolding and folding in on itself in the endless dance of time.

'Am I dead?' I think to myself. There's no immediate answer, but the presence swells, gentle but immense, filling every part of the void with its silent power. It's a feeling of peace that pushes away the fear, the confusion, until all that's left is a strange, calm certainty.

"No. You are more than alive at this moment. You are becoming whole again, one, regaining something that was yours."

My thoughts start to jumble up, but the presence keeps me calm, rather calculating. The words stated float through me, heavy with meaning, yet for some reason they are incomprehensible in this strange space. 'Becoming whole again? Regaining something that was mine? What is this? This feels so familiar but I can't remember anything, I don't know why?' I have no body to feel it, but can just sense something expanding, unfolding—something inside me that feels more real than flesh, something vast, familiar, and ancient, but new all the same.

The void shifts slightly, and a figure is standing in front of me, one of blinding light, but one that I can identify as human… 'Human? Wait, what's a human?' I feel a shift in the atmosphere as if the figure in front of me has just smiled at me, though there is no face to see, no lips to curve.

'I… I… am… Aspen? Is that my name?' I think to myself.

"Yes, my child. All the answers to the questions you seek will be revealed to you very soon. Just give it a second and it'll all come back to you." This time, the words, if they can be called that, have a sound. The voice that speaks it is filled with an unexplainable calm that feels eternal.

It's as if I have tapped into something beyond time, beyond space, beyond what I once thought was everything. Then almost out of the blue, my mind is filled with memories, it's like a movie playing inside my head. Many of them are familiar, things I remember doing, but about 60% of them feel foreign as if I've experienced them, as if they're actually mine.

"I remember now…" I speak, and I'm surprised to hear my own voice. It sounds, more mature, older, worn out, rough and rugged. "You're… God…" I say to the figure.

"Yes my child, I am. You remember everything now, so ask what you want to ask."

"Why is my voice different? What are these memories I have, the ones that feel foreign to me?" I ask.

"As I said before my child, you were becoming one. Have you forgotten what I told you when you came to temple?"

"No, Father, I remember you said they were memories. Are they memories of another life I lived?" I ask.

"Not precisely, they are the memories of another version of you. They are from a universe that ran rampant and which I had to cut contact with because they were a threat to all the other universes I had made." God replies.

"Wait, another version of me? Another universe, many universes? So the multiverse is real? Oh my Go- Oh my you!" I say with excitement. "But, what do you mean that it ran rampant? Did you lose control over it? You're God, right? You're all powerful, surely you can just wipe it from the face of the multiverse."

"Yes, I can do that, however, I have said that I will never directly intervene in what happens in the multiverse. I may influence things here and there, but I will never directly step in and undo what has been done. For I believe in free will and allowing my creations to do as they please. However, every single action in existence has its set of consequences. Which is why I'm choosing to use you."

"Use me? For what Father?" I ask.

"I will be sending you into that universe to cleanse it. It is full of savagery, murder, rape, incest, wars over trivial things, planets destroyed, pillaged, enslaved. ALL OF IT, I want you to cleanse it. To carve a path in my name to ensure a certain level of peace in it. Once you do that, I'll take you back to your original universe and give you and Autumn something I have for you both."

"But, how will I do that father? I'm only a man. And galactic warfare? Just what am I going to accomplish myself? I'll be killed before I even know where I'm standing. I have to cleanse an entire universe while only being a human that can be killed by a bad cold." I say to God, trying to understand how He believes I will be able to make any changes.

"You are right, but you are wrong. You are just a man, but I will send you over to this new universe with a brilliant mind the likes of which has never been seen before in that universe, or will ever be seen again. I will also incorporate nanobots in your body to aid you along the way and a system to help ease your path."

I'm at a loss for words. A system, a brilliant mind, nanobots? "When do I get to return? What if I die of old age before I can cleanse the entire universe?" I ask.

"I know I said the entire universe, but really, civilization isn't that spread out. Think of it like the Star Wars movies, which is a real universe for your information. There is civilization yet it is vastly populated in one place, one section of the universe. You should be able to do it, especially with what I'm equipping you with."

I nod at God's answer, a little more confident now. "One last question," I say. "Where will I start, and by cleanse, do you want me to give them a chance to change, or do I just erase them from existence?"

"Well, that's two questions, but I shall answer them anyway. For your first question, you already know where. As for your second question, that is for you to decide. It is your test, just remember that although I am a merciful and loving God, I am also a just and wrathful God."

"Those who willingly deny me, I will deny. Those who ignore me, I will ignore. Those who revell themselves in sin, I will throw to the lakes of fire. This universe is overflowing in this due to the powers that be. My son, from today on I will turn a blind eye to the blood that will stain your hands, so long as they are not tainted with the blood of the innocent."

God pauses for a moment before stating, "From this moment onward, I appoint you as The Reaper of God in universe 293,384,355,321."

When he says this I feel a burning sensation all over my non-existent body. It starts off as a warm and comfortable feeling but it quickly turns into an unbearable pain as I start to feel my very soul being ripped to shreds and glued back together over and over and over again. And then *Poof* I find the pain immediately disappear and a suction force is pulling at me.

"Don't disappoint me, my son, make me proud." I hear God's voice say to me from everywhere as things start to spiral. I'm surrounded by light as it swirls in a way that makes it seem alive. Moving with a purposeful, yet chaotic nature that creates a beautiful vortex — a spiraling maelstrom of pure brilliance — encircling me. The stars, once distant pinpricks in the void I found myself in, now sweep past my eyesight. 

They spin around me around as the vortex's whirl pulls me in. It feels as if I'm caught in a dance with the far older universe itself. Time feels suspended. Seconds, minutes, years — none of it matters at the moment. And then everything turns to black. 

I can now feel my body, pain fills the left side of it. I can hear a low hum, barely perceptible as if something electric is making energy. I can feel a very subtle vibration around me and I start to open my eyes. Everything is pitch black, so I can't see a thing. 

"Ugh, why is the left side of my body killing me?" I say, my throat dry as if in desperate need of water. The pain was sharp, overwhelming, and consuming me. My body feels heavy as if it's being crushed under something massive. My head is throbbing and I hear distant, fractured sounds of sparking wires and a hiss, as if something was leaking or air was escaping. 

I feel around in the darkness, my fingers touching what I can only guess to be shattered glass. I start to dig in my memory to see if I can orient myself when warm light as if it was the break of dawn, comes through some cracks. 

That together with what God told me, I remember where I am. I'm in the destroyed mech I had seen in my dream. The metal is twisted and bent inward from the biggest crack.

"Well, that explains the pain, if I remember correctly, this body I'm now occupying is of Aspen Del Santo, Commander of the Rebel forces named "Phantoms", or better said I'm all that's left of it. I'm on Planet Cenolla, which is orbiting the star KY27. I see some red warning lights flickering sporadically on what's left of the control panel since my head's up display (HUD) is completely destroyed, but I can make out a "System Failure, Reactor Failure" warning.

I try to move, but the pain flares again, sharper this time, like knives digging into my muscles. My left arm is pinned under twisted debris, and my legs feel numb, though the pressure tells me they're still there.

"God, just what situation did you drop me in? How am I supposed to get out of this thing?" I say to myself as I start to think, somehow maintaining my calm. Most of this thing is a wreck, all of my system functions are offline, including the emergency ejection. 

Then I heard some shifting outside as if someone or something was walking. I feel on my hip trying to find the energy pistol I know I should have holstered on the right side of my hip. But to my dismay, I can't feel it. So I feel some more around the cockpit as the steps grow closer. I then hear as someone or something climbs on my mech and walks toward the cockpit area. At this point I find my pistol in the darkness and activate it, taking the safety off.

I hear knocking and the childish voice of a boy says "Is there anyone in there? Hello?"

I hold my breath and don't make a sound. I then hear another voice, that of a man. "Charlie, get off that mech this instant! Don't you know we never touch the cockpits, respect the dead, and let them reunite with their gods, especially if they were fighting to give us freedom!"

"But dad, this is just all a hunk of metal now, we're going to scrap it for parts anyway."


"Ok, I'm coming down." The kid, Charlie, replies to his father. But before he can get off I voice out through the crack.

"Hey kid, tell your ol-" I'm cut off by the kid's scream of pure terror.

"AHHH, Dad, Dad, the mech is talking!"

"What? What are you talking about?" the man questions his kid.

"It said 'Hey kid', wahhh" the kid says and then bursts into tears.

"By the gods, the pilot must still be alive, give me some space," the man said as I heard him climb on top of my cockpit. "Hey, are you alright in there?" He questions as he shines a light in through the biggest crack.

"Yeah," I respond, "mind giving me a hand, all my systems are offline and I'm kind of stuck in here."

"Sure thing, let me just get the tools and I'll get you out in no time!" he replies.

"Thank God," I say to myself. While waiting for the man to get to work, my vision is filled by a blue panel that reads "Welcome, Host: Aspen Del Santo.

Word Count: 2494 🙂