
The Academy

Let's just say the wait was an interesting one. Reaper didn't socialize at all, but Summer sure did. She was curious about where he came from and how he got lost. He obviously didn't answer as he doesn't trust her enough. Besides, if she learns he's from Talon, oh boy. That could get complicated in a hurry. He's playing his cards close to his chest for now until he can figure out where exactly in the world he is. But he's never heard about Vale or the Kingdom of Vale at all and that frustrates him. He used to pride himself on intelligence gathering so not being able to get the information he needs is frustrating.

When the Bullhead did arrive, he got a good look at it before he got onboard. The Bullhead is a type of aircraft that honestly does kind of look like a Bullhead. He guesses that's where it got its name. Not that he cares too much. When the aircraft got into the air and flew off, he was surprised at its speed. Not that it was fast, but at how slow it is compared to other aircraft he's been in. 

It's still fast, just not as fast as he'd expected. All those aircraft he's been in during his time in Overwatch and Talon made him accustomed to the feeling of the speed of aircraft. When they left, Summer once again mentioned a place called Beacon Academy which he guessed was something important. Though, how important he had no idea. To him it just sounded like a typical educational facility.

He was hoping he could find some answers there, if any. When it came to Qrow, he kept getting a gaze from him. No doubt, Qrow is suspicious of him which doesn't surprise Reaper in the slightest. But he pays it no mind. He turns his gaze to the outside world beyond the confines of the metal he finds himself in. He watches as trees pass by at fast speeds and hears the wind whistle. For a second, he imagined himself back during the Omnic Crisis when he was being deployed into combat. He had to remind himself that the Omnic Crisis had been over for years. 

But now that he thinks about the Omnic Crisis, he remembers all the time he shared with the original Overwatch team. Jack, Ana, Torbjorn and Reinhardt. He then remembered the wacky things they did together. They were great friends back in the day, but Reaper went and destroyed it all with his actions. Maybe there's a glimmer of a chance for him to change all of that in this new land he finds himself in. Wherever he is. But he knows this, he should've died. So, some celestial being took pity on him and gave him a second go at life. Just thinking about someone taking pity on him makes him a little mad. But he does his best not to show it. 

"And there it is!" Summer said, with a sigh of relief. 

Reaper looked at her and then out of the aircraft to see a massive complex/building that looked like a damn castle. It sat by a cliff edge overlooking a large body of water as well as a city not that far away. 

"Beacon Academy!" Summer continued. 

So, this is Beacon Academy. Reaper paid more attention to the complex to get a sense of his new surroundings. What looked like a main avenue went from a set of landing pads towards the main buildings of the Academy. The avenue is marked with trees and flag-draped light-poles, as well as a number of impressive aqueduct-like features and archways. The unique architecture was definitely a sight to behold, especially that tall Tower in the center of the Academy. It almost looked like a fortress.

As the aircraft came in for a landing, Reaper prepared himself for anything. He was here simply for information about his location. Hopefully someone inside this Academy could help him. That's if they don't know who or what he is. As the Bullhead lands, he waits for the vessel to completely stop before standing up from his spot. Summer and Qrow followed suit. 

Stepping off the aircraft, Reaper gave a quick look around to take in his surroundings. He sees many students—at least he thinks they're students—and people he guesses are teachers. Qrow took notice of Reaper's actions and at first thought he was in awe, he couldn't tell because of the mask. Qrow chuckles lightly and briefly. 

"Quite the sight huh? Most people are awestruck when they see Beacon for the first time in person." Qrow explains. "Like Summer here." 

"You were awestruck too don't deny it." Summer said, defending herself. 

"whatever you say, Summer." 

Reaper finally turns to the duo who stop their banter and give him their attention. 

"Who's in charge of this Academy?" Reaper asks. 

"Oh, that's Professor Ozpin. He's the Headmaster of Beacon Academy." Summer answers. 

"Would he have information?" Reaper asks. 

"He has all kinds of information." Qrow comments. "Some good, some bad. Depends on the person really." 

"what kind of information do you need?" Summer asks. "Maybe we can help?" 

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Reaper said, a bit rudely. 

Summer didn't feel hurt, just bummed that this guy wasn't willing to seek help from them. Qrow narrowed his eyes at Reaper. The former Overwatch hero then sensed a new presence behind him, so he looked over his shoulder and saw someone. He held an aura of important and wisdom. He wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. He also held an interestingly designed cane. Though, it didn't look like he needs it. Despite his silver hair, he doesn't look that old. 

"Summer, Qrow. I take it your mission went well?" The man asked calmly. 

"Yep! The village is secured, and all Grimm were eradicated." Summer reports. 

"There were some complications though. But we handled them." Qrow adds. 

"Good to hear." the man said before turning his attention to the dark figure before him. "And who are you? If you don't mind me asking." 

Reaper remains silent as he assesses the situation and tries to size up the man in front of him. The man can tell that's what he's doing despite the mask, so he patiently waits. 

"You can call me Reaper." Reaper said, wanting to withhold his real name for now. 

Summer thought the name sounded cool despite it being odd, Qrow could tell he was keeping his real name hidden which raised some suspicion in him. The man simply absorbed this info. 

"Well, Reaper, may I know why you tagged along with these two?" The man asks. 

"Apparently he wants information." Qrow answered for Reaper. 

Reaper didn't break his focus on the man. The man gave Qrow a brief gaze before looking back at Reaper. 

"I see. What kind of information do you seek?" The man asks. 

"I need to know where I am in the world." Reaper said. 

The man raised an eyebrow but sensed something else was going on here. It was strange to be sure, but he could tell something was up. 

"Well, I guess if anyone can tell you where you are it's Ozpin." Summer comments, trying to add a bit of humor. 

Reaper didn't spare her a gaze but did take in that information. So, this man is Ozpin. At least he now knows the man's name. 

"Let's take this to my office." Ozpin said, before looking at Summer and Qrow. "You two can head home." 

Summer nods before she and Qrow turn back to the Bullhead. Ozpin turns around before looking over his shoulder. 

"Follow me please." Ozpin said. 

Reaper just went with it. But he was ready to kill anyone if this was a trap. He'll fight his way out of this Academy if he has too.