
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Kỳ huyễn
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294 Chs

Different Path

The journey after their encounter with the dragon continued with a heightened sense of alertness. Amukelo and Eliss traversed the mountainous terrain, always aware of the majestic dragons soaring in the distance. Though the dragons had not yet attacked, their presence was a constant reminder of the potential danger that loomed over them.

Days passed, and their path led them to a colossal cliff that presented a formidable obstacle. The cliff's edge offered a vertigo-inducing view, with its bottom lost in the abyss far below. It was an impassable barrier, with no visible paths leading down or around it.

The challenge they faced was twofold: the sheer drop of the cliff and the threat of the dragons. The idea of attempting to fly down was quickly dismissed. The air was the domain of the dragons, and in it, Amukelo and Eliss would be at a significant disadvantage, easy targets for any dragon that chose to attack.

With the sun gradually moving towards the horizon, they realized they had limited time to find a solution. There were no nearby caves in which to seek shelter, and the last safe haven they had encountered was too far to consider backtracking.

Amukelo, hoping to spot any potential resting places along the cliff's face, used his abilities to float and survey the area. He scrutinized every ledge and outcrop, searching for any spot that might offer safety. However, his search was in vain. The cliff was sheer and unyielding, offering no respite.

Meanwhile, Eliss focused on using her magic to scan the surrounding area. She extended her senses, probing beneath the snow and ice, seeking any hidden paths or caves that might provide a way forward or a place to rest. Her magic fanned out like ripples in a pond, covering a vast area as she meticulously examined every inch of the terrain.

The process was exhaustive. Eliss moved slowly, her concentration unwavering, her eyes closed as she focused on the magical feedback she received. The spell was complex, requiring a delicate balance of power and finesse. She could feel the subtle shifts in the earth, the hidden crevices beneath the snow, and the solid mass of the mountain itself.

As the light of day began to wane, casting long shadows over the landscape, Eliss continued her magical exploration. Her brow furrowed in concentration, she methodically covered the area around the cliff, her hope of finding a solution diminishing with each passing minute.

Despite their efforts, the cliff remained an insurmountable barrier, its presence a daunting reminder of the challenges the mountains held. Amukelo rejoined Eliss, his own search having proved fruitless. They shared a look of mutual concern, both understanding the gravity of their situation.

The sun dipped lower, casting the mountains in a golden hue. The beauty of the scene was a stark contrast to the peril they faced. With the approaching night and no solution in sight, they prepared to make camp as best they could, facing the uncertainty of what the next day would bring.

Eliss, her magical scan complete and yielding no results, opened her eyes.

The fading light and the intensifying wind signaled the urgent need for shelter. Amukelo and Eliss retraced their steps, aiming for the last cave they remembered as a safe haven. However, during their trek back, they stumbled upon an undiscovered cave, one that had eluded their notice earlier. Its entrance was somewhat concealed, adding to the mystery and surprise of their find.

Upon entering, they were immediately struck by the cave's resemblance to the one they had encountered days before, the one with the gate leading to the maze. Driven by curiosity and the need for deeper exploration, they ventured further into the cave's depths.

As anticipated, they came across another gate. Unlike the previous one, this gate was not the end of the cave. The path continued beyond it, stretching into an even colder and more unwelcoming part of the cave. The atmosphere here was starkly different from the lushness they had encountered in the other cave; it was more in line with the harshness of the mountain environment.

Undeterred, Amukelo and Eliss decided to press on, delving deeper into the cave's icy corridors. The further they went, the more the temperature seemed to drop, biting into their skin despite their protective clothing. The cave's walls glistened with ice, and their breaths turned into mist in the frigid air.

After navigating through the winding passages, they arrived at yet another gate. This one was distinct, with its own aura of foreboding. Like the first gate they had encountered, it bore an inscription in ancient script.

Eliss, utilizing her knowledge of arcane languages, began to translate the inscription. The words etched into the stone read, "If you seek physical hardship and icy hell, choose this gate. For the mental challenge, choose the maze."

The message presented them with a stark choice, echoing the dilemma they had faced earlier. This gate, it seemed, offered a path of physical trials, a continuation of the brutal conditions they had been enduring. The other doors, presumably the ones they had bypassed previously, suggested a challenge more cerebral in nature.

Amukelo and Eliss exchanged a look, each contemplating the implications of the message. The decision was a significant one, shaping the nature of their journey ahead. The physical hardship of the mountains was a known quantity to them now, but it was relentless and unforgiving. The mental challenge, on the other hand, was an unknown, its nature and dangers obscured.

As they stood before the gate, the weight of their decision hung heavily in the air. The cave around them was silent, save for the sound of their own breathing and the distant howl of the wind outside.

This was a moment of reflection and choice. The path they would choose at this juncture could define the rest of their journey through the mountains. The inscription, a message from an ancient past, offered no guidance other than the stark options it presented. Amukelo and Eliss, standing side by side, faced the gate and the decision it demanded, aware that their next choice would be a defining one in their epic journey.