
Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander

Lone agent soldier coming from the desert nation of Dunebia, Ame travels the world fighting off creatures of the void that infect the realm of Ozalia. Operating under a code name and feared amongst the armies of void, he is seemingly a calm person, yet quite lonely with no family. That is until he meets a strange girl with powers long extinct, and reuniting with a childhood friend, where fate decides to set off a butterfly effect to leave Ame's story to unfold. Author's Note: Please leave any kind of feedback, it helps out a ton. Make sure to tell your friends about the novel if you like it. Happy Reading!

MishtiAlu · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

You're here, I'm there

Ame yawns. 'I never really noticed even the roof has plants on it. Yikes it feels much colder right now.', Ame thinks.

Ame gets up. "Oh, it's still dark outside, what time even is it- oh boy, that was close call, I almost stepped on her. Who even sleeps here- Mm, 2:36AM. Right, I did sleep 5PM yesterday...", he talks to himself.

"Guess I'll get some water.", Ame carefully opens the door not trying to make it creak and tiptoes to the kitchen.

"So, the vegetables and bread have to added to monthl- oh hey, what are ya doing up so late?", Ulrik asks.

"Oh, actually early. I slept at 5PM yesterday, so I woke up. I just wanted some water.", Ame says.

"I can get you that, one second.", he comes back with some water. "Here.".

"Thanks.", he drinks while wrapping up his blanket around him tighter.

"So. Eira seems to be quite fond of ya, eh?", he says.

"You think? I mean you're her father. It would be disrespectful of me to talk about something like that.", he says.

"Ayayaa, loosen up Ame. I'm pulling your leg. Then again, she's not my little flower-loving baby anymore, well I mean she's still flower-loving but not a baby, hah. She's going to like guys at this age.", he says.

'This has to be a trap, no way he's serious. Though... Miss Nova did mention that Glaciaheim citizens are the friendliest.', he thinks.

"Not gonna say anything about it?", Ulrik says.

"I mean yeah. She was quite hospitable to me. I guess she does have great parents who've raised her like that.", Ame says trying to impress Ulrik.

"Yea... she does. I guess.", Ulrik's voice cracks.

"Well. I wouldn't want to start anything with her. I'm an agent soldier, highly dangerous and I travel the world every week.", he says.

"Well, you're quite famous among the lands for that. What do your parents do?", he asks.

"Death somehow got to them, the day I was born. Or so I was told at the orphanage.", he says.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. If you ever feel alone, drop by anytime, I could teach you some weapon smithing for fun.", he says.

"I think I should go back to sleep or try at least. I need to get going in the morning.", Ame says as he quickly gets up, having a heavy feeling in his throat.


'Uh oh. I hope she hasn't woken up. Oh, thank goodness she's still sleeping.', he thinks as he carefully gets on the bed and goes back to sleep.

(7:40AM) *Birds chirp outside*.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?", Eira asks taking the blanket of his face.

*Ame sneezes really loudly* "Ugh, it's so cold. What time is it, Eira?" Ame says while shivering.

"It's 7:40AM, it's time to have breakfast, come join.", she says.

Ame gets up and freshens up and waddles over to the kitchen.

"I'm starving... oh, where's Mr. Saki?", Ame asks.

"Oh, he went to work, you know, hammering away making weapons. Have a seat.", Eira says.

He sits down in front of her. "So, you usually live here alone?", he asks.

"Yes? Why? You think I'm just a weak little girl and it isn't safe?", she says sarcastically.

"Aiishhh, no not that. I was just curious. Say, what's for breakfast?", he asks.

"Our staple dish, thought you might like it.", she says as she brings a pot of delicious Farikal with the soft vegetables smelling great with the meat that's falling of the bone all in some steaming hot broth.

Ame's eyes go wide. "Farikal?! Oh, my lord, that's my favourite dish and literally the only thing I like about the north!", he says as he stands up excitedly.

She smirks. "I guess I'm a psychic. Would you like some frost essence with that to drink?", she asks.

"No thanks. It would likely induce a fever to my non-Glacien body.", he says while serving himself some delicious Farikal.

They start eating as Ame makes the most satisfied face each time he eats, making Eira not help but laugh a bit.

"By the way, I haven't seen your mother around, is she really busy?", he asks, almost burning his tongue on the hot food.

"My mom...", she says with a shaky voice.

"Ahh... you don't have a good relationship with her, huh?", he says.

Eira drops her spoon into her dish and takes a deep breath. "She... passed away. When I was at the age of six. She's the one who taught me about flowers and botany. The reason I cling onto it so much is because that's all I have to remember her now.", she says with her now blurred vision.

"I see.", he says with a sorrowful tone.

"Don't worry, you wouldn't get it.", she asks sniffling.

"...My parents we're killed the day I was born. I've lived partially most my life in an orphanage.", he says.

She gasps. "No... that's. I'm so sorry to hear that. I take back what I said.", she says.

*Ame sighs*. "You're fine. It's a bitter feeling, I think it's called loneliness.", he says.

"Even though I may not see you much. You could call me your friend.", she says finishing her breakfast and reaches her thumb out.

He smiles. "What are we, 5-year-olds? Fine, you can be my friend. But don't try to find me. I don't live a particularly safe life.", he says.

"Awh man, I wish I could go with you. Wait. I think I can! I think dad thinks you're well known enough; I could join you. Where are you from again?", she says.

'Ya Ghurbah! I just told her I live an unsafe life.', "Dunebia. Why?", he says.

"Dunebia?! Lord, I'll melt into a puddle there. Though, I'm not a full-blooded Glacien so it might just be uncomfortable at most.", she says.

Ame finishes the food, and they head out to Ulrik's toolshop.

(9:01AM) "No! You can't leave to go to Dunebia with him, you're still young. You can roam Glaciaheim with him if you want.", Ulrik says while hammering his tools harder than before.

"See? Told you. Why would your dad let you go some place with a dangerous agent.", he says.

"But dad. I'm 16, and I have my international passport to travel, please. You never let me go anywhere...", Eira says clenching her dress.

"Why do you even want to go so bad? The heat there will be quite unbearable for you.", he says.

"Ame said he had the week off, and we could hang out and he has a cat...", she says.

"That's it? You can hang out here too. What's wrong with that?", he says.

"I am leaving Glaciaheim, sir. The cold is unbearable for me but since you aren't willing to allow her, I suppose we can do this some other time.", he says.

"The cold's bothering ya, eh? Alright, listen. Keep in touch, yeah? I'll visit you at Dunebia sometime.", he says.

"Sounds good. Here, harmonize your vibriostone with mine, I generally don't do this with clients, but you're not my client anymore.", Ame says as he pulls out a small intricately carved stone with yellow markings over it shaped to fit his ear.

"Here.", Ulrik puts his own stone with Ame's and the markings on Ame's stone turn white like his.

"Perfect. I'll heading home now. It was a pleasure meeting you.", he says.

"Be safe, kid.", Ulrik says.

"Bye Ame!", 'It's not him I'm after. I just want to go somewhere that's not Glaciaheim! Why have you never taken me to travel anywhere!', Eira says while giving her father a sour side-eye.

(9:23AM) 'Finally, I don't think I could've handled another day of the cold. But I do feel somewhat bad for her... we could've had some fun. Oh well.', he thinks as he travels to his station.

"Hello. Returning to Dunebia. Ticket? Yes here.", Ame rummages through his military pouch and hands a scrunched-up ticket. "Thank you", he says as he passes through.

Ame sits down on a bench near the terminal. 'Yeesh! Even the seat is ice cold. Ugh.'.

(9:50AM) "Train 331. Passengers to Dunebia. Your train will be delayed 30 minutes in arrival. We apologize for the inconvenience.", the station vibriostone echoes out into the station.

'Great. Absolutely fantastic. I'll be freezing myself even more now.', he shivers.

"Fresh hot fern wine for sale. Get it while it's hot!", a salesman yells out as he carries waddles around with a large holder with cups on his shoulder and teapot in his hand.

'You must be joking. Is this some kind of sales ploy? A hot drink does sound really great right now.', he gets up and walks over. "One hot fern wine, please.", he says.

"That'll be 2 silver coins, good sir.", the salesman says while preparing the cup.

"Here.", he says as he hands him two coins.

"Sir, those are Dune coins, this is Glaciaheim?", the salesman says.

"Oh, uhh... they're still silver though.", he says.

"Excuse me. I'll take two hot fern wines, please.", says a girl with a familiar voice a little shorter than Ame with vibrant green eyes wearing academic clothing while approaching.

"Yes, sure. In a bit.", the salesman hands her two fern wines.

Ame zips up his pouch and starts walking away not giving a look to the girl. "Hey. Excuse me, desert boy, you forgot your cup.", she says.

Ame turns around. "Were you calling m-", he says as he is handed the cup of hot wine by her with his jaw dropped.

"Here, this was for you. What sane person would drink two cups of hot wine by themselves? Oh, I know, maybe the kind of idiot who doesn't notice me.", she says as she smiles.

"Oh, my lord. No way, I have got to be dreaming. Ayda?", he says sipping the hot wine with relief.

"On the money, can't believe it's been so long, we last met 8 years ago, was it? Also, you should also maybe carry international coins with you. Coins aren't taken just because they're still silver.", she laughs.

"Hah, right. I thought I had lost track with you after so many years. So, where are you heading?", he asks.

"Oh, to Magneroque. I've got an elemental class with a fire master.", she says.

"Elemental class? I see. I'm heading back to Dunebia, the cold here is unbearable. ", he says.

"Still can't handle the cold, hmm? Do you still get fevers when you eat ice-cream?", she says proudly.

"Shut up, oh my god, why do you remember that.", he says.

*Ayda laughs*. "Oh, it's just as fun as I remember. So Dunebia. I'll be visiting Dunebia in 3 days too, I have another class there, but for learning air manipulation.", she says.

"Oh, so you are learning the elements. Maybe I should do that sometime.", he says.

"You definitely should, it's a little expensive and only gifted people can learn all 4 four of them. But you could start with air since you already live in Dunebia.", she says as they both start walking to a bench and sit down to chat while their trains arrive.

"So elemental classes, are they difficult to learn?", he asks.

"Well, they're quite rigorous. But the main issue is pinpointing the elements you can actually learn. Only gifted people can learn all four, some people can't learn any.". she says.

"Oh. I could maybe learn one, I'm not very gifted. How many can you harness?", he asks.

"Only two, air and water and I'm hoping fire too. Apparently, it resonates with my spirit.", she says.

"I see, I guess I'll learn air since I already live in Dunebia.", he says.

"Got a vibriostone? I can help you learn the basics when I visit.", she says.

"Yea, here you go.", he hands her his vibriostone and she links his with hers, making it glow vibrant green like hers.

"Ahh, it's been so long since we've talked, I miss the old days when our trio used to do everything together.", she says.

"Yeah... it's quite isolating, like the life I lived for the past 8 years without you guys.", he says.

"Isolating? You have master... I forgot his name, the one who wears the white robes?", she says.

"Yeah, about that. He left 1 year after you guys did to finish becoming a master of the sage arts. Ever since then I've just been living with a cat.", he says.

(10:20AM) "Train 331. Arrival to Terminal shortly, please be on standby.", the station vibriostone echoes out.

"I should get going, it was great talking to you, Miss Lizard.", he says as he walks to get on his train laughing.

"Don't call me that, idiot!", she shouts as he leaves.

'Ahh, home sweet home, hello again Dunebia.'. he thinks as he takes off his thick jacket. "Oh, this feels good, I can't believe I lived without this warmth for so long.", he says as he walks to his village inn.

Door creak. "Nyaew", a cat meows as Ame opens the door.

"Onyx! Hey, come here you little fluffball.", Onyx approaches him with a small letter gently held in his mouth.

"Hmm? A letter? Who sends letters nowadays- hmm... maybe it's something secretive.", he says as plucks the letter out of Onyx's mouth.

"Alright let's see. To Ame, from... Orius Cato?!", he says.