
Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander

Lone agent soldier coming from the desert nation of Dunebia, Ame travels the world fighting off creatures of the void that infect the realm of Ozalia. Operating under a code name and feared amongst the armies of void, he is seemingly a calm person, yet quite lonely with no family. That is until he meets a strange girl with powers long extinct, and reuniting with a childhood friend, where fate decides to set off a butterfly effect to leave Ame's story to unfold. Author's Note: Please leave any kind of feedback, it helps out a ton. Make sure to tell your friends about the novel if you like it. Happy Reading!

MishtiAlu · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Prologue: The Black Night

They called him Anubis, God of Death.

'Our world, Ozalia is a boundless and mysterious land, with many types of creatures residing among the 6 nations, its secrets lost to time. Some older than even humans themselves. For the last 9 centuries being governed by a benevolent ruler, at the heart of Ozalia, in The United Land of Atlas. Born a powerful Nexan, the benevolent ruler broke the era of time when Atlas used to be a battlefield for the 5 nations to wage endless wars on, recreating it into a land of peace and harmony. Atlas became an international city for citizens of all 5 nations to immigrate to and live in harmony. Humans, Glaciens, Magnerians, Dunedites and even Nexans, every one of these races, mutually called Atlas, "home". The genius behind this peace, Asta Khan.'

(9:43PM) "That's the 2nd wall of time, Tale of Atlas City, as of today, 1st Of Fratalir.", said a tall handsome man with pulled back hair with piercing pearl white eyes wearing luxurious royal attire.

"Wow dad, you seem to be quite famous, your name is even on a wall of time.", a young girl with turquoise eyes and indigo hair beside him remarks.

"Yeah? Well, your dad was responsible for this beautiful city, so some very nice people put my name on it.", Asta says.

"Ugh, I wish I could be on the wall of time too, I'd be so cool.", the girl looks at him with an envious look.

"Haha! Saika, my dear. One day, when you grow up to be a wonderful woman, maybe you'll also find your name on one of the walls of time, I'm sure.", Asta bends down to her.

"Ehh? But I'm just... t-twelve years old-", says Saika.

"Which means you have a lot of time to prepare.", Asta replies.

"Alright then, let's head to the hospital, we must only be hours away from welcoming your new baby brother today. Are you excited my dear?", Asta asks.

"Mmm.", Saika reluctantly nods.

(11:02PM) Asta and Saika arrive at the hospital and get escorted to the secure delivery room. They are greeted by the nurses and his family is huddled up outside the room excitedly waiting.

"Mr Khan! You've arrived at the perfect time, we're just about to get the procedures ready for our baby prince.", says the nurse.

"Ahh that's great, have you seen my assistants anywhere? They're supposed to be helping me lockdown dominion city for safety purposes.", Asta asks.

"Master!", a young sage with silver eyes wearing off-white nomadic clothes, yells as he is running towards Asta. "Hey! There you are, I've been for you bo... where's the other guy? You two basically go everywhere together.", Asta remarks.

"Sir, I have no idea. I contacted him multiple times, even rang up his vibrio stone, nothing.", the sage replies.

"This is not the time to play 'Where's My Assistant', we need to secure city and hospital perimeters. Nexan births release large amounts of energy that may attract unwanted people.", Asta says sternly.

"Saika, let's take you to where your siblings are, okay? Your dad needs to do important things.", the nurse explains.

"I'm not a kid, he needs to secure the area I get it", Saika retorts. The nurse takes Saika to a safe room with her infant siblings to look over them.

(11:12PM) "Alright Orius, I guess you and I will have to do this alone. Get your Earth shield and Air domes ready. I'll put up a Protendium barrier around our perimeter.", Asta says confidently.

"Got it master!", Orius replies.

As Asta and Orius are on the rooftop, Orius takes a stance and with all his might starts erupting large elemental shields and followed by domes that are seeming to take shape with the movements of his limbs. Orius starts breathing heavily.

"Great job! Leave the rest to me.", Asta says.

'Everything looks fine, but why do I feel an ominous presence tonight? Is it just Fratalir's moon, or something else...', Orius wonders.

Asta faces his palm to the sky, [Prime Protendium: Walls Of Hades!]. Large amounts of blue light emit from Asta as an enormous blue dome appears around dominion city, visible throughout the city among its citizens.

"There, as usual, the procedures are done, let's go down and wait for our prince to be delivered, hmm?", Asta says as he takes Orius downstairs to the operating room.

"Alright everything's done as planned, only that Hadeon can't be contacted.", Asta says.

"It's alright sir, Miss Harumi is about 15 minutes from going into labour, Saika is with her siblings in that room over there with a nurse.", another nurse says.

(11:18PM) *A sudden ear-piercing explosion occurs right outside the hospital*.

"AAAAAH!", people in the hospital scream in shock.

"What was that! Guards, go look at what happened outside immediately!", Asta says, trying to remain calm.

"Sir! It's your other assistant! He's killing people outside and he brought-", a guard reports.

"Orius come with me!", Asta and Orius march outside, confused.

"Hadeon! What do you think you're- why have you brought so many people?", Asta asks.

"Is your little boy born yet? No? Don't worry, I'll make sure never breathes Ozalian air.", Hadeon threatens.

"Hadeon, mind your language, you're supposed to apologise for being late and you dare take the life of your own kin?", Asta yells.

"I don't give a damn about your guards! Nor about you! You're just a selfish ruler who acts like he is some great peacemaker. Only if the world knew about your favouritism and who you really are!", Hadeon says.

"Hadeon!", Orius says as he fires streams of scorching fire towards Hadeon and his enormous army surrounding them.

"I always hated you. Being called your brother was an insult to me.", Hadeon retorts as he hurdles a void barrage at Orius. Asta deflects the oncoming barrage and shoulders Orius.

"Orius, take Saika and her siblings out of this place, now!", Asta orders Orius.

"There you go favouring him again.", Hadeon says with a broken tone.

"Hadeon, if this about what happened recently. We can talk things out, this is not the right to do, listen to me.", Asta assures.

"Shut. Your. Mouth.", Hadeon says ominously.

(11:28PM) Orius rushes inside and immediately feels the new Nexan's raw energy emanating everywhere.

"Master Orius, what happened? You seem panicked.", a nurse asks.

"Everyone, I need you all to evacuate immediately, especially Saika and her siblings! Get Miss Harumi and the newborn to safety, these are master's orders.", Orius orders everyone while the fight outside sends tremors through the building.

Orius helps everyone evacuate through the other side when suddenly Hadeon enters the building having phased Asta's blind spot. "Where are the young Nexans, tell me!", Hadeon threatens everyone.

"Stand back you monster!", Orius thrusts a huge gust of wind towards Hadeon knocking him back.

Asta blitzes into the building in front of Hadeon and lands a hard blow knocking Hadeon down. Orius quickly puts up an earth wall and blocks off the entry, only temporarily.

(11:32PM) "Everyone listen. You need to get out of here. Hadeon is after my Harmonic Nexus, and he'll definitely create major destruction if he gets them, and I can't use my full strength here without injuring you all. Where are Saika and Harumi?", Asta asks quickly.

"They're right here.", a nurse guides him.

"Ahh, there's my boy. No time for talking though.", Asta without a word, brings out his White Nexus in a raw form, a dazzling light coming from it, and immediately splits it into four individual Nexuses, each a different colour.

"Saika, come here, bring your siblings with you. Orius bring my newborn too.", As Orius brings the newborn to him with his siblings, Asta bestows his Nexuses into each of his children, and before embedding the last Nexus in his newborn, he tells Orius, "Orius, I want you to take good care of them. And my son, his name will be Ame. I wish I could watch him grow up...", Asta says with a quivering voice.

"Master, you're going to...", Orius says in disbelief.

Without a word, Asta goes to speak with Harumi. "My love, our son looks wonderful. He has the same eyes as you. Take care, alright? There is a siege happening outside, but don't worry, I'll handle it. I'll see you soon.", Asta leaves to finally end the fight.

"Dad, wait! What is this p-", Saika yells out but is met with no response.

(11:47PM) *Shatter*. "You want my Nexuses? Then try to take them from me! You lost your place as my son the moment you laid a hand on my family.", Asta tries intimidating Hadeon as he drives him outside, a vigorous battle ensues.

'Something is different about him', Hadeon thinks.

The fight continues as Asta gets surrounded and matched in power by such vast amounts of Hadeon's forces. Asta tries using his Nexuses, however, Fratalir's moon blocks manifestation of most Nexus abilities.

"What happened? Can't use your precious Nexus? Why don't you hand them over and die!", Hadeon yells.

Asta decides the only way to end this would be to kill his disciple, Hadeon. With a heavy heart, he slowly primes up an elemental cannon knowing elemental arts are the only things that'll work, aims it at Hadeon and fires with a split second of hesitation. The cannon's torrent scorches one side of Hadeon before he dodges and collapses from the large wound and groans in agony.

'Why aren't they charging at me? I'm practically wide open- wait...", Asta thinks and suddenly remembers something horrifying.

He sees a bright blue light aiming at him from the sky. 'Damn it, this is bad. He brought the humans and their machines here too, I completely forgot', Asta realises before an enormous beam hits him and vaporises his vicinity, even damaging the building behind and some of Hadeon's army. Without any resistance remaining, Hadeon's army charges the building while he gets escorted to a medical centre. The army ravages and massacres everyone in the building except Orius and the children who he evacuated out.

(3:33AM) Hadeon slowly recovers his injuries in an ICU unit.

(10:26AM, Next Day) Citizens of Dominion City are heartbroken the following morning, after hearing the news about the Coup D'etat.

(5:49AM, 3 Days Later) Orius arrives at Nexopia with the four siblings for the time being, to figure out the next plan of action.

(Over The Following Months) Dominion City and the order in the other nations destabilise. Ozalia is in turmoil. The death toll from starvation, disease, violence, chaos over the years because of Hadeon's dark deeds, earned him the name, Anubis, God of Death. Yet, he still couldn't find his precious Nexuses.