
Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander

Lone agent soldier coming from the desert nation of Dunebia, Ame travels the world fighting off creatures of the void that infect the realm of Ozalia. Operating under a code name and feared amongst the armies of void, he is seemingly a calm person, yet quite lonely with no family. That is until he meets a strange girl with powers long extinct, and reuniting with a childhood friend, where fate decides to set off a butterfly effect to leave Ame's story to unfold. Author's Note: Please leave any kind of feedback, it helps out a ton. Make sure to tell your friends about the novel if you like it. Happy Reading!

MishtiAlu · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Across Nations

(7:21AM) 'I wonder where I'll be sent off to next. God please don't make me go to the northern lands. I hate the freezing temperatures. Alright, calm. Ozalia has 6 nations, that's like a 1 in 6 chance, though...', a hooded young man with golden eyes and silky grey and yellow hair wearing rough military clothing thinks.

"Ame? Ame? Hey, are you sleeping with your eyes open again?", a man with a gravelly voice wearing the same military clothing said.

"Aahah, no, no, I was just thinking about something-", Ame said.

"Well in any case, you've got a mission, and... oh lucky you, it's the only one this week. You have the rest of the week off. Haha!", the man said.

The man shuffles through papers and gives some to Ame.

"Oh, that's great. But uh... where to?", Ame asked.

"A small town that reported voidbringer intrusion, Anubis's forces may be strong, but for hell's sake, have some regulation! So yeah, you'll need to be deployed up north. The location, threat level and time limit are given on the forms.", the man replied.

"North?! What do you mean- I can't- no, no, no- anywhere but there!", Ame yells.

"Ame, shut it. You're getting rest this week off, you're not a kid anymore, you're becoming an adult next year, act like one goddammit.", the man retorted.

*Ame Sighs*. "Fine! But for the next missions, please assign the cold wastelands to someone else.", Ame replies while holstering his dual-bladed staff on his back.

"I'll let Mr. Saki know about your arrival then.", the man said.

'Man... guess I have to freeze while fighting again. Well on the plus side, I get the week off. To do... nothing. *He sighs*. Maybe get a girlfriend? Ame cracks up. Who am I kidding, love is for the delusional. Oh wait, I can spend the week with my little Onyx, and maybe go to a space museum. Yeah... that'd be fun.', Ame thinks as he is travelling to the international railway.

(8:48AM) "Hello, one ticket to Glaciaheim please. One way, yes. Thanks.", Ame talks to the Ticketmaster.

Public chatter.

(9:00AM) "Train 276. Passengers to Glaciaheim. Please remain on standby for arrival of your train.", an announcement echoes through the station among vibriostones.

'Voidbringers... quite the hassle to fight. Especially in the cold, ugh. I better at least get some food from the villagers there. Ooh, I could really do some Farikal right now.', Ame thinks as he travels to Glaciaheim.

(9:25AM) "Excuse me? Is this seat taken?", a tall woman with dark indigo hair and turquoise eyes wearing formal attire asked Ame.

"Hmm? Oh no. Please, sit down.", Ame says.

"...Um. Are you from the desert perhaps?", she asks.

'Why is she talking to me-'. "Uh, yes, yes. Why do you ask?", he says.

"Well... you're wearing a white hood with a cape, and rough, thin clothing. You're supposed to wear something thicker if you're going to Glaciaheim.", she says.

'I'm poor goddamnit', "Yeah you're right, I just forgot to bring my thicker clothing, haha.", he says.

'Who forgets their clothes? What a weirdo-'. "Here wait one a bit.", she leaves and comes back with a thick white coat.

"Here, you can have this. It's a spare.", she offers.

"Oh dear, you didn't have to do that. But thank you. It'll help a lot.", he replies.

"Heh. Suits you.", she comments.

"T-thank you very much. You know, I really hate the cold.", he says.

"Huh? Then why are you going to Glaciaheim? Distant relatives I assume?", she asks.

'I'm getting interrogated huh-', "Uhhhh... it's because I really like northern food.", he replies.

"Fair. I can't argue with that. May I know your name?", she asks.

'Why don't you ask for my birth certificate that I don't have as well?', "My name's Ame.", he says.

"No last name?", she asks.

"It's Ame... Sayed. What about you?", he asks.

"Call me Nova. Pleasure to meet you Sayed, I don't reveal my first name, it's common courtesy." she says.

"Oh wow, that's quite a unique name. I assume first names aren't a standard business practice?", he asks.

"You're correct.", she replies.

(11:40AM) "Welcome to Glaciaheim. Estimated Arrival time in approximately 17 minutes. Please remain seated.", the in-train vibriostone announces.

"Woah. It looks so beautiful outside. Almost like someone dusted sugar all over the land.", Ame comments.

"That's snow.", Nova replies.

"Oh really? Wow. I never knew that.", he looks at her with an unamused expression.

Nova laughs. "I take it you haven't been here much. Well, I have family who live here, and Glaciaheim is definitely a place to be.", she says.

"Place to be? What is it like, very bustling or something?", he asks.

"You're half right. It is bustling, but it's also quite peaceful. The citizens of Glaciaheim are one of the nicest you'll ever meet. Their food is, oh lord, absolutely delicious!", she says.

"You're sure as hell spot on about that last part.", he says.

"And not only that, but if you can handle the cold. It's a land with breathtaking views. I know I'm blabbering but honestly, Glaciaheim is the place to be!", she says.

"So… Do you live here? You seem to love it.", he asks.

"Well, I would. But it's quite expensive, the natives have family businesses so they're fine, but immigrants often find a tough time adjusting. That is if you're not secretly royalty from Dunebia, you know?", she chuckles as she says.

"Haha. I'm not. But it was great talking to you, Miss Nova. I wish you good luck on whatever business you're working on.", he says.

"Oh well, that's just kind of you. Thank you, Ame.", she says.

(12:00PM) *Jolt*. The train comes to a stop.

"See you around miss Nova.", Ame gets off and starts travelling farther north.

Ame shivers. 'Eeshh, it's as cold as I remember. Should I get food first... or the mission? Nah, eating can wait, I'll rid the void beings and thennn, victory meal. I should really socialize more; my socials skills are horrendous. I mean I don't even find the time, nor are many people that interesting, so meh.', he thinks to himself as he travels to his mission point.

(2:37PM) "This is probably it. Excuse me, do you know the name of this town? Oh really? Alright, perfect.", Ame converses with a person passing by.

Ame walks into the town.

'Who am I even looking for? Mr. Saki, was it?', he thinks.

"You there! Hey! What's your name?", a large man holding a sword asks approaching.

"Ame. Who are you?", he asks while drawing his bladed staff.

"Oh. Forgive my loud yelling. I'm Ulrik Saki, you're here to combat the intrusion, right?", the man asks.

"That would be affirmative. And you shouldn't hold a sword out like that.", he says while holstering his staff.

"Follow me, Ame.", the man guides Ame to the voidbringer infestation.

(2:46PM) "Stay back! I won't hesitate to mow you all over!", a girl with silver hair and blue eyes wearing common northern clothing yells at the oncoming voidbringers.

"I'll handle this.", Ame tells the man before dashing in front of the voidbringers.

'Wow, there's about 11 of them. Lord- what a drag.", Ame thinks as he threatens to engage them in combat. "I'm Agent Rain. I advise you to backtrack and leave this town alone. I'm saying this for your own good.", Ame says threateningly.

"Go home kid.", "Don't meddle with us.", "You want to die, eh?", the voidbringers snivel at him.

"Oh shit! Everyone, I believe that's an ROS (Run on Sight) Agent, we likely should flee right now.", one voidbringer says but gets ignored.

Ame lunges at the group and starts trading blow for blow, having the upper hand. Voidbringers get serious deploying their void arts at him.

"Let's see how he handles the deals of our strength!", their leader says.

Ame gets bashed and hit while dodging as much as possible. The cold air stings as he breathes heavily. He wields his staff making it flow around his body with elegance while battering them yet outnumbered against 11 voidbringers.

'Why am I slipping today? Is it because I'm hungry? Or cold? Maybe because I only fought 6 at once before.', Ame thinks as deflects an oncoming barrage of void blast with his staff.

Ame breathes heavily, "You filths may have good teamwork, but you're not stronger. You are all, outmatched!", he says.

Ame circles the group with blinding speed attempting to pick some of them off.

"And you. Are outnumbered.", the leader says.

Leader of voidbringers releases an all-direction void push, catching Ame in it and knocking him back. *Zip*. Ame teleports and stands on top a tree branch to launch another attack.

'Now, how should I combat the 10 of them. Wait... 10? Where's their-', Ame thinks before being knocked and pummelled onto the ground against a tree from a surprise attack, his forehead starts bleeding.

(3:12PM) "How about it kid. Want to die fast or slow?", the leader asks.

"To hell with your death. Anubis really recruits such horrendous looking beings, just like himself!", Ame retorts.

"Maybe, you're right. But.", the leader stabs leg with a void spear. "Yellow blood? You're not a human, are you, you pest!", the leader says.

Ame screams with great agony. "Screw every single one of you! ...I don't care anymore! I am not outnumbered, you are, outmatched!", Ame's aura subconsciously changes as his body glows amber yellow, his demeanor shifts from fighting to killing, his eyes glowing like the blast of an atomic bomb.

"Boss? He's doing somethi-", a voidbringer says before Ame disappears.

"Looks like he ran, good move.", the leader says mockingly.

"What should we do now bos-", a voidbringer tries asking.

"You die.", Ame slices the voidbringer asking before blitzing 7 other of them.

'Disgusting.', [Prime Mobilius: Roaring Thunder.], Ame seemingly teleports between magical yellow stepping platforms as he executes the other voidbringers except their leader.

"Oh, you think you're amazing, huh?", the leader alone combats Ame, the two exchanging tremendously hard hits that echo through to the town center.

"You think you can just ransack a peaceful village as you please? Try. I will rip the souls of you and all your kin, you sicken me.", Ame says.

"No matter how many of us you can strike, Ozalia will be conquered by the forces of void, be with your body dead, or alive." the leader says.

[Prime Mobilius: Heavenly Strike.], Ame zips and lands from the sky at blinding speeds piercing the leader's head as lands as if a bolt of lightning hit him.

(3:31PM) 'He can teleport?!', "Hey! Thank you so m-", the silver haired girl approaches Ame but he lunges at her in his rage, his eyes glowing blazing yellow.

"AAH! Don't attack me!", the girl unleashes a humongous wave of blistering cold snow onto him, injuring him and bringing to his senses.

"Ouch. I... can't... m-move.", he says.

"Gasp. Oh no. I am so sorry.", she goes to him as he sees he is bleeding in multiple places with his staff dug into his thigh.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! Please, let me help you.", she says as she picks him up and drags him into her house, with a hurtful look.

(3:39PM) Ame Quivers. "Shit, it hurts, and it's so cold!", Ame says.

"Here, I'll help.", she places white leaves and her hands on him a bright light coming from her palms slowly heals his injuries.

She narrows her eyes and asks, "Umm, why is your blood yellow?".

"It's... well. I am not human, but I can't really tell you what I am either.", he says.

"I see. Does this feel good? You still have a gashing wound on your thigh.", she says.

"Y-yeah. It feels g-great.", he says.

'Why am I stuttering-', he lies down.

"Alright, now I'll just wrap up your thigh.", she uses long natural leaves to wrap up and heal his thigh.

"Hey, uhm. I'm sorry for lunging at you like that.", he says.

"Oh no, no. I should be apologising, I can't control my power under stress, I'm sorry.", she says.

"It's f-fine", he says.

'How on earth does she know healing?', "So, what's your name, miss?", he asks.

"Oh no need to be so formal. My name is-", her door flings open.

(4:23PM) "Eira! Are you oka- oh... wait- Ame?", Ulrik says.

"You know him?" she asks.

"Know him? He was sent to deal with the voidbringers.", Ulrik says.

She gasps. "Oh god. I injured him on accident when he fought them off...", she says staring at the floor.

"Seriously? You injured the person sent to pro-", he gets interrupted.

"It was my fault, I tried attacking her in blind rage, my apologies.", Ame says.

"Oh. Well thank you, Ame. If you want, you can stay here with us until next morning, take it as an apology. And maybe uh, take some anger management lessons, yeah?", Ulrik says.

"If you insist, sure.", Ame says.

'So, she's... his daughter. A healer, so they're not extinct afterall.', he thinks.

"I'll be here with you. This is my room after all. I assume you're going to be sleeping your pain off?", she asks.

"Yeah, I guess so. By the way, you have so many plants here.", Ame says as he looks around.

"I'll leave you two be.", Ulrik leaves, accidentally slamming the door.

"Well, Ame. I'm a florist. Who also has magical powers related to nature too... eheh.", she says as she touches and gently pets one of her frostanthymum plants.

'Why is she petting her plants.', "Interesting.", he says as he holds back a chuckle.

"What? What are you silently chuckling about? Don't think plants are alive, do you?", she says narrowing her eyes slightly annoyed.

(5:02PM) "Hah, no no, nothing. But in any case, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, you won't need to accommodate me much longer.", he says.

"I see... I suppose you are quite a busy agent... and quite an angry one.", she says.

Ame dozes off.

(5:17PM) "Hey, ...could you please stay tomorrow too? Ame? Oh.", she says.

'I wish I could go with you. I'm starting to get sick of the snow in Glaciaheim. Dad wouldn't let me though... Heh, he looks comfortable.', she thinks as she covers him with a thick blanket.

"I guess I shouldn't ask him to stay, he probably has a family to visit too.", she tells herself.

Eira gets and picks up his staff.

"Yeesh- how does he hold it with one hand, so heavy!", she says as she starts polishing it for him. 'I may have injured him when he was weak, but he sure is strong.'.