
Realm walker

DaoistGfcrHv · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

chapter 9

Jim watched her, not sure how she would react. she stared at his eyes soulfully, longingly, but not sure he could be trusted, not sure if she was capable of trusting anyone, no matter how good they were to her. jim stared back at her, seeing the system display the thoughts racing through her head so fast they overlapped on the screen, rendering them unreadable. she wanted this more than anything. she was 17 years old, forced to grow up much too soon, and still desiring someone she could trust and rely on, and love like a father. but she also couldn't dare to trust that it was actually possible. jim waited, patiently allowing her to process her thoughts. suddenly, her eyes closed tight as she wailed, tears practically spraying out of her tightly as she lunged at him. she caught him around the neck, hugging him tightly as she buried her face in his shoulder and wept, sobbing hysterically. she would trust him. she needed him. jim held her gently, and softly patted her back as she wept. he was a little surprised how this street tough girl was still deep down just a little girl who really needed a father. when exhaustion overtook her, she fell asleep peacefully in his arms. he gently laid her down on the bed, took her shoes off and tucked her in. he leaned down and kissed her brow, then activated his system.

'system, is there a skill that will allow me to seal this room to all others? so she will be safe til I return?'

yes, user. it is called the lock, unlock perk. you are 2 points away from having enough.

Jim scribbled a note that he would return soon, and activated his invisibility.