
Realm walker

DaoistGfcrHv · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Jim found the woman in the bar, and wrote a note about her daughter being in the hotel room and being safe, and how the man and his prostitute were taken care of. jim slipped the not into the back pocket of her jeans, gave her a playful squeeze and walked away. he would check in on her later, but for now, she would be happy about her invisible protector. he helped himself to a coke to finish the meal he had earlier. he smiled at the quiet Ding!, knowing he completed the Food mission. still needing a hat and a better fitting shirt, he slipped out the back door of the bar. he enjoyed being invisible. outside, he heard yelling by the dumpster.

"come here you little slut! I want a piece! " a man yelled.

"leave me alone, you bastard. you let my mom overdose, and I would rather die than let you touch me" a teenage girl screamed

then she stared in amazement as a brick picked itself up and crashed into the mans head.

"alert! emergency quest; save the girl" the system blared

'you're a little late, system. I just did' jim thought

afraid not, appeared at the bottom of his vision.

a 79 Cadillac Eldorado slid to a stop as 6 armed thugs got out.

"she killed him! knocked his head open with a brick! kill that hoe!" the driver yelled. at this moment, jim saw a door in the middle of the street, almost translucent. as she turned to run, a shot rang out, as they aimed for the girl. jim pulled his pistol and fired 2 shots in quick succession. he then snatched the girl and sprinted for the doorway. as he ran, he fired 2 more at the group. he looked back and smiled. 3 out of 4 on the run ain't bad at 30 yards. he opened the door and the girl disappeared from their sight.