
Realm Reborn: New life as a Demotic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Charming Fae Magic

Nate's eyes flickered open to the soft glow of dawn permeating his modest chamber. He briefly recounted the encounter from the previous night before decideding that he should probably listen to the headmasters words.

Looking over he noticed a parchment, sealed with the emblem of a quill and tower, lay on his bedside table – an early morning summons from Professor Jodi.

With a sigh, he rose and donned his uniform before he tied back his shoulder-length black hair, and stepped out into the brisk morning air, makeing his way through the cobblestone streets of the academy.

Students milled about, lost in their worlds. Ahead, Gwen, with her flowing chestnut hair and oceanic eyes, stood in quiet conversation with a group of young women. Nate lifted his hand in greeting.

Gwen's gaze met his for but a heartbeat before she turned away, a silent dismissal that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

A sting of rejection momentary twisted in his chest. Quickly Shaking off the encounter, Nate continued on, arriving at the familiar oaken door of Professor Jodi's office. The aged wood creaked open to reveal the scholarly chaos within – shelves overflowing with ancient tomes, parchment strewn across every surface, and the sweet smell of ink and musty pages heavy in the air.

"Ah, Nathaniel, punctual as always," Professor Jodi greeted him, her voice a blend of warmth and authority. She gestured to a woman seated opposite her desk, the stranger's presence an unexpected curiosity amidst the academic disarray.

"Meet Melonie," Jodi said flatly.

Melonie raised her gaze, her vibrant brown eyes exuding intelligence, encircled by a cascade of luxuriant light purple hair that draped around her petite figure. There was an enchanting quality to her presence, evoking a sense of joy in those fortunate enough to be in her company. Her swift and mischievous smile hinted at a complexity of character that immediately captivated Nate's interest.

"Charmed," Nate offered, extending a hand.

"Likewise," Melonie replied her voice a lilting melody that somehow harmonized perfectly with the rustling leaves outside the window.

Meloni's hands fluttered like vibrant birds, her excitement palpable as she bounced on the balls of her feet. "Nathaniel, you're a sight! Those emerald eyes, that raven hair—it's downright criminal I'm taken!" she exclaimed, laughter dancing in her voice. Her words, effervescent and unrestrained, filled the room with an infectious energy.

"Isn't he just a treasure?" Meloni continued, her thoughts flitting from one topic to another like a butterfly in a field of wildflowers. She waxed lyrical about the latest enchantments she'd encountered, the exotic blooms in Professor Jodi's office, and the peculiar way the morning sun cast prismatic shadows through the stained glass window.

"Meloni," Professor Jodi interjected with gentle firmness, resting a hand on her friend's shoulder. The touch seemed to anchor Meloni, drawing her back from her whimsical reverie. "I asked you to meet him for a reason remember?"

"Of course, of course," Meloni acquiesced, though Nate noticed her foot tapping an erratic rhythm against the polished stone floor. It was as if her body could barely contain the vitality that surged within her diminutive frame.

"Forgive my babbling," she said, directing a sheepish grin at Nate. "It's just that this fae blood of mine—sometimes it feels like I've drunk a dozen cups of elixir." A mischievous twinkle lit her eyes before she composed herself, leaning forward with newfound seriousness. "Our heritage, it's a curious blend, isn't it? My own is but a whisper compared to yours, yet even that faint echo bestows a touch of magic."

"Magic?" Nate echoed, curiosity piquing as he leaned in, his senses sharpening to the undercurrents of power in the room.

"Indeed," Meloni nodded, her fingers tracing patterns in the air as if to illustrate her point. "My lineage might be diluted, but there remains a drop or two of potent fae essence. It gifts me with a boundless zest—an eternal wellspring of vigor."

Nate absorbed her words, recognizing the significance of what she shared. Here was someone who understood what fae magic actually was and he was beyond curious to learn about his own.

Nate shifted in the plush chair, his emerald gaze locked on Meloni as she animatedly continued her tale, hands fluttering like birds in flight. "And my great-great-grandfather," she beamed, "he's a marvel, truly. He is a pureblooded fae that graces us with his presence from time to time, sharing secrets of the fae realm, and whatnot"

Her energy was infectious, and Nate found himself caught up in her enthusiasm, though he remained acutely aware of Professor Jodi's patient presence. Meloni's eyes sparkled with unrestrained excitement as she veered off course, her voice taking on a lilting quality. "Oh, and you should see my distant niece, the spitting image of him—such rosy cheeks and those tiny pointed ears! She's utterly adorable, romping around with butterflies flitting about her. She's..."

"Meloni," Professor Jodi interjected, her tone gentle yet firm. Nate turned to see the professor's gaze piercing through her glasses, a silent command for focus.

"Right, right," Meloni chuckled, pressing a hand against her forehead in a mock gesture of chagrin. "Apologies, I get carried away at times."

"Understandably," Nate said, a small smile tugging at his lips. He appreciated the warmth of family connections and did not mind listening to Meloni babble about her own.

"Back to the matter at hand," Meloni composed herself, settling back into the narrative with a visible effort to restrain her bubbling vivacity. "Fae magic—it's subtle, not like the flamboyant spells that other races primarily use." Her fingers danced less now, instead lightly tapping on the mahogany desk surface. "It weaves itself into our very essence, always there, whispering through our veins."

"Passive, you say?" Nate leaned in, his curiosity a tangible force in the room.

"Exactly," Meloni confirmed, her warm brown eyes meeting his with an earnest intensity. "It runs in the blood, in the soul—a birthright that shapes your life in ways both minuscule and grand. For me, it means never knowing a moment's fatigue. My body is like a conduit, constantly charged by the ambient energies of the earth and sky."

"An eternal wellspring," he mused aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea of such a magic, innate and ever-present, explained Meloni's inexhaustible liveliness.

"Indeed," Meloni affirmed, a knowing look crossing her features.

Nate leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his gaze locked with Meloni's. The morning sun filtered through the stained glass of Professor Jodi's office, casting kaleidoscopic patterns that danced across the papers strewn on her desk. 

"Meloni," he began, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him, "you've seen how your magic manifests. Do you have any idea about mine? I've been trying to figure it out, but I've never been around someone else who has fae magic."

Meloni tilted her head, her lush purple hair falling like a silken curtain as she considered him. Her warm brown eyes met his emerald green ones, and for a heartbeat, the room seemed to hold its breath.

"Let me see," she murmured, more to herself than to him.

Her gaze intensified, and suddenly, her eyes shimmered with a violet luminescence that bathed her face in an otherworldly glow. Nate felt a slight shiver pass through him, not from cold, but from the proximity to raw, unbridled magic.

Then, as quickly as it came, the light vanished, leaving Meloni staring at him, her mouth agape. The shock in her expression sent a jolt of apprehension through Nate's spine.

"By the ancients..." she whispered, her voice barely above a rustle of leaves. "You... you have a charm-type bloodline. It's rare—no, beyond rare. You exude a natural pheromone that inclines people to favor you, to feel drawn to you."

The revelation hit Nate with the force of a gale. A charm-type bloodline?

"Tell me more," he urged, leaning in, hungry for every morsel of insight.

"Your presence," Meloni continued, regaining her composure though her eyes still held a flicker of awe, "it's like a gentle tide, pulling those around you into your orbit without them even realizing it."

"But," she hesitated, her fidgeting hands betraying the surge of energy within her, "there is only one family known to carry such a lineage. And they guard it jealously. If you wish to avoid entanglements with the fae courts—or worse—you must be cautious."

"Who are they?" Nate pressed, the words tumbling out with unchecked urgency.

But Meloni clamped her lips shut, shaking her head vehemently. "I've said too much already. This is dangerous knowledge, Nate. Promise me you'll be careful."

Before he could respond, Professor Jodi stepped forward, her usually serene face etched with concern. "Nathaniel, I think it's time for you to leave," she said, her tone brooking no argument.

Nate opened his mouth to object, but the steely look in the professor's eyes told him it was futile. With a reluctant nod, he stood and walked out.

The door then closed behind him with a soft click, sealing him away from the answers he sought.