
Realm Reborn: New Life as a Demonic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Kỳ huyễn
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86 Chs

Charming Fae Magic

The first light of dawn slipped through the cracks in Nate's window, painting the stone walls of his room with a soft, golden hue. He stirred beneath the thin blankets, recalling the strange events of the previous night—the Arcane Hollow, the symbols, and the headmaster's cryptic response. Shaking off the lingering unease, he decided to follow the headmaster's advice, for now.

After dressing in his academy uniform, Nate noticed a sealed parchment sitting on his bedside table. The emblem—a quill and tower—marked it as a summons from Professor Jodi. With a sigh, he prepared himself for whatever lesson awaited and stepped out into the crisp morning air.

The academy grounds were already bustling with students. He spotted Gwen among a group of young women, her chestnut hair catching the sunlight. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment before she turned away, the cold dismissal lingering in Nate's chest longer than he liked. He pushed the thought aside and continued toward Professor Jodi's office, his mind already preparing for the day ahead.

When he arrived, the familiar oaken door creaked open, revealing the organized chaos within. Shelves were overflowing with ancient tomes, and parchment was strewn across every surface. The room smelled of ink, dust, and the faint scent of burning incense.

"Ah, Nathaniel, come in," Professor Jodi greeted, her voice blending warmth with authority. Seated across from her desk was a woman Nate hadn't seen before—a striking figure who didn't quite match the scholarly setting.

"Meet Meloni," Jodi introduced her with a faint smile.

Meloni raised her gaze, her bright brown eyes sparkling with energy, framed by waves of light purple hair that fell over her petite shoulders. There was something enchanting about her presence—an infectious vibrancy that immediately filled the room.

"Charmed," Nate said, offering a hand.

"Likewise," Meloni replied with a mischievous smile, her voice light and melodic. There was a twinkle in her eyes that suggested she knew more than she let on.

After a moment of polite pleasantries, Meloni's effervescent energy took over the conversation.

"Nathaniel, you're quite the sight! That hair, those eyes—it's downright criminal how striking you are," she laughed, her words tumbling out in a rapid flow. "I could go on about how you'd fit perfectly among the fae with that look. My, my! You'd turn heads at every gathering!"

Professor Jodi gave her a pointed look, reigning in her friend's exuberance. "Meloni, we have more important things to discuss."

"Right, right," Meloni waved off her own rambling with a good-natured chuckle. Her expression turned more serious as she refocused on Nate. "I've asked you here for a reason, Nathaniel. You see, we share a unique heritage—one tied to the fae. And I'm here to help you understand more about that."

"Fae magic," Meloni continued, leaning forward slightly, "is unlike any other. It's not about casting flashy spells or bending elements. It's woven into who we are—subtle, ever-present, and deeply connected to the world around us."

Nate's curiosity piqued as he leaned in as well. "I've felt it—like something always there, even when I'm not trying to use it."

Meloni nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly. Fae magic runs through your veins, shaping how the world interacts with you and how you interact with it. But yours, Nathaniel, is special. It's tied to a charm-type bloodline."

"A charm-type bloodline?" Nate repeated, his voice laced with confusion. "What does that mean?"

"It means you naturally draw people to you, like a subtle magnet," Meloni explained, her gaze sharpening as she studied him closely. "Your presence, your aura—it makes people want to like you, to trust you, even if they don't fully understand why. It's not just charisma; it's in your very being."

Nate's mind raced as her words sank in. His experiences—the way people seemed to be drawn to him without much effort—suddenly made sense.

"But there's something else," Meloni continued, her voice growing more serious. "Only one family in the fae courts is known to possess such a bloodline. It's incredibly rare, and they guard it fiercely."

"One family?" Nate's heart quickened. "Who are they?"

Meloni hesitated, casting a quick glance at Professor Jodi before responding. "I can't tell you that, Nathaniel. It's dangerous knowledge. If anyone finds out you have this bloodline, especially the fae court, you could be in serious danger."

"Danger from the fae?" Nate asked, incredulous.

Meloni nodded, her expression growing somber. "The fae court is... complex. They're bound by rules and politics that can be as ruthless as they are beautiful. If they discovered you carried this bloodline, they might try to control you, to use your abilities for their own ends. And the family that possesses this power... they won't take kindly to competition."

A shiver ran down Nate's spine. The revelation was overwhelming. "What should I do?"

"For now, keep this to yourself," Meloni said firmly. "You're safer if no one knows. Use your abilities wisely, but never flaunt them."

Before Nate could respond, Professor Jodi stepped forward, her expression more serious than usual. "That's enough for today, Nathaniel. We'll discuss this further when the time is right. But for now, I suggest you focus on your studies and keep your head down."

Nate nodded, though his mind was still buzzing with the new information. He had always known there was something different about him, but to learn that his charm was tied to a rare, powerful bloodline made everything feel more complicated.

After another moment of shared glances, Professor Jodi gently directed Meloni back to her seat, taking control of the conversation again. "You have to understand, Nathaniel, that this isn't just a matter of personal magic. It's politics, it's history, and it's about who you will be."

"Politics?" Nate asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yes," Jodi replied. "In the fae courts, bloodlines are power. If the wrong people know what you carry, they may try to manipulate you into alliances—or worse."

"What if the fae courts are already watching?" Nate asked, his curiosity mingled with worry.

Meloni glanced at Jodi before replying softly, "They're always watching."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with implication. The fae courts were as much a mystery to Nate as his own abilities, but now it seemed he had an unwanted connection to them.

"I don't even know what my fae parentage is," Nate admitted, voicing his long-held frustration.

"That might be for the best," Meloni offered with a sad smile. "The less you know, the less they'll want to pull you into their world."

Before Nate could respond, Professor Jodi stepped forward, her expression once again turning to stone. "That's enough for now, Nathaniel. I believe you have more pressing things to tend to. Rest assured, we will revisit this when you're ready."

Nate stood, bowing his head in thanks before leaving the office.